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  1. Maybe this is just a little silly of me, but I think I screwed up my friendship with my best friend few months ago. We've been friends for quiet a long time and I have always liked him. I finally found the strength to tell him how I really feel, but he never told me anything back. He said he was very surprised because I covered it up the best I could for so long. He broke up with his girlfriend while ago, but he refuses to let go the relationship. He used to tell me everything that happened to him all the time, but now he is acting differently with me. I just wanted to express myself, but never meant to scare him away. Should I talk to him again about this? or Should I forget about it? It makes me really sad to think that he wants to back away from me... He has no idea how important he is for me and how happy I get everytime we talk or hang out together. Can somebody help me????? C'est la vie!
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