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Everything posted by thatguy04

  1. Maybe there is someone else, you never know.
  2. You should answer the call, if you havent already. See what she has to say, like max said, she may want to apologize to you.
  3. Babygirlbrit is right, be there for her. And, I dont think worrying for a friends sake is idiotic, thats a nice thing. Just dont stress yourself out to much, cause that can be bad also.
  4. In my opinion, I think friends can fall in love. Infact, most love relationships start out with the couple being good friends first. And now that I think of it, I have a crush on one of my female friends, so I think I'm in the same situation as you are as well. Just whatever you do, stay good friends with this girl you like, even if the both of you end up being lovers.
  5. Hey, this sounds better than the last post you put up about her "eww" statement. Sounds like she likes you . Like most everyone has said, try to get to know her better. If you arent already a good friend of hers, become one, so you can also be close to her. Hope your love life gets straightened out asap.
  6. Just a random reader randomly saying his random thoughts. Cant a guy "ooze" confidence and be a nice guy also ? I find myself to be one of those guys, but I still find these selfish, bad, evil peoples taking all the women. What else is it that a woman finds so attractive in these guys? I know its not just the "excitement" or the oozingness. Theres something else that was neglected to be said that i wish to know.
  7. As a fellow christian, I must say that I am pretty certain happieness is not a sin, unless it is achieved in sinful ways, i.e. drinking, smoking, plentiful amounts of sex, etc, which brings up another point. What do you find as achieving happiness? I am also sure that as long as you keep being a good christian and make God proud, you can also be happy . (just a side note, I found it odd that all of us have final fantasy 7 characters, barret, cait sith, and cloud)
  8. From experience, you should always start off with an honest compliment. It starts most girls off in a good mood, and it will give them a reason to talk to you, making both you and the girl happy. Just whatever you say, dont let it involve something like "Nice rack ".
  9. Thx guys, I'll be sure to remember this advice next time I see her and when I'm able to talk to her about the subject.
  10. About the acne, just incase you still wish to be rid of it asap, look up your local dermatologist. They did wonders on my acne. And also, wash your face about 3x a day, but like secret_agent_man said, dont overdo anything to your face, it can cause irritation and/or even more skin irritations. Cheers, to good health and clear skin
  11. As previous posts of mine would say, I really like this girl I know. She and I are pretty good friends, but I dont know if she really knows how I feel, or if she feels the way I do. I want to tell her, but I also want to stay good friends with her. I fear that if I tell her, It could affect our friendship. Can someone please tell me how I can tell her without the devastating effects of hurt friendship or rejection?
  12. I agree with all the opinions on love here. As for a personal experience, my first contact with "love" gave me tingly feelings inside and irrational thoughts. I thought I was going crazy and didnt realize I was in love for about a year . That took me a while, but thats because I usually try to think things out before listening to my heart, and I'm not sure thats a good or bad thing. Just hope you find out what you need to find out on this odd subject we people call love.
  13. Wow, I know how you feel too. I know this great girl, but I don't know how to tell her how I feel about her without hurting our friendship. But like zeldaster said, eventually your either going to tell her how you feel, or keep it to yourself. Eventually, you should tell her somehow, because if you dont, it will usually end up in regret.
  14. Hey, I'm kinda in the same situation, except I'm the guy in there. What most guys like (myself included) is for a girl to be open and honest with her feelings. It doesnt matter that theres "a line" for him, cut in line and tell him how you feel, before the other gal pals get a piece of him.
  15. Ok, I'll remember that when she does something out of the ordinary, especially if its directed to my attention .
  16. Acting a little silly around her wont be that hard, seeing that shes usually playful and/or happy-go-lucky.
  17. Theres this girl that I like, and I notice that she acts differently around me compared to the other guys she hangs out with. Sometimes she'll give me common flirting signs like eye contact or her body leaning a bit towards mine. But this one time, she did something weird. After a club meeting we both went outside the school, were we both were waiting for our rides home. While we were waiting, she just out of nowhere brings up the fact she has a hole in her skirt, and shows it to me. The gesture caught me off guard, because I was the only person she showed the notorious hole to, and I'm pretty sure girls dont just show holes in there clothes on a regular basis to guys . Is she trying to tell me something, or am I just taking the subject a bit far?
  18. thatguy04


    Well, thats good to here, cause my hair is untameable, and I personally dont like using gel, so I casually look like that all the time
  19. Ouch, I'm sorry, but I must agree with jayb1284, she probably doesnt like you. Or, shes very good at hiding her feelings, and you need to find a way to see how she really feels. Hope things work out good for you.
  20. thatguy04


    After reading this, I got a bit curious. Do girls like or dislike chaotic hair, because my hair is always crazy(without gel), and you could swear it came straight from an anime. I barely brush it and its always natually like that, chaotic and crazy.
  21. Finding another male role model will be hard, because when my dad lived with us, he was the rolemolel. It will be hard find ing another. As for what kind of girl to find, there is a girl I like, and she is beautiful, smart, funny, kindhearted, playful, happy go lucky, positive, etc. I think thats why I like her.
  22. Well, I do like her. The thing is shes a really good friend, and I'm just afraid of affecting our friendship by telling her how I feel.
  23. Thanks, your right though. The "stage", as some would say, that I'm going through hit me in the face pretty fast, so I actually will need a bit of guidance The sucky thing though, is that my parents are divorced, and my only sibling is my older sister, so I can't get any close family advice from a man, only women.
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