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Everything posted by Steven1607307306

  1. You need a compromise with this one, otherwise it will be a power struggle, that neither of you can back down on. Face it, if you tell him to quit, he probably won't, he has already proven that to you, and if you really love him you will be able to come up with an agreement. Maybe he shouldn't be using his credit card on sites, or if the problem is him getting off on other girls, you need to know that he isn't wishing you were one of them. A male's imagination takes him to another place, that can't really be explained to some women. Once we get are opened to the world of pornography, we are instantly facinated by it. Just know that he doesn't love them, he loves you, and just because he goes to those sites, doesn't mean he doesn't want to be with you. I don't know if it's my place to say, but maybe you should spice up your sex life a little bit, that can widthdraw him from pornography, believe me, men would much rather have a hot sex life, than a sleezy porn site.
  2. Yea, the "I love you" part, really don't say it unless you mean it, because it just causes problems. But when you are ready, just talk about it, ask them if they love you, and tell them how you feel. I've said I love you to one girl before, and I didn't even mean it, and it just ended up harder to let go of her. We went 2 months without saying, "I love you". But whenever you do love them, just tell them how you feel, and everything sould work out.
  3. Very nice, I love how everything in this poem reminds me of life... "tied to a boulder of responsibilities Expect me to surface" that one really hit home. the overwhelming responsibilities people will put on you, and expect you to be successfull with each and every one. Great self-expression!
  4. You need to chill out on your "Social Status". What the hell does that mean anyway? That you have the most friends? You get all the girls? Whatever it is, you need to not worry about it so much, and try toj tone it down a little. Rejection is hard, but it's even harder to know the truth, and you got both from her. Sorry you feel shut out, but she isn't the only girl, so if she doesn't like you, don't make it harder on yourself to try and get her, unless you commit to not let your ego take over your personality.
  5. Hey guys, I've been going through a hardtime lately about my mother. I really miss her, and I haven't seen her for about 2 years. I spent my first 15 years growing up with her, but social services had me move. For some reason, lately, everything reminds me of her. Songs on the radio, and stuff at the mall where you say, "O my mom would love that!" I don't know I think I'm homesick, and it's not like its an easy way to just visit her. She lives in New Mexico, while I live in Virginia. Can anyone explain to me how to cope with these feelings of emptyness in my heart? I would really appreciate it, thanks!
  6. I don't really know what to say, alot of it depends on your age. But if your young, you have lots to experience and just kiss when the time is right, but don't wait too long! If you do that, than your shyness will only increase. It all jut depends on when you feel confortable doing it. I myself can't stand going more than a week without a kiss, but that's just me. Anyways, I hope you find your answer!
  7. Nice. Very nice. Makes me think of everything that I have experienced in my measely 17 years of life.
  8. I like it...of course like xmrth said, I am a teenager. I use it for fun, but it DOES spread a lot of jealousy between people...ur top friens and what-not...and who is commenting your girlfriend. lol but its a good way to waste time, and you can keep in touch with people, or meet new ones and...everything else. well thats all i have to say.
  9. Great and effective way to channel your feelings. I love it, I can relate to a majority of this poem.
  10. Yea, I would like to just thank everyone whon is a part of this site, I always know I can talk to someone and I don't feel embarrassed about it... Thanx Outcast-Angel for that advice on the poem, it was really good advice, but I write a little differently. First of all I don't think about what I'm gonna write and I never edit it. In my opnion, the first thing I write is what was meant for me to write, and I can't ignore those raw feelings of emotion, but seriously, thanks for your help. And thank you Shy Soul, you pretty much read my mind about my dad...all the help I really want from him is to listen to my feelings without him freaking out. I know that medical help is needed for SOME people...but not for everyone, and it definitely isn't for me. I don't know why...I just don't like it, I'd rather just talk to someone who shares the same feelings as me. Anyways, thank you all for your inspiring help and sharing your opinions with me.
  11. Confront her about it. It will only help her realize that you are sensitive to this subject, and tell her it is NOT okay for her to make these smat little remarks.
  12. I lay at night wondering when I'll find an Angel, And I wish that I won't feel so strange though. I watch the stars, and let my music flow through me And lay on my back gliding in this vancant sea, wondering...when will my Angel find me? As I sit in sorrow and darkness, I want to go to sleep, and never wake from this, This place of broken dreams and angry abyss, that consumes my soul, my emotions grow dull, it takes away from me, the love that I once stole. The aura surrounds me is of darkness and shadow, In my dreams I fantasize about what I can have... In reality, I know what I can't. >>Shrugs
  13. I agree with you. Once I'm over somebody...I really am, and I couldn't/wouldn't go into a new relationship knowing that I still like/love my ex.
  14. Hey, it's not all guys. I just got out of that last week. When we went out, she told me about her ex but I have nothing to worry about...then bam she breaks up with me, and just this morning her friend Holly tells me she went to his house last night and hasn't came home. So yea, don't think it's only guys that do this. I'm sorry, and I know exactly how you feel.
  15. Thanks alot that means alot to me...not many people I can talk to lately. Especially my dad, if I even hint at any "thoughts" then he takes me to my doctor...
  16. Well I think it's pretty good. I'm not sure about that major shift in line 16. It's kind of sudden, but hey everyone has their opinions on what a good poem is. I still think it's great, pretty deep. I like it.
  17. Thanks for the replies, guys....really. The irony is...I didn't realize how much I need life right now until I wrote that last line. I honestly started to write that before I was gonna kill myself, but I started thinking. I started thinking about how young I am, and there are plenty of years ahead of me that can help me change. And the kissed by an angel part, was about my first attempt to kill myself, but for some reason or another, somebody decided it wasn't my time to go yet. Haha, anyway thanx for the replies!
  18. I last about 5-10 mins mastubating, but 20-30 when having sex. try standing up and hit it from the back...that usually works to last longer.
  19. i know how you feel...i go through that morning slump, where all i do is fantasize about how it would be if we didnt break up, and imagine our false future together...what do I do? I usually get sit there for a while, smoke a cigarette. Then I just call up some friends, and try to forget the agonistic torture of never being able to find true love.
  20. My emotions are lost in this world, Dreams and reality are swirled and hurled around in my mind. Cut my veins into segments, My heart disaugments, Leaving me lightheaded From the blood I've spilled, The Red blood cells I've Killed. Just to forget the Pain inside, I tried, and I tried, But I couldn't hide. And it's an addiction, I talk to people, yet no one listens. Watching as the blood pumps down my wrist, Hoping to die, but instead I'm kissed. Kissed by an Angel. Tries to give me one Last chance, One Last dance, I have one Last stance, To find purpose and meaning, To halt my grieving, My ****ing mind is so deceiving! I feel like leaving, This god damned world, And be hurled... Into an Eternal Rest, My hunger for life wears thin by the beating of, Test after test. I long for death, But only after one Last Breath...
  21. I think you need to talk to your mother about it first. I'm sure if she found out that you knew, and you talked to her about it, then she might try to work it out with you. Talk to her first. Same thing happened with my mother an I, only I wasn't putting anything away, I was snooping around. Anyway, I talked to her about it and eventually after a few arguments, she quit smoking weed and now she is drug free. Just talk to her first, if she doesn't cooperate, then tell then maybe CFS is the only choice you have.
  22. When I look at myself in the mirror, all I see is some scronny tall guy, yet over the past month or so, for some odd reason, girls have started talking to me, and saying that I was attractive, and some even said that I was hot. Now I'm not going to lie, I do know what a good looking guy looks like, and I compare myself to them, but I don't think I look anything like them. They are all well toned, or muscular, and I am 6'3 and scronny. I don't know what's up with these girls lately, but it just seems that they all started liking me at once. I am dating one now, but there are so many others that I never knew would even talk to me. I feel great, but very confused, because it seems like all of these beautiful girls like me now. I feel really weird, having one of the most beautiful girls that goes to my High School, and I am not even muscular. I don't know what I expect anyone to write, I just thought that maybe someone could tell me anything that might have triggered this all-of-the-sudden effect. Thanks Bye
  23. I am really sorry that you feel this way, but I just want you to know that EVERYBODY is a SOMBODY. The way you are feeling is just making it harder. You have to take it upon yourself to go out there and make it work for you. Find a shelter and get a job for a while. Save up some money for school maybe? Life is there for you to live it. I know that you are feeling like there is nothing to do, but just try to make it happen...for yourself, and nobody else. Don't mind me asking but how old are you?
  24. I think all you can do is try. If you don't meet her again, will she really care whether or not you were ugly? All she will think about is you not calling her. It is definatly worth it to ask any girl out again, and if she says no, then you don't want her anyway, because she is either shallow, or just a flirt. I personally hate flirts. They get you all worked up and make you think they like them, until then you see them doing the same thing to every guy. Girls are real ego busters.
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