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Everything posted by thatguy04

  1. *Sigh, the girl for me would be one of my great friends in my classes, with her great looks, great body, soft lucious skin, her warm smiles, her beautiful hair, her kindness and care for others, her seductive nature, her fashion sense, her flirty moves, her fun and happy additude for life, oh man I cant stop thinking about her and her endless attributes now ...
  2. Well for turn offs, I really dont like a girl that is very, how should I put this, wh*re like, where she cant stay with one guy for more than 5 seconds and/or literally well looks like one too (drug users are major turn offs too). As for turn ons, I like it when a girl shows she cares for me, give me a hug or kiss once in a while, its nice .
  3. Well, today during one of my classes, one of my friends(female) did something odd. We were sitting in front of each other, doing our work as usuall, and then all of a sudden, I feel something under my desk. Maybe it was just me, but that something looked and felt like her legs and feet. Her movents under the desk lasted for about an hour (I guess you could say I contributed to the hour, I went along with it ) Within the little fun we had (you could say), there was an odd moment were her leg went up mine, and got pretty close to a certain area . Although some of you may know of my crush, this girl isnt the one(read my previous posts), but she is a friend of hers, and I guess you could say I like her a bit too.(And if you go back a year, I can tell you a story were the two of them fought over me, but thats a different story ) I just thought the whole thing was a bit odd and was wondering what could of gone through her mind to do this.
  4. Oh theres barely any discrimination in school, if anything once in a while you will here a joke or two, but thats it, jokes. And your right, it is pretty stupid, why cant we all just get along?
  5. Hmm, well no one ever really brought it up before, but the family reunions were confusing (I lost track of alot of my relatives and who I am as a family member). As for were I live, its like a bag of gourmet jelly beans, with one handful, you can get so many flavors. In this case, within a small area you can find so many cultures. I mean, give my neighbors for example. On one side there white. In another, there spanish. And in another, there african. And in my house, well you know the case . (and actually my parents met in NY, so I'm not too sure as to how people view it in FL, let alone up there)
  6. Wow, odd...well atleast your not blood related, cause then that would be really odd(wow, what are the odds...)
  7. Ya, thats what I ment when I said I was confused, I'm not used to the racial steriotyping. In florida, its so culturally mixed, you kinda get the feel of being one with the world, and just cant mess with people because of who they are. Especially were I was born, in Miami. You could say I'm the son of a caucasian/native american father and filipino/spanish mother, and was raised as a latin boy in my childhood, with the influence of judaism and europeans with my original religion being christianity.(all this true). But today, I'm generally raised as a filipino. Its all good .
  8. Well, for one thing, be yourself. Dont live out a lie, just do what comes natural to you. Another thing, be friends with the girls you like, thats always a nice thing to do first. But even then, your 15. Dont rush into these things. Besides, high school relations usually end up in heartbreak when you have to split up because the two of you are going off to different colleges. Hope you find the one someday though 8) .
  9. Hello Brass, I too have been in this predicament. I had to move away from my life long friends as well (known them since pre-k ) But if the move is manditory, it doesnt mean you will be deserting your friends. I still keep contact with my good pals via phone and internet. If you must go, just keep in contact with the ones you care for.
  10. thatguy04


    Ya, lol kinda slow of me, I just realized that . But actually in general, I'm also just curious about other girls opinions, do they actually like the anime look, or normal everyday look?
  11. thatguy04


    If its ok, I'd like to add a question to this topic: Do girls like or dislike hair that looks like it came out of an anime? Cause my hair is usually all over the place, but in an orderly chaos (does that make sense?) And, I dont use gel and my hair is very clean and soft (infact, some girls just outa nowere feel my hair and say its so nice and soft and nifty.)
  12. Ya, as a guy, I dont do that very often, but when I do, its becuase I'm usually confused about my emotions and dont know how to express myself, so I want to be alone to straighten things out in my head.
  13. Yes, Silversun is right about that, I agree. Just give the world a more positive outlook, think about all the positive things, and you life will seem much better, and one day that girl may come into your life and make your life even better . The best of luck to you mjctraider.
  14. Hmm, well if you havent told him how you feel about this already, do so. I'm sure doing this would make him a happy guy. Hope things work out for the both of you.
  15. Thanks for the advice guys. Well, she already knows about the current situation with her friends and I, she thinks its just a bit silly. As for her flirty friend, its not too bad, just a bit repetative and odd, so its ok I guess, and she doesnt do it too often now anyway 8) . (and your right XxXCherryliciousXxX, the killer of the two doesnt have a boyfriend, but now that I think about it, they are all single)
  16. Well see, theres this girl I like (many of you know this) but theres something that scares me more than rejection if she doesnt like me: her friends. She has these two friends that scare me, one wants me dead (no reason), and the other keeps saying "I love you" and is really flirty (she says shes just playing around though). You could say that I'm sorta there friends, not the best of friends however. Ok, now for the questions. Do you think these two girls can effect my chances with the girl I like, and if so, how can I deal with these two?
  17. Its ok, just try to find another woman to fill your life up.
  18. Wow, this is odd. I dont know how to respond to this post, but I'll try. For all the questions I must say that for me, I can really say anything, cause I hang with and know people from all over the world. I know blacks, whites, indians, hindus, muslims, jews, mixes, chinese, japanese, filipino, spanish, etc. So for me, I'm comfortable with everyone, and if someone has a problem with that, then tuff luck.
  19. Well personally, I think its ok that you admire your cousins attributes, but like Nifty_Swifty1 said, try finding someone else. I dont think being with her would help, try having some away time from her and try finding other women not related to you. Hope this helps.
  20. Lets see, if this offends anyone, I apologize in advance, SORRY 1. My mom 2. My sister 3. My niece 4. The teletubbies 5. Flagrant homosexuals 6. Not being able to breath 7. Public toilets 8. Tape worms 9. Hook worms 10. Big tests And ya, thats about it
  21. There are several ways to stop smoking. Here are some things you can do: get a good hobbie, try therapy, do something often (read, play a game, hang out with friends), visit family, find another addiction, etc. There are more ways, but I cant put it all down here . Try to quit when you can, yes it does cause stress and death, the sooner u quit the better. But you can also try the patches and the gum, what could it hurt?
  22. Ya, go for it, what do you have to lose. Besides, it sounds like the guy has a big thing for ya .
  23. Yes, follow alot of the things mentioned here. Also, listen to your "gut". Its usually right about most things.
  24. Keep being nice to her, who knows, maybe she'll come to like you, its whats inside that counts. Hope things work out for ya.
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