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Everything posted by Aurian

  1. Thanks Hope. Just an update. I fell asleep shortly after posting, and tried to go to work today. I was still dizzy though and shaking a bit so they sent me home - my mom drove me to the doctor's. The dizziness is starting to fade now, but my back is definitely messed up. The doctor says is soft-tissue damage and there isn't much I can do for now except ice it. *sigh* I just finally healed after my LAST rear-ending. I just told my chiropractor LAST WEEK that I thought I was better and didn't need to go anymore
  2. Thanks Ellie. I'm sure I can email my Mom and get her to drive me tomorrow if needed. She checks it every morning.
  3. Yeah, but its probably not the best idea for me to drive if I am feeling kinda off. I also live alone and don't have any friends within range to help me. Not to mention no phone. I don't feel comfortable asking my landlord to drive me unless it was something clearly serious. So I guess I'll try see the doctor in the morning when the office opens. Thanks for your concern though, it is appreciated. If I had the accident in the morning, I'd play it safe and get checked out by a doctor or clinic, but as it is, I don't think a bit of lightheadedness and achiness is enough of an emergency to warrent ER and asking people I don't know well to go out of their way to drive me, wait for me and drive me back.
  4. I meant, its too late because the office is closed It happened after work.
  5. Don't really have anyone to drive me, and don't think I am bad enough for an emergency. Even the bad accident I could still move okay, just hurt a lot all the time. And this one didn't have the same "impact." Kinda wondering if there is anything I can do myself though? Hot shower? Throw on icepacks on my back? Go to bed? Its not hurting yet - just a slight wooziness in my head and some new aches in my back.
  6. Perhaps you are putting on muscle while losing fat? Muscle is heavier so you could be losing fat while still weighing the same or more.
  7. Its too late to see a doctor (happened on my evening commute home). I am thinking I'd see how I am in the morning and take time off work to get the official checkup. Just feeling a bit woozy... (happened about an hour ago!) Thanks Ellie!
  8. Ugh! I got rear-ended AGAIN, making this the third time in 3 years. I am still not better from the whiplash injury from the LAST time (I was stopped at a traffic light. Big ol truck didn't notice red light or stopped car because he was busy yakking to his friend. Truck meets car @ 50km/h. Dislocated spine and ribs from the force of the whiplash). This time guy in front of me stopped abruptly. I stopped. Person behind me.... hits the accelerator. *BANG!* I'm scared that my back will act up again. It was finally getting better - my ribs and neck were finally "fixed" and my back was getting there. I'm already feeling a bit achy in my head, neck and back, and I am scared that they are damaged again. And I am scared that my insurance will refuse to help because I had settled for the LAST injury. Just a rant, I guess. Would appreciate some reassurance or tips to handle this...
  9. I second the motion for classes. I've been taking classes through my local community centre and they have all been 90-100% women! Yoga, kickboxing, cooking, art classes... Try going to your community centre or city hall and picking up a list of classes and see if any interest you. The ones outside of work hours for adults generally seem to have a lot of women 20-40 (older women tend to go on the weekend or during the day it seems).
  10. Still seem to be doing well. Its been 2 weeks and I have lost 10 pounds. I decided that the full South Beach diet was a bit too restrictive so I cut only the following: - Pepsi - Bread - Pasta - Crackers/cookies I still have dairy and fruit and eat all the lean meat and vegs I want. And the weight is just falling off. I am not hungry all the time either because my blood sugar is more stable. I also feel more satisfied and stop eating sooner as well. I think the biggie as far as calories go was the Pepsi - I loved that stuff and drank a lot. Suddenly I have about 500 calories less per day. I have tried to cut it before, but I got a lot of headaches and cravings the other times, so I think cutting down on the carbs and drinking sugarless flavored water makes the difference.
  11. Full on blazing lights are a bit scary, but have you tried candle-light? Its such a soft sexy glow and it shows enough to be sexy and let you see what's going on without showing every (imaginary?) inperfection.
  12. itsallgrand took the words out our mouths. We all like you Ren, so you can't be as bad as a person as you think you are. For me, its my first Christmas without my ex-husband. It feels kinda lonely sometimes. So I just kinda threw myself into things - became a member of the Christmas party organization committee at work, signed up for a bunch of classes, loaded up on video games and books I enjoy and looking forward to some time with my family. I still feel lonely at times - its hard when the who season seems to be about togetherness and love - but it is almost over, and I can look forward to spring and new opportunities again.
  13. I don't drink at all (personal preference, can't stand the taste), as do some other people I know, and we never get weird looks. Just get yourself a coke or some non-alcholholic drink and drink along with everyone else. If you feel the need to explain, just say you're the designated driver or something!
  14. Don't get too hung up on one thing, since his hints are pretty vague. Keep your mind open so you're surprised if its something else!
  15. That's the spirit! It is really hard and most of us have felt the pain of a heartbreak, but we're there for you.*hugs*
  16. I'm sure there are murderers waiting in bars too Not everyone has access to unattached single people their own age and online dating no longer has that kind of stigma attached to it. I read that about 40% of single people have tried online dating at any one time. Surely they are not all lonely sick perverts Generally people want to meet as soon as possible because online dating is only supposed to be a way to meet people, not have long ongoing online relationships. You want to meet up early on and see if you have any "real-life" chemistry and attraction and take things from there. However if someone seems to be too pushy and makes you feel uncomfortable, then you can ignore the email - that could be a sign. IMs are pretty innocent though - they are Instant Messages on the site itself that is just between the two of you. Kinda similar to email. You can probably find something in the site's help section on how to use them. If a guy is spewing out sex talk, then it is safe to assume that he will expect the same in real. If you don't want hookups like this, then it is best to avoid replying or meeting these people. Good luck!
  17. How rough! You have no idea what happened? No ongoing major issues or arguments? If not, I would assume that your guy is being indecisive about whether or not you are "the One" along with a dose of committment-phobia. After all, it sounds like it is/was a very serious relationship where the next step is the big one (marriage). My advice is to simply give him his space and do not contact him for awhile. Go out and try have some fun with your friends or pick up a new hobby. He will either move on himself (in which case, he is not The One), or he will miss you, decide he's an idiot and try win you back. Good luck! *hugs*
  18. It seems to me that there should be no problems with having a friend of the opposite gender. You said yourself that the guys you were talking to were friends and you did clearly tell them that you had a boyfriend - you're not hiding anything! I am more troubled by your boyfriend's ex - the one you talked about first. If she is really trying to drive a wedge between you two, why is your boyfriend still talking to her? She has moved beyond being a friend and is now involved in your relationship - probably hoping to get your boyfried back via sabotage. Now this kind of ex-relationship is the troublesome one. You can try asking your boyfriend why he is still friend with her if she tries to break you two up... I also have trouble with your boyfriend's behavior - he seems to be trying to make you feel less about yourself. He tells you that he has one ex pining after him, and lets you know that he thinks another ex is hot? Why is he telling you these things??? I dunno, I think your jealousy is valid, wheras his is not, judging by your examples.
  19. Intelligence is attractive. It does not matter if they have a degree though. Some university grads are idiots and some who barely finished high school are very intelligent. A piece of paper means more for employment than it does for relationships. As for wages, I would not avoid someone who made less than me. However, that person would have to be employed and find good things to like about his job (already went the route of being with a welfare-sponge who thought every job he had was steaming crap within two weeks). I want someone who can support himself and finds some pleasure (even if he does not entirely enjoy his job) in the activity that consumes a good chunk of his day!
  20. Then you should consider if that is the kind of relationship you want to be in. I left an emotionally abusive husband. He never hit me, but he hurt me in a lot of other ways. I was so scared to leave, because that meant giving up the good times we had in the beginning when I married him. However, I feel so much better now not to have someone hurting me all the time.
  21. Good experience here. I had too much trouble with pills. I tried several different brands/makeups and they all caused trouble. One I went a bit crazy on and couldn't stop crying over nothing. A second made me nauseous and dizzy. Another I bled constantly because the dosages were so small I had to take them at the same hour on the dot every morning, and I don't always wake up at the same time! If I was an hour late, forget it, I would be leaking for a few days. Ugh! So I went with the shot, Depo Provera for 3 years. Worked great. I even stopped having periods (bonus!). My sex drive was fine and while I gained some weight, that could have been due to other factors at the time. I'd use it again considering how effective it is supposed to be compared to barrier methods and how lousy pills worked. Just goes to show that everyone is different!
  22. I think it is because breasts in Western culture are so sexualized, it is a cliche for women to cover those up first. After all, down below there isn't as "much" to see - just hair or a V Also, I think women are used to more eyes at the chest area than below too Me? If I was seen by someone I don't want seeing me? One arm accross the breasts and one hand down below and covering not very much at all
  23. If you don't want to continue this relationship, you should listen to your gut/heart. He takes you for granted and then blames you for your reaction. I think most people would feel hurt to be used like this and receive no appreciation or time afterwards. Takes you for granted again and stingy. What is $20? He could have at LEAST loaned it to you if he dragged you to a casino. I think the parts I highlighted sounds like he is stepping past taking you for granted and moving into trying to control you. He hangs up and makes things your fault. He blames you for things. He blames you for the fact that he doesn't care enough to treat you because you ask for some consideration? Although family/friends aren't always a reliable indicator, if you are close to them and they to you, and they hate him, take that as a sign that he is not treating you right or does things behind your back. I see that everything is your fault again and he is just fine the way he is, thank you very much. That sounds very reasonable to me! Reading this, I think this is borderline emotional abuse. He blames you for things, calls you names (doesn't respect you), and thinks he is fine the way he is. The door slamming might be an isolated incident or it could be an indication that he is trying to intimidate you. He certainly takes you for granted and does not seem to respect you or want to make you happy. You could try reading this article : link removed and see if you see any other "Loser" tendancies if that helps you decide. If you're not happy though, don't stay in the relationship whether we think he is abusive or not!
  24. Make sure you don't have a head fulla zits under the hair either. In high school the bald look was very popular and I'd say about half of the boys shaved it off. Kinda scary when their heads looked like a zit commercial.
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