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Everything posted by Beec

  1. He seems like he is immature and has some growing up to do. However, the bees and flies will chase that honey once they have had a taste of it and want more. Good analogy Eva even if it is heard often, it works. Give him taste of honey, then take it away and make him chase it. In this case, let him know that he made you feel bad and that you don't expect that to happen anymore. And make sure he knows that he needs to always, ALWAYS, do what is in the best interests of his and your family. That's what a good man, father and husband is supposed to do, as is a good woman, wife and mother.
  2. OK, first insecure does not work well to keep relationships strong. Insecurities are all about being scared, and relationships work well when we have courage. I am and have been with one woman for quite a while, but I still enjoy when I see another woman paying attention to me. I won't do anything with her, but I still like it. For the rest of your life you will like it when a man finds you attractive, and that's not a bad thing. Think about how this could have been handled instead of threatenting him? How about if you had told him that if he told her or let you meet her, you would really make him feel special. It would be you sticking your neck out a bit more and it would require courage, but it is so much more effective than the passive aggressive tactic you choose. For right now, tell him you do not want to talk about it any more, that you just want him to see him and you miss him. Give him love, not passive aggression, and he'll be there for you. Then when he is, then you bring the hammer down. And you tell him what he should and should not do to make you feel special, loved, etc. But you do that by being a little aloof and withdrawing. By letting him know that he needs to be a man and to do what is in your best interests and to make you feel the way you should.
  3. If he took the ring back and asked you to marry him, didn't he propose? Anyway, I had an agreement much like you did. We spoke about it and agreed and picked a date, even put a deposit down for the reception. However, I knew she wanted me to ask, and made a point that I had not yet. And I knew that was what she wanted, and kept putting it off until I could do it how I wanted to. In this case however, he does seem to ahve asked, jsut not how you wanted, and it's also seems that you did not tell him you wanted a real proposal. I think you can be a little disappointed, but i also think you need to keep your focus on the idea that this man, who you love and loves you, wants to marry you.
  4. I think it's ok to meet someone at night, provided it's in a public place. I did meet women and take them out to dinner. However, Batya33 is otherwise on for men or women. A couple emails, a telephone conversation and meet. I skipped the telephone with a few women, when they wanted to do so. If they are not serious about meeting, you are wasting your time. I'd also say that a woman talking too soon about future plans and setting out where we would be at anytime in the future had me running. It's great if you see us together, but don't start talking about planning anything in the future.
  5. No double dates, not yet, not until it begins to become a relationship.
  6. Actually, the man that gets sex too quickly will normally consider that woman good for that ngiht of sex and little else. She is not sufficiently selective and in control of her sexual urges to be considered worthy of being a mate for life. Men are wired to think she is more likely to cheat, if we want to admit that or not. The woman who waits until you are both emotionally invovled she has a chance of being faithful.
  7. Maybe, but I'd bet it works such that plenty of people on match date to date and see if something serious happens. I know there are men and women on line fine with and looking to do that, but there have to be men and women looking for more. Of course, one of the tests guys impose on women is the sex test. Have it too soon with us, and you are not worth any serious.
  8. Wow, a few years ago I met a few women on link removed, all Jan 2003 or so or earlier and did not have the experience. I met a number once and never saw them again, because I was not interested. But of the ones i saw more than once, there was not a one that I slept with within 2 dates.
  9. A court should allow for some form of substituted service.
  10. You need legal help, a lawyer, and you need to ask one what you can do to get some rights, such as visitation and some custody of your kids.
  11. Not necessarily, and are your buddies to be believed? I have not been on in a few years, but when I was I met and dated women without hooking up in one of two dates.
  12. I think you've seen and feel the stress that this is imposing on your marriage and life. Your husband probably does not feel it as much and feels that he should take care fo his friends. This friend would probably be much less of a burden if he helped more and showed appreciation, but telling him to do so should not be needed. I think you need to keep reinforcing the message you gave your husband. Think about it and put a date on it. I would give him a couple months. That seems like a while, but it's tough to tell someone they will be homeless in less than a month or so.
  13. When you feel you are redy for it an want it, let her know that when she is ready, you will be, and then don't push her. I've found this to be the quickest path to the bedroom.
  14. Your biggest issue is and is going to be, can you trust her. If you feel you might be able to trust her in the future, then you can think about continuing to see her. If you won't be able to, end it.
  15. Well, somebody has to or should give out some good details. You make good comments too. The massage has never failed me as an avenue into good sex. It is all about focusing on someone making another feel good and paying attention to their body. It's not just sex, it's sensual. And the details, well, I think Box Diver would need to take it there if he wants to do some box diving.
  16. Aloof does not mean indifferent. It just means you not seeming to be influenced by what they do. You remain, or appear to remain, cool, calm, confident, happy. No lavishing them with attention, not being clingy, not seeming to be needy. You seem like you've done ok with your reaction. Nice job.
  17. Any man I know with SENSE does something for a woman on Valentines Day or discusses it with her beforehand. No either he has no sense or is too cheap. I won't tell you that you should dump him, but he should feel at least a little wrath.
  18. Thanks, I think. We should all try to understnad our partners pretty well. Shouldn't we? It makes keeping them happy much easier. If I spent a half and hour or more rubbing and paying attention to her body, I think that very act, and what would probably be my obviously excited state would be showing her more than a little flattery. I think Dilly is telling us that a guy who did that for her would probably make her pretty happy.
  19. He probably knows you have feelings, but you should act like what he told you does not bother you. In oher words, be aloof from this comment. We go for those men and women who give us emotional fulfillment, show us appreciation, pay attention, make us feel special, AND WHO REMAIN ALOOF AND INDEPENDENT, they don't become needy or clingy. Be aloof.
  20. I think you have a few choices here. First, it seems as if she will try nothing so all you have ever done with her is missionary, is that correct? Your choices become simple: one, leave, because sex and enjoying her body and her enjoying your attention is so important to you and that you cannot have things as they are, leave (this might be an option to take at some time); two, accept things, you love her, live without; or three, try to get in her head. I have known women who never wanted anythign else done to them, but once you convince them to do something else and they enjoy it, WOW. The problem is as you know convincing them. And mere logic and conversation on your part, is probably not going to work. So what might? Gosh, that's one I simply don't know. It depends on her. If I had an idea that just might work with her, I'd begin with a massage, and try to have a somewhat indirect approach. I know of no woman that I have ever given a decent massage to who has not really enjoyed it, and I know darn well that I could get her naked, and me using my fingers and hands close to the areas that matter, and breathing on them, etc. and teasing her. When I had her really excited, I'd probably seek to have her prone with her legs softly breathing on and certainly looking at her genitals from the rear. If I had her really excited, I might try something to get her off, and if she stopped me, I'd probably up and just stop, and not let her have any sex in her excited state. But she would have been well-massaged before I got to that point.
  21. OK, first, since he has a girlfriend, don't do anything to indicate how you feel about him. Telling him you like him or have any other feelings for him is not going to help you get him. Second, understand he might have been flirting with you, and he might be interested, just not interested enough yet to dump his current girlfriend. Don't wait around for him, but don't stop flirting with him from time to time. Just turn the flirting on and off, and on and off. Third, guys are not that hard to figure out. Spend some time reading and working on it. It shoudlpay dividends. Need suggestions, ask. You'll find someone. It took me until 39 to find someone that i hope is permanent. It also took me until 38 before I began thinking I needed to figure things out.
  22. First, you can change yourself, and you should at times, but only if you want to. Never think you cannot improve. We all can and should. Second, the second sentence I quoted may be key. You want to be respected. We all do, but the way you wrote about it it makes me think one of two things may be going on, and mostly only the former. Are you seeking the approval and respect of others? When I truly stopped caring what others thought about me, I quickly found that more and more people liked me, and I didn't know why but it worked. Do you care too much about what 'they' think? Also, I think a lot of fights between guys occur, or even any type of incident occurs, because we are often on the look out for being disrespected. Anything that can be a slight can make us feel like challenging it. It's really not healthy, but we have all done it. You can pm me anytime, if you want.
  23. Next time you talk with her, ask her out. Do not delay or you will seem wishy washy or as if you are chicken and she will, eventually, lose interest. Have your short conversation, at the end smile and tell her you enjoy talking with her, or something like that. See how she reacts to that comment. If well, suggest that maybe the two of you should do it more often, or something like it. If she reacts well, ask her out or at least for her number. It would be better if you just ask her out and have a plan in mind. My plan would include allowing her to meet you someplace, it might let her feel safer. Be ready to give her your number or email.
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