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Everything posted by thatguy04

  1. I know how you feel, I wont be able to see the girl I like for 2 weeks, and its gonna hurt. But dont just think about the bad things in life over the holidays. Think of all the good things in life and all the good times you've had. Hope you have a merry xmas and a happy new year
  2. Yes, try looking at it in different point of views. Maybe she left the room and forgot to tell you. Or maybe she has a problem with her computer. Who knows. Talk to her about it.
  3. Sorry, cant help you here, for you see, I have the same problem . Hope things work out for the best for you though, and Merry X-mas and a happy New Year to all
  4. Well, its obvious he likes you. Try flirting with him a bit and see what happens. Hope things work out for the best, and happy holidays .
  5. hotlips, I know how you feel, except I'm a guy, and I really, really like this girl (see just about any of my posts) and I'm really pissed at myself, cause like you, I'm really shy, but even worse, I havent even told her how I feel yet, and I've known her for about 2 years . As for you, you shouldnt worry too much about telling him how you feel. Most guys like it when a girl tells them how they feel .
  6. Usually, guys like that are just slow, and it takes them 6 months to realize what they did and what a great girl they had. Or if there guys like me, they just hide there feelings so that no one feels bad for them, but later, they cant take it anymore and spill out there feelings. As for the "as soon as you are over them, they come back" thing, I think thats just a coincidence.
  7. Well, for one thing, in order to end the silence, you need to say something. Try saying more hellos and howdoyados to her. Or, you can also try bringing up small things to start up a conversation. For example, complement her on something like her hair or dress, see what she says and try to keep the speech flowing. And besides, if you dont get a big conversation going, you can atleast know that its a win-win situation. You make her day by complementing her, and you are left knowing you atleast spoke to her. Hope things work out for the best for you.
  8. As some of you may know, I really like this girl in my school that I have known as a good friend since 7th grade (see about any of my topics, the girl in them is this same one.) I dont like it, I'm thinking about her almost every instant, and when I see her, its almost as if I like her even more (whats going on?). Sometimes, I get these feelings that she may feel the same way about me also, but I'm not certain (almost all the time she looks in my general direction, she gives me a warm comforting smile, she does some small flirty things around me, and she treats me differently compared to other guys.) Should I try my best to not think of her in a romantic point of view and just stay good friends, or try to find a way to get her into my embrace? Any tips and advice in general would be very helpful and appreciated . (just a small note, yes i do find her to be near godly perfection, shes the dream girl i have been waiting for all my life. shes beautiful, smart, kind, thoughtful, funny, fun to be with, and more . Shes so great, ive even seen some people i know hitting on her, and they dont even know her name .) sry, that last comment was just random ramblings.
  9. Its hard to tell when the right time is, let your gut do the thinking when it comes to this. You will know when the right time is.
  10. Try doing public group activities like volunteer work. You get to meet new people and help out the community. You win either way. And like everyone else said, here on this site you are NOT alone. So keep in touch with the site, we can all help you as much as possible.
  11. I understand what you mean, some sarcastic people can be a bit harsh at times. However, most people cant help it, its just who they are. In some cases, people get sarcastic when they are really annoyed or pissed, I know I do, and sometimes I kinda feel bad for being so sarcastic afterwards. And dont feel stupid for asking, I dont even know why some people get sarcastic at times, and I know some sarcastic remarks can hurt.
  12. Well, I wouldnt say you were being rejected so soon. Depending on what you wrote in the poem, she could have taken it differently. She probably just couldnt find the words to say in responce to the poem. Or maybe she just found it flattering and all, but she doesnt feel the same way you do.
  13. Try finding someone thats worth staying with, and wont hurt you like that guy did. Keep in touch with the site, were here to help as much as we can .
  14. enadevoli is right. You may not want to be with him, since he will also be with other girls. Try finding another guy that can stay with one girl, and be commited to you.
  15. Woah, small world, isnt it? I feel like I'm in the same situation as most of you as well. I've started liking my female friend more than a friend. tvu123 gives some very good advice. Don't just say how you feel out of nowere and quickly. Slowly, show her how you feel, and when the right time comes, tell her how you feel the right way. Trust me, it works, and you know what. My friend has started getting closer to me because of this . However, I still havent had the guts to tell her how I feel . But someday, I will, as all of us will . And rusty_boi, hope things work out for the best for ya.
  16. Do you know what got him started in smoking (i.e. stress, pressure, etc.)? Because you may also want to find the source of the problem that started this whole thing. For example, suppose he had alot of stress. Talk to him and tell him of the different ways of releaving stress besides drugs. Hope things work out for the best.
  17. I dont find it weird at all, I think those people that consider it weird are the weird ones. It doesnt matter who you are, when your in love. Just dont listen to what people say. (I do kinda find it weird though that in my school, its the other way around. Theres a mexican guy that likes this white girl. Just thought it was a weird coincidence since you brought it up )
  18. Cool, you wrote music dedicated to her? What kind of music is it(for guitar, bass, piano, etc.)? Cause that would be cool if you did something, like whipped out your guitar and played the song for her in person one day. Then again, that sounds pretty daring . Most of the time though, girls find it very nice when a guy does something original like that. Eventually, you should do something with the music, because you will regret it, and the music will end up gathering dust in the corner of your room, doing nothing. Hope things work out for the best for ya.
  19. Well, to me it depends on who you are. Some people like the feeling of loving and to be loved. Others are afraid to love, because of rejection or other reasons. To me, I find it better to have loved, because its a great feeling, even though it did have its downside *cough*rejection*cough* . But it was nice while it lasted
  20. Cool, a trip to asia sounds nice. Hope you two have a great time . Oh right, back to the question. All I can say is that a good homemade present should be original, from scratch, and something that matches the guys personality. Ex. suppose he likes the color blue and favors poetry. Well, make a nice original poem on blue paper, or something like that. Homemade presents are usually better than storebought like avman said.
  21. Akatoro is right, go get her while you can. It may just be the random love orientated music on my computer speaking 8) , but its obvious the two of you were ment to be together in some way .
  22. Well, most guys, including the shy type, like it alot when they find out a girl likes them. Try telling him in some way that you like him. Hope things work out good for the both of you
  23. Wow, good job happy for ya . Try bringing up the subject to her during a conversation, and try to lead on to the fact that the two of you would be great together.
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