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Everything posted by AnotherBrokenDoll

  1. Welcome Hope you love ENA as much as we do! Ok well firstly i'm so sorry to hear about the break up but i'm glad you're getting back out there again! Its ok to be shy. I know it sucks but its part of you now. Or maybe you just need a bit of a confidence boost. But i really think you should at least get his number and ask if you can go out just as mates one time. See how he takes it and then see what happens from then. His already a family friend. Maybe find a reason to celebrate something and invite him. Small subtle hints are good so if he likes you you're giving him the chance to make a move. But in the end i think if you like him enough you just gotta ask. You never know what will happen. And if its the worst case then he'll say no. If his a decent guy it won't effect a friendship and you WILL move on. Even if it takes time. Good luck and love, RoZiE
  2. I'd chose B) Its likely your gonna fall head over heels for more then one person (especially at my age) and i would rather be able to get other guys/girls later on then be left broken up or not happy later on i guess. I think to much don't i?! lol
  3. Yup totally with you. I hate those people who are so sweet and kind then behind your back say all this crap. Its so dumb. People need to learn that care if you WANT to not cuz you think you HAVE to.
  4. Well i am just plain weird lol. I love being crazy and i love making people laugh... But generally its at me not with me lol. I guess for me it depends on the person. I've fallen for shy people and outgoing people it just depends. But i like something different. I don't want someone who is just like everyone else. Not that anyone really is but you get my point.
  5. Well although its good to be open with her and everything i know what its like to try and hide scars from a partner. Its not fun and you feel so ashamed, well at least i did. Don't always try and talk about them don't always bring it up. If they are scars its from the past. Listen to her when she talks to you and just tell her how much you love her. I bet she would feel so bad to think that you are so scared for her and worry so much. I agree with someone else who posted (sorry forgot who) but if she tries to hide them just touch her hand or something let her know that you don't care. Yes its true she can relapse but try not to worry to much about that... Shes doing really well 18 months is a great start Just encourage her. She'll love you for it. Shes lucky she has someone so understanding. Its good to see you care
  6. Hey well i haven't read all ten pages lol so i might be out of it a bit but i loooooooove christian boys i think they are better as they understand more then most other guys. (A generalised statement i know there are many who are exceptions!) Shy guys are cute to. Sure i'm more into the outgoing guys but i know plenty of girls who hate the outgoing ones and would do anything for a shy guy. I never judge a person on looks.. OK well i guess we all do but i mean the way someone looks wouldn't make me like them more or dislike them. Its something people can't really change. And no one is boring.
  7. Ok you are right models aren't made skinny for men but men like it that way to. Well not all of them but quite alot. I wish i could tell you why the don't but have you ever thought it has nothing to do with the way you look and everything to do with your personality. Just you know a guess. Often chubby girls feel bad enough about themselves without people pointing it out wether they like it or not. I'm not saying every chubby girl would feel insulted but i think alot would. So be careful with your wording maybe.
  8. I'd regret the fact that i never had the guts to contact my "father". That i didn't treat my family the way i should have. That i wasn't the best person i could have been. That i didn't change anything in this world. I have lots of regrets...
  9. I'm glad you had fun Damn i wish i was a bi man instead of a bi gal. The gay boys are all so good looking and they don't want us women Mind you i can't complain with the gay girls either goodluck next time and its awesome your getting the support you need
  10. Heyz hun, like the poem but just so you know i might not understand the situation and you might not have a clue who i am but i maintain you make the world a much better place to alot of people out there. Hope things are ok. Keep writing.
  11. Hey, feel free to PM me. I can't say i've been through your exact position but falling for a friend of mine was how i realised i was bi a few years ago. So feel free to contact me. Besides i can listen at the very least
  12. I know that feeling very well... Hurting other without meaning to or wishing you could stop but then not knowing who you are without it. I know that to well. It hurts to look back and realise how much pain you caused. Great poem. I really love the way you wrote it and the way you wrote such truth. Really excellent.
  13. Nope i really like it and think you did great well done!
  14. Hey... Ok firstly being a big brother to people isnt a bad thing! I mean i have tones of guy mates and they basically are all brotherly figures to me. Simply because i try my best to become good friends and yeah. I know it sucks being the mate. I'm the "friend" to evey guy i know basically. But i recently realised that it means your a good person. It means they trust you and love you for you. Why would you want to change that? If you like that girl then talk to her about it. Just because you are so close to them doesn't mean they haven't felt the same thing about you. Don't make her feel uncomfortable just explain how you feel and tell her you don't want thing to be weird now you've told her. But in the end your most likely not going to date any of those girls in your group. So please keep being that person. Don't turn into some jerk because you want to be seen as manly. You'll just lose your friends.
  15. Hey hun, I've been there with cutting, i've been there with thinking i'm a disappointment and i know what its like to try and take your life... Ok but please it isn't the answer! You say you don't want to leave because of your friends and family. That means that they would be hurt without you. They would be devisitated ok hun. Sometimes we let people down but in the end they still love us. Just keep fighting ok. Cutting doesn't solve your problems. But i also know how much it seems to help at that time. You stopped before that means you can stop again and for longer this time to. You can keep fighting. I block my close friends out to. When i'm down. I've pushed everyone away. I know what your feeling. I don't begin to understand what happened when you were young. Or pretend to know how you feel. But i know you can put it behind you. Just talk about it. Let us help. Here for you, Rozie.
  16. Ok darl... that could have been seen as a flirt. Thats how i would of taken it not seriously just joking around. I'm with the others. Ask her out if you want to don't leave it up to hints for her to get!
  17. lol... Ummm i hate hair... i don't mind a little facial hair on the chin on i mean a little not like a beard lol. But i hate hairy chests backs legs... Then again i don't think i judge a guy on how much hair he has... Unless its like wolf thick.. Then i'd help him out but tying him down and waxing him lol.
  18. Or you could walk up to a girl and say hi... Just an idea. I mean don't leave it up to them. Maybe say your knew to town and need to be shown around or something. Don't make up big stories cuz if they found out they'll think your a jerk... So yeah play your strengths.. Are you confident?
  19. Great work. Yeah i feel like that alot of the time. Hope things get easier!
  20. Thanks anyway, i hope they are the same here then. I'm sure someone will sign the forms if it gets me outa this place.
  21. I know i know it was just another example. Sorry.
  22. Oh crap ummm does a cosigner have to live with you or just sign the forms?
  23. I don't really have a choice in the matter. I hate being alone but i'll have to get used to it. I have a job and its a pretty good job to. I might have to get another one though. Hmmm that will really effect my grades damn. I need like the best OP i can get. And if i fail english once in the next few years i'm screwed. But i guess thats what happens in the real world huh.
  24. Yeah girls can be stuck up and so can guys... Lets say this its equal. You can't say a guys a jerk cuz his hot. I have one friend who i find really attractive (in a friend way lol) and he never knew he was until we told him... Just things like that. And not all hot girls are . Lots of drop dead gorgeous girls are really shy. So i guess you just have to get to know them. Then again at the end of the day, i'm still gonna be completely intimadated by a good looking guy/girl lol.
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