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Everything posted by thatguy04

  1. This is probably really cliche, but I say trust what your heart feels about the situation. Give some thought on where your friends actually stand as "friends". (Was she there for me? What does she show as a good "friend"?, etc.). If you find that its worth it, I say try, try again. If you haven't done it already, keep trying to find a time to confront your friend and talk with her. Tell her everything you can, push her to the point were she can see the pointlessness of the silly argument between friends. If then you are stressed to the point of seeing the pointlessness of your effort to save a friendship, then you are probably right, maybe she is'nt that good of a friend. But if (I hope it doesnt come to this) she is seen as not a good friend, that can't stop you from being a good aquaintence. I hope this helps a bit, and good luck with the situation.
  2. Well, I can try to help, seeing as my parents have also been recently divorced. I too know that it isnt easy having your parents separated for a good amount of time. What I try to do to not remember anything painful or to just feel better is just plain hang out with good friends, talk to family, and in my case, go to church and vent if I need to. I hope your friend feels better soon, I know how she feels.
  3. Hmm, these are some nice tips I'll have to remember . Seriously though, most of these people are right. Don't go after this girl, who even if she does go for you, she will just be a rebound. Best tips I have heard so far that I want to say again would be just be yourself, keep yourself tidy and clean, and go find yourself the right girl (which is most likely not this one)
  4. Cool poem, really deep. If you have more, I plan to read them, good job.
  5. I was trying to avoid that, but coolkiss has a good point, most men that age should'nt be around girls your age. But I probably avoided it because like you, I had my experience, except it wasn't from first hand, but my parents. They have a large age difference like you and your guy friend, but then again, they didn't meet around your time. Still though, I say good luck with the situation.
  6. Well, personally, I don't see any big problems with this situation, as you two seem happy together, and the people around you don't seem too negative on the subject either. I say go with it, see what happens. I'm sure the two of you will be just fine together. However, as your sister may have said to you, still be careful. I don't think he is the kind of guy to do this, but most guys around that age with girls younger than they are tend to do things....But like I said, I doubt he would anyway . Good luck with the relationship.
  7. Well no matter what anyone says (or doesn't say in this case ) you should never give up something you really like, like your poetry.
  8. No problem, and I'm sure others have similar thoughts about your poem, they just don't know how to put it down in post form.
  9. Aww, that was sweet . Any others you have made before?
  10. Well obviously from the words, I say you could make a title around Dark Nights or something like that, but I'm pretty sure you already thought of something like that.
  11. thatguy04

    nice guy

    Wow, you sound just like a friend I have. He's really interested mostly (if not only) into picking up girls. However, those girls only see him as a 'nice guy' or a 'good friend', and he doesn't like it. This is what I tell him (which is also probably some stuff people on this post have already said ): "Don't make up a personality, just be yourself. And all relationships usually start as good friendships, so let it grow from their. And if you are a nice guy, use it to your advantage . And don't worry if you don't pick up any girls yet, you still have your college years (I don't know if this applies to you )"
  12. Well, I think if you find any person, professional or not to talk to, that would be great, seeing as you said you have few people to talk to besides your boyfriend. If it comes to it, going to a therapist would'nt be a bad idea as has been said. And I'm not sure books can help much, since its a people thing. So basically, find someone to talk to, someone to "lean on" besides your boyfriend, and things should be aok .
  13. As said before, really good looking girls tend to depend on their looks alot. This could cause isolation from some (i.e. those "unworthy", those too shy to talk to them, etc.) Because of the isolation, they are not so used to talking to guys like yourself, making them shy. (All this I'm guessing though, so I'm not so sure )
  14. Well in cases like this, first see what it was exactly that you did wrong that one other date. When you do, all you need to do is find a way to fix that problem so it won't happen again. For example, suppose you forget to bring enough money for a good night out. Well then just bring some more money 8) . Besides that, go for it, you already know she could say yes. And no worries, theres nothing to lose .
  15. Well, maybe you are right about seeing it as a bit silly. I had something like this happen to me before, but I'm still the best of friends with her. Seeing as you two are really good friends, I dont think he wants to avoid you. He may have taken it as a surprise, but i dont think any real damage has been done. You don't have to bring it up again, but if he does, don't worry too much about it. And look at the bright side, you took something like that off your chest, which is a pretty good feat, since some people are really afraid to tell the person they like how they feel . All in all, I'm positive you did'nt screw anything up .
  16. As said, talking to the guy is a great thing to do, even a simple hello will do. Most guys (myself included ) love it when a girl wants to start up a conversation with him, even if the guy is shy. And even if your too shy to talk to him, just stay close to him, give him small signs of liking towards his general direction .
  17. Great poem, alot of emotion too.
  18. Although I'm not a girl, I personally think its better you tell them that if its true, because its probably better than telling them "Oh ya, I've had girlfriends in the past...." cause then they may think things like 'What if I end up like one of his girlfriends,' or 'I dont think I can trust him if he had 'past' girlfriends'. But then again, it doesnt really matter as long as you show yourself as the great guy you can be .
  19. The most common signals I can think of coming from a shy girl would be blushing, smiling, and/or looking away after looking for or at you. But like bleeder said, if you 'beat around the bush', chances are you won't see any signs. What kind of signals do you give her? If they're simple, try something even more obvious, grasp her attention to the point were she knows. (not to put you hope down, but it could also be that she just doesn't have the same feelings you do) Good luck 8)
  20. Hmm, on the topic of muslim people (and other religions), I just realized that where i live, there are also many mixes in religion/race you would'nt expect, like one of my friends. I think he's Jamaican/Indian, no one knows exactly what he is at first (some just assume he's black), but when you talk to him, you learn about him (which is what we all should do first before making assumptions by looks, race, etc.). And the weird thing was that some like myself were'nt expecting him to be Hindu, which he is.
  21. Maybe its just me, but since I live down south near the borderline of the US (south FL), there isnt as much racial profiling as I hear in these posts. Personally, I too am a Filipinio mix like dablazndyme, except I'm Filipino/White(English,German,Sweed,etc.)/Native American. People actually ask me what I am and who my parents are, out of interest. The worst I hear are just jokes, no real hate (see my previous post on this topic)
  22. From what I know, Accutain is much better than Proactive (and now that I think of it, I have seen other unknown products challenging Proactive). However, Accutain is strictly perscription only by your dermatologist, and does have its side effects. But its worth it if you need it, and it does prevent scars from forming, and lessens some, if not all of the redness in your skin, if you have any.
  23. Wow, hmm, most of the girls I know have never appreciated any of the above (except the kissing, but only by guys they liked back )
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