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Everything posted by Spawn

  1. hmmm.....guess my breakup has also made me realize that there some nice qualities in me like being very faithful and all, committed and blah. Anyways not bragging about it......did take loads crap, also made mistakes and what not. We males should have loads of female friends, it would help understand more of the other kind. hey i still love girls.....there are just lots of them out there.
  2. well running is good, helps me also, apart from that i also do loads of walking, i have also found yoga to be very relaxing offlate although i don't know whether it contributes to weight loss.
  3. i haven't been on an elevator for quiet some time now.....offlate i just use the staircase, my legs get attracted towards stairs these days without me knowin about it. huh?....that sounds weird.
  4. hey...feeling good today, thanks guys. Guess sometimes we do overreact......guess i am over and done with my sweat little ex, hope she has a great life ahead. have to say we waste lot of our precious time thinkin about our ex's.....time for some "me" time. take care....
  5. INFJ Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging
  6. ya even i think so i was a rebound, she was 1 month with him and then they broke up when he started gettin really physical with her. We started dating after 10 months of their breakup and we dated for 5 months....you can look back on my threads i hate going thru it all over again.
  7. Hello everyone, Just don't know what to do about this, got some news from the ex side. She has apparently moved on and actually the thing that had bothered me was she would get into a relationship again with her 1st ex. Seems it is true she is back with her 1st bf, he and her constant contact with her and her not telling him about me when we were dating was the biggest reason of our breakup. They apparently reconciled on 14th Feb , one week before my birthday, that apparently makes it clear why she didn't took the second chance i gave her after makin her understand all the issues in the relationships and hopin she would work out with me. She said to me she wanted to remain single and that when i had told her not to remain in contact with her ex she felt i was forcing myself on her and she wanted to be free , i said i respected her wish and wouldn't bother her and now she is back with him..... I just don't know how someone can get in and out of a relationship so soon. I am finding it so hard to even think about relationships right now and my ex is happily back with her 1st bf. If that was not news enough for me, they are going to get engaged this december.......This is rubbish and i don't know why i am feelin let down again. I thought moving on in life and actually gettin over your ex would mean having no feelings for your ex but after this i think i have lost all respect for her, i feel whether this should even bother me? To hell with her and her bf......sometimes i feel its better to be single, sometimes i feel like being loved again. i had briefly removed her from the delete filter in hotmail. Now i know one month of strict NC is not enough, if such a news can bring back all the crap memories of betrayal and trust issues, i just don't know what its gonna take to get over her. The filter is back on and would remain like that for a very long time. Anyways i don't think she would ever contact after what happenned when she briefly contacted me for some favour. I am down and out today......hope tomorrow is for the better. Thanks for reading......
  8. I dunno about the strong man thing, but i have learned few things about me and relationships in general. What would in my opinion make me a stronger and a better person is when i actually use this experience and don't make the same mistakes again. Just the other day i had some news came from the ex side almost after one month, that she has moved on, i really think women support system is pretty strong compared to men. I felt like somethin hit me very hard. Anyways she is my first and if there are somebody like her out there i wouldn't want to date ever. The way she has stopped all contact with me ( i like it though), if she had shown the same commitment in stopping all contact with her first ex, things would have been different, probably we would have been still together.....aah it just so much sucks when you take loads of crap from someone whom you love a lot. As you can feel i am pretty low today.......take care people.
  9. Don't let yourself to be used, you are 21, be bold and be open to other options in life. She is just trying to find someone to get her though this. Not good for your self esteem, just imagine if her ex boyfriend tries to get back with her, you are the one who is going to be hurt a lot. Walk away now my friend.
  10. i am just out of my very first relationship ,still not over it thou.....almost 4 months, 1 month NC. I think when i am ready again, the one thing i will surely never ever forget is i am the catch and not to give too much importance to her. and i have not lost hope on girls, there are many and one of them would definetly be lucky to have me.
  11. I have seen your physique (ol pic in your avatar) and you really look good. But showing it off is not the right way to carry yourself. Your ex is no more in your life, she or anyone else doesn't need to be impressed. With that kinda shape you are bound to get some amount of attention. Just be humble and kind to everyone, its a party so just enjoy it to the full. Take your girlfriend too i am sure she will love it. and make loads of friends.....stay clear of too much alcohol. can you not ask your cousin not invite your ex?
  12. well, if you wanna keep some contact....keep it simple. Don't think whether you shud have said more or you shud say this or that or something you missed out on sayin last time you talked. Just keep emotions out of it.....
  13. oh....sorry man, i completely forgot that she is pregnant with your child. That must be a weird situation to be in then. I am sorry you are going thru this. have you contacted a lawyer yet? Its gonna be a real hard time for ya man, i can understand. Hang in there.
  14. dnl as helo suggested, cut all contact with your ex. Stick with strict NC( No contact). Your emotions otherwise are bound to go thru all these roller coaster drives. Initially it will be very difficult but atleast NC will help you look back on the relationship in a better perspective. You need to heal and all this contact with your ex is playin with your mind, heart and your self esteem. My ex (who couldn't get over her ex, even though he didn't treat her that good when they were together, they are back together now) started doing the friends thing just one month after the breakup, its just that they don't understand breakups can be very hard on people and they do really act selfish by keeping the low contact. I had to to be harsh and tell her to stop all contact from her side. take care man.....
  15. why email? don't your bf feel offended by it? I would if i were in his place. 1st time itself it warrants a warning and the second time.....i did go straight to the police. anybody would be frustrated with that kinda thing, as if he is happy the way he is gettin treated by this girl.
  16. hey why are we labellin guys here......decent guys also do get rejected. Just be open minded when girls are being approached by guys or vice versa. Be nice people, if you don't think they are "your types".....just don't be harsh be polite when u are sayin no.
  17. I am 28 i dated a girl who is 22. Age was never an issue. My friend is also 28 he is dating a very sweet girl who is 21 and they are together for the last 1 year now. They are going to get engaged this december. now what do i think about it? I just think they are two beautiful human beings very much in love with each other. And being in love is the most beautiful thing to happen to someone. Good Luck and Have fun!
  18. yup thanks every one, its over between them.....that was bit immature on her part besides being very crude.
  19. yup, no need to call, she has a boyfriend who will take care of her. You need to take care of yourself......stay strong.
  20. ok, a guy kisses a girl and then gives little pecks on her lips which she loves but when the guy tells her he loved it, the girl tells him in reply that he is not a good kisser and that she had some great kisses by her previous ex's and by one of her friends who forcebly did it with her. But she liked the little pecks afterwards.... The guy is feeling little disrespected...... so what is your take on this? I know not everybdy is a born good kisser......everybdy goes thru the learnin process
  21. hmm....l will put it this way, its not about confidence, what the nice guys lack and i am sayin it because some of us "the nice guys" have this tendency of being nice all the time, the niceness factor ( if there is something called like that) its so much in us that it clouds our decision making part of brain. When somebody is genuinely wrong or acting stupid, we shud actually be upfront about it, tell them that is bad but we care for their feelings instead and think telling them its bad would put us in a bad light. In other words its similar to pamperin....your giving them lot of importance when instead u shud be the catch. I am also guilty of doin that in my first relationship although when i was in there i never realized that.Like when kids do somethin wrong don't we tell them that its wrong, i do , everybody does. But we forget it when it comes to our gf's or bfs. And we forgive them for the first time whether its cheating, or taking crap, or whatever. And they take us for granted henceforth and the cycle continues.
  22. i think you have enough reasons to walk away from the relationship. Time to stand up for yourself, tell her you find her actions very immature and stop contacting her ex. Well, to me it seems its already over but still its upto to you. Take care man....
  23. hmm.....nice guys are gulity of being nice guys when they shud be standing up for themselves if some women is treating crap out of them. I too am guilty of takin hell of a lot of crap from my ex, but she being so sensitive and my first gf i took it didn't have that courage to tell her to stop that. But realized i just was makin a jerk out of myself and giving her reasons for taking me for granted the next time she treats me bad. I don't mind being the nice guy but i don't want to take crap from girls anymore....now where are all the nice girls for the nice guys.
  24. Just doing some things for myself and for my parents, hanging out with my friends has helped me a lot. When i look back at the relationship things that changed were the time i used to spend with my parents and my friends, those were not there, although i didn't want to change, but somethin made me blind in the relationship. I started giving her more and also loosin out on my life a lot more. Things are slowly coming back to normal. But the things that have helped me to crawl back to my old self has been strict nc, the discipline to maintain it throughout the first month and then keep going with it. I don't miss her much now, the only thoughts that keep coming back are her misunderstandings about me, puttin the blame on me for the break off. basically all the things that made me feel bad about the relationship. I still lack somewhat on the self esteem and self confidence areas but do hope that too also comes back sooner than later. Postin here, ventin and rantin about my feelings and the advices has helped me very much and i really thank every one of you.
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