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Everything posted by thatguy04

  1. Good job . Like most people have said though, in good time, you will find the one, so just keep looking, and one day you will find that special someone.
  2. Good job, the reason you feel that way in the end is probably because now you think of her as a very close friend over having an infatuation for her. When she leaves you, your heart probably just yearns for her company, it just looks like you enjoy being with her, as a cousin and a friend. If you still have feelings for her in ways as you previously posted, I still recommend finding another woman to fill that gap, but still enjoy your company with your cousin, be good friends with her, its an uncanny bond not seen by many cousins, and thats a good thing.
  3. Well, one of my "groupies" (see link removed ) is starting to like me a bit more, which I find odd. She loves to pet me, poke me, and talk to me. Infact, she was the one that started the whole I'm a "teddy bear/puppy dog" (see link removed again) thing that got my "groupies" doing things also. My friends even think she has a thing for me, but I have my doubts, she usually just likes petting my hair and saying how its so fun. Here are also some bits of conversation we would have (note, I dont want to reveil either of our names, so my name will be "Bob" and hers will be "Sue"): Sue: All Bobs scare me. Bob: My names Bob, do I scare you? Sue: No, your different, you amuse me . Bob: Oh my -other bit- Bob: Well, I'm gonna get a haircut this weekend. Sue: Why? I like your hair, keep it that way Bob: Dont worry, It'll grow back Sue: -last bit to post- Sue: *pokes and pets Bob* Your so pettable and pokeable, your like a puppy dog . Random friend: Aww, Bob and Sue Sue: I'm sure its nothing though, just kinda odd.
  4. Np, its all good, and like I said, opinions welcome, so if anything, your helping. Which is something I would like to know, any suggestions on different words for tree, cause your right, it was used too much, and I dont really like repeating things too much. If you want, I have another poem on this site you could read. Do you have any poems on the site? Seeing your a poet in the making, I'd be interested in seeing some of your poetry .
  5. Although its not for an assignment, my mind has gone through a phase that makes me want to write poems, and I find joy in doing so. Any opinions and/or suggestions are welcome. Do you see the tree growing over there? The one with the red beautiful flowers Giving off it's aroma in the air Its scent resembling the love that is ours. Our love shall grow as strong as the tree Blossoming beautiful flowers all 'round With its leaves dancing in the wind so free Along with red petals on the ground. But with each great trees life comes its demise Rotting away from our beholding eyes But then our gazes shall lift to the skies In which then both our souls shall realize No tree on earth can represent our love For it will grow beyond the skies above.
  6. I'll keep that in mind, meanwhile, any opinons still welcome.
  7. Kinda weird, and I dont know why, (and I dont really think they are actuall groupies), but recently, a few friends of the opposite sex have been doing weird things around me. They love to poke me, hug me, and pet me. They call me there puppy dog, or there teddy bear, they tell me they just love doing these things to either annoy me or just because its fun for them (one or two of them even jokingly said they loved me, what do I have that makes them do this?). I mean, its not to bad, a little annoying and repetitive, but do any of you have any ideas as to how I should deal with the situation?
  8. Well, to be honest, I havent told the girl yet, and we really havent been in a relationship except as good friends, I just have a crush you could say on her. I will tell her soon though, really .
  9. Thank you, its nice to hear someone likes it . I just hope my teacher feels somewhat the same way.
  10. Although I wrote this for my class, it was kinda inspired by a girl I know, and some of you may of heard of as well: Summer's Day and Winter's Night Do you wish to know how my heart feels now? It always feels for you in deep warm ways. But do you really want to find out how? Then hear, this is all my heart has to say To me you're my summer day's rising sun With your burning light making things brighter And making my whole day able to run Because my stress and worries are lighter But with each sunrise must come a sunset And when it comes, things become much colder For with summer's day, winter's night is met And the dark and cold become much bolder So if you were to take my summer's light Then I'd be left in winter's dark cold night
  11. Just curious (as always), but is there some natural way of speeding the growth of facial hair naturaly? If so, do go ahead and post your thoughts, thx .
  12. Hmm, well if she loves you as much as you love her, then you should one day sit her down and set things straight. Get it through her head that her paranoia is hurting your relationship with her, especially since you arent doing these things she accuses you of doing. Make her realize that your not her ex, and that not all guys are like that, make sure she understands who YOU are and how YOU feel about her and how YOU would never do such things to hurt her. I hope things work out for you guys.
  13. Harsh, did you try getting different family opinions to go against your dads?
  14. Well, it seems pretty obvious he's trying to tell you something if he wanted to talk so badly and if he sent you the v-day e-card. Maybe you should read it if you havent already, see what he has to say. Good to hear that you had a good valentines day (NYC, nice), hope things get straightened out between you and your ex.
  15. Have you told him any of what you have just posted? If he does love you, the least he can do is hear you out and try to accomidate you needs. Hope things work out for you.
  16. Well, the rose idea sounds nifty. Make it anonymous so that she will be thinking of who sent her the rose. If shes thinking about you, interesting things may happen . Good luck, hope things work out for you.
  17. Wow, what are the odds, I feel exactly like you do, and if your name is Michael, then, well, mine is too . My parents have always bugged about my acne too. I just try to ignore them, cause like you said, there just lowering my confidence. Try not to think about the bad things like acne, only think of good things. Let your inner beauty and cool personality be your charm, and if you really want to get rid of the acne, try Proactive, its helping me out. And ya, I'm without a girl for valentines day too, so I'm basically in your situation. Just remember, think positive as much as you can.
  18. Well, I consider my girlfriends friends the same. And for all friends, I consider them all family (i.e. if someone asked me how many brothers and/or sisters I have, I would first ask do I include my friends?)
  19. Well by the way she answered, she could be happy that you asked her, but like FairyWings24 said, ask her directly, and make sure you get a direct answer, what do you have to lose?
  20. For me, to get my mood up, I sleep, listen to music, or either go on or think of adventures(heh, that probably comes from my rpg gaming habbit)
  21. Well, this may seem a bit odd, but try to think of very sick and disturbing thoughts, like places you least want your genetillia to go to, like in another guy or in a pit of lava. That should do the trick.
  22. Well, any gift from a girlfriend would be sweet. The one you are making sounds very nice, sounds like it will take a good amount of work. I'm sure whoever the lucky guy is will more than appreciate this creative gift, and follow the guideline .
  23. To me, a gift is a gift, as long as it was givin with love and care. Yes flowers are pretty feminine to most guys, but there ok as long as they were as I said, givin with love and care. (If it were something way rediculous like a vibrator, then thats just sick and disturbing, but thats besides the point.)
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