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Everything posted by AnotherBrokenDoll

  1. Laying down, On the bed, Looking all around. Tears are falling, Hands are shaking, Everythings gone wrong. Searching searching, Cannot find, The only thing to get me out of this state of mind. Rooms a mess, Nanas upset, I've finally calmed down. Just a few new scars, To add to this collection, Nothing new anymore. The scars take away my pain, Everything seems ok. Can last in denial, Can keep on with my life, Until you make me break. Can't eat, Can't sleep, Just let me bleed a little more. One more cut, One more purge, One more try. No more life, No more hurt, No more me...
  2. Great poem, full of true emotions not just an altered version and i love that. But please if you gotta talk talk. Get it outa your system or keep writing anything. Just don't let go.
  3. thanks for that website, I don't have an ED though. I'm perfectly ok Just know i have to lose weight and i know i have to i don't want to i have to it just isn't seeming to happen i don't have enough control thats all. I'll get it soon
  4. Yeah its harder for guys to come out. I know tones of bi/gay girls but not so many bi/gay guys. I guess you just gotta keep looking. If a guy looks at you smile if he aint bi or gay he aint gonna know you are just cuz you smiled and if he is he might recognise the signs smile back and things can go from there.
  5. Thats a really good poem. So true and honest. Just so you know we are glad you didn't try any harder But really great poem i really relate to it unfortunately.
  6. Yeah my nickname from my sis is either fatty-boombah or fatty boomsticks or just plain fatty... I can't help not be like her, pretty perfect and smart. Gosh i've tried with all my heart trust me it doesn't work. I just want my family to be proud of me.
  7. Well if you've been mates for so long it could mean two things: 1) that shes completely comfortable with you and loves you to pieces but not in that way or it means shes fallen for you and wants to tell you but just can't. So you have some thinking to do. Just see what happens. Hang out more and see what happens...
  8. Heyz and welcome I know i'm kinda stuffed for prezzies to! Friends are really hard to buy for sometimes but its harder when they like you. Ok well try something cute like a handbag or a purse or something. Nothing with hearts on it and don't buy her flowers but yeah just something small. What sort of girl is she though. Girly or a bit punk or what? That way we know what shes into.
  9. I feel so bad for you. I'm sorry to hear your hurting. Great poem though really expressive of sad sad emotions. Hope things look up soon.
  10. Me to they are really good. I can realte to em both and love is a waste of time... Wish knowing that helped when you fall again...
  11. Hey its ok to be upset. Just don't let yourself get to down. Keep going out with mates and keep yourself busy. Don't lock away your feelings but don't go over and over them. Sorry about everything but you can be strong and you will be ok if you let yourself. If you don't think about it to much then you never know what will happen.
  12. lol yeah i'm getting people to do that for me. But only the close friends cuz i don't know how others will take it... So yeah
  13. They don't care. Nana just says i'm over reacting. I can't help but take it to heart, gahhh never mind me i'll be ok
  14. I'm not happy but hey i don't need people consintly pointing it out. I hate going out with my mates cuz i know im bigger then them but geee i thought your family was ment to love you no matter what and support you. All i feel like right now is going away and throwing up everything i ate today. I was out with a mate so i did and gahhh i wish i hadn't i feel so disgusting. I hated buying food cuz it felt like everyone was watching me. I even freaked out when she finished her chips before me and i thought people would think i've eaten more then her even though shes half my size. I can't help but be obsessed with it now.
  15. My grandma keeps saying i've put on more and more weight. Last time i checked i'd lost some but i guess i've put it all back on. She keeps saying it over and over again. Telling mum i should cut down on my intake. She said that i shouldn't eat anything else cuz i'd had enough today and that really i'd eaten to much. I feel so horrible right now. But whats worse is that if i suggest a diet she says no i'm obsessing with my weight to much. Its like she wants me to stay like this so she can continually pick on me. I feel so huge right now and i was wondering if theres a way to lose weight quickly. So that i can feel good about me and not have my nan on my case.
  16. lolz thanks but no i know i'm not but i'm yeah it don't matter. I hope you can get up the courage soon its a great feeling not to be hiding away anymore. Nothing feels better. I think you should tell that mate. I think he'll take it well. So yeah Good luck darl.
  17. But at least if i had him in the first place i could learn from his dumb * * * mistakes. My own fault for letting him get to me!
  18. Sorry daddy, What did i do, Should i have, Tied your shoe? Sorry daddy, Why aren't i your everything, Is it because, Deep down you think you are nothing? Sorry daddy, But what crime did i commit? I wish i had your love, That i will admit. Sorry daddy, I really tried, Wanted to be your angel, But how can i be when inside i have died? Oh what can i do? All my love has been kept for you! Was it enough, To hold your head up high, And walk on by, Like nothing ever hapened? Hunny hunny, What can i say? Your love was all i wanted, Yet hatred was what i was granted. So here i'll lay, Goodbye i'll say, To this world, To you, To your hatred, And all those things that you do. So daddy just a few questions... Do you believe my fragile disguise? Do you honestly think i'm happy? Can you see any smiles of true joy? Or are they all fake... Feeling so alone, wanting you, Putting others aside for you, Don't know what to do without you! I miss you, I want you, I love you... Forever. So daddy i am so sorry for spilling dinner, Sorry for knocking into you, I swear i tried to be perfect, Just for you! Sorry, I tried to make you happy, Just made you angry, Didn't mean to be your disgrace. Didn't mean to be your embarressment. Sorry i am me, Wish i could be, Anyone but me... Why can't you see i didn't chose to be me!
  19. No, but it doesn't matter... Guess what that guy that i thought would be really hard to tell. Well i told him and he said he doesn't judge me and even though he doesn't agree with it he isn't against it I'm so happy. He also said he already knew in the back of his mind but didn't want to ask me that lol. I'm just glad i'm opening up to people
  20. After i did it and hang up the phone (he lived to far away to just call him up when i needed to) i fell down and couldn't stop crying, good thing the family were out. But yeah it was the hardest thing i'd ever done. I still don't know if i have feelings for him i was just to confused within myself to keep it up. I didn't want to hurt him or anything and all the emotions overtook me... Just before i found his wallet as well. My sister hurried me outa the house which was good cuz i was close to tears again. He was one of the few good guys i actually feel for... And one of the only people who i believed when he said he loved me. So it depends on the reason why people break up. I know my best friend cried when she broke up with her ex to. Because she didn't want to hurt him at all.
  21. I would. Why because money isn't everything. I want finanical support for my children as well as a good home life true but i also am very passionate and i want to be proud of myself for making that possible. Also come on in the end money means nothing compared to love and support. (yesh im like a marshmellow im full of mush but hey its my opinion. As you can see i'm white but race doesn't matter either. As long as you like someone theres nothing more important (In the idealistic world anyway - still race doesn't come into it.)
  22. Lion-guy he said he'd take me back thats how i know. But yeah i do see your point... bitbit Maybe your right. Maybe if i cared enough i wouldn't have to ask... DN Thanks i think i needed to be reminded of that... I can't keep leading him on and only concidering myself. His a good guy he don't deserved to be played like a toy Agathon he is a good guy and he makes me incrediably happy, just by seeing him sign on i still smile (dumb i know) but i think i see him more of a brotherly figure. Someone to go to advice to. When i started liking this girl he was the first person i wanted to tell. and it shouldn't be like that. Fisch You're right, im 15 i still have alot of life left. I guess im just caught up in lust right now. I confused it for something that might last so i freaked out. Thanks. Thanks everyone You all helped me realise something... And i guess i'm gonna leave him be. Its not fair to play with a guys feelings.
  23. Woot go you I'm glad you found someone you like so much. Don't concentrate on the negative concentrate on the positives for now ok. Or you'll start to lock yourself away and that aint healthy. Plus it might ruin stuff. So just be happy Telling your friends. I know how that feels i was terrified when i realised i was gonna have to tell people... Or more when i realised i wanted to. It can help to write it down. I did that with a few of my mates. Its easier to describe how you feel. As lostlove said your true friends won't care they'll be happy you're happy. Good luck!
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