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Everything posted by AnotherBrokenDoll

  1. Nah its ok I think its for the best. I'm not the girl he needs... And to be honest i didn't want to become that girl. I mean don't get me wrong i liked him and all... But i just need space and his more of a its me and you person So its ok. Plus i was confused about everything so yea. But we are still mates.
  2. Well i totally disagree with puff.tm.dragon. Sure girls like bad guys but most girls don't go foe cocky guys. I hate them and think theyre total jerks (then again i aint an average gal lol)... Bad guys yes are attractive. But they have to be good enough to care about you and other people as well... Never mind trying to be someone you're not. Be yourself. If the girl don't like you for you then she aint gonna like you trying to be someone else for you.. Seriously never change yourself. I learnt that the hard way!
  3. Generally i am. First thoughts to run through your mind are they are way to good for you... Just ignore them. I guess thats being shallow but attractive guys freak me out cuz they all seem to have a crowd of other guys round them (generally just as attractive) and then i look to myself and think as if don't worry about them... Ouch now i've said that i feel like a cow... I'm sorry.
  4. Hunny i know how you feel, i lost my dog last week... I'd been given her when i got back from the hospital when i was born so i literally didn't know life without her. So trust me i understand how much your hurting. I also watched my pet die, unfortunately i was the one who made the decision to put her down, she was having fits and at the time it seemed like the kindest thing to do. I know you are hurting alot right now and don't get me wrong you'll keep hurting but it'll become bareable. For me i wanted to remember her so i put a photo of her in my wallet. Just know at least he isn't suffering anymore. Sorry i can't be of more help but if you want to talk heres my email email removed Good luck and i hope you feel better soon, even if it doesn't seem possible right now.
  5. lol well i know i never cared how much money a guy had! It was more about causing controversy and stuff... lolz i don't know. I was a strage kid but i guess i wanted to have a guy who "understood" and who was different to the jerks who went to school.
  6. lolz hehe somedays i love aus other days i hate it But yeah i guess its an ok place renaissancewoman101 I know what you mean... Sometimes its hard to make new friends no matter how social you are and no one likes to take to big a risk.
  7. Gosh i feel like you all the time! Exactly the same. I guess we just gotta realise that life does that and theres nothing we can do to stop whats happeneing and we can't slow things down and we can't make things ok and better. It just doesn't happen like that. We can either accept it or deny it. If we deny it we are gonna get hurt and proboly hurt others down the track. Life is full of changes most for the better but sometimes you gotta lost some of the good stuff to get some even better things.. Don't know but yeah if you accept whats going on then maybe you can work with it instead of against it Sorry don't really know what to say cuz i know exactly what you mean but i guess we just gotta live it.
  8. I really relate to that. Espeacially now. Feel like i can be anything everyone else wants me to be, yet nothing i want to be... Great poem hope you get out of this hole soon.
  9. lolz, nah nans excuse is shes old and doesnt have to worry about what she looks like where as i should. I should aparently be alot prettier then i am and if i tried then maybe thats what i would be gahhh. What does she think i wear makeup for and nice clothes and only eat pretty healthy stuff and gahhh im so pissed!
  10. Yeah i have quite a few online mates, i meet most friends at/through my church/youth/camps i've been to/on lol. Or school, otherwise just randoms i startd a conversation with at other places i've been to or through other friends.
  11. Well older guys seem more appealing. Don't know why. I guess they seem a lil dangerous. sumthing that ur parents wouldnt allow. Generally theyre more into drinking and all that so girls want a taste of that world... Thats until they get smashed do more then they want to do and end up at a corner crying their eyes out calling for a mate to take em home and begging for them not to tell their parents. Its a stage most girls will go through. But the thing is mostly they generally like you to and like the protection they feel when you're around. So be careful with younger girls they have good intentions, just don't leave another one waiting at a corner wishing she hadn't slept with that guy.
  12. Thats really good! I mean really good. I love your way with words really inspiring. Hope things get better!
  13. lolz thanks so much. I guess poetry gets how i feel out even if its just a lil bit. It means alot getting comments so thanks.
  14. lolz, well we broke up but thanks for the tips.
  15. I'm glad you made a decision. Hope it all goes well for you! Goodluck.
  16. Mum does sometimes... But she works alot. Or shes out. And so i make the meals for me and nana mainly.
  17. You say you have enough money to go to thailand next year, but do you have enough to get back. I think you should save up a bit more money and make sure you can get out of there if you need to. But apart from that i would say go. Can you really go your whole life not knowing. Having questions in the back of your mind? I've never met my father and i know as soon as i can i'm gonna pay him a visit so i know what you mean bout the smacking then for dumping you. But let them talk it out first you never know what may have happened. If the worst comes to the worst and you find out bad news. Well then you can move on with the rest of your life. Knowing might hurt but at least you'll know what you have to get over. Not knowing will always be there... Just my opinion though in the end you have to make this decision and we can't tell you what to do or how to live your life. As much as right now i bet you wish we could
  18. Thanks Thats really sweet of you. And i used to eat alot but i haven't in like 6 years so my matabolism is proboly all over the place! But yeah thanks for the reply I'll test what u say out maybe.
  19. Tension rising, Building up, Hunger killing, Pain errupts. Looking around, Finding food, Looking like the homeless, Nothing can break this mood. Devouring all i can find, Feeling worse, Not so hungry, Once again i give into the curse. Shove those fingers, Down your throat, Further further, Get rid of the coat. Up comes all the pain i feel, Nothing more then the food i steel, Making sure to throw up more then that last meal, Who said this wasn't such a big deal. Wanting out, No more pain, Get me out of this, Life of shame. Sorry lord, What have i become? Nothing more then, Stupid scum. The blade i fear, Has taken control, Broken lives many tears, Purging more to show my dear, I ain't so perfect. Not so great, Anit your angel, Ain't your mate. You can't fix me, I lost control, Maybe this is the end, To this broken shattered soul... I changed it to soul but i can't change the title lol..
  20. Its so weird i haven't been on here that long but Neva your poetry has changed so much from what i used to read not so long ago. Its really good.
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