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Everything posted by Steven1607307306

  1. You're not insane. He is sweet to you, but he has a busy schedule. Did he tell you why he can't see you tomorrow? Honestly if he is in a bad mood, and he doesn't want to see you, that just sounds a bit iffy to me. Try and explain to him that sometimes you need to see him, just don't be too strong about it. Tell him how you feel, but don't let him manipulate you, and tell you that you are too insecure, and dependent. You need to be able to get up in the morning and get yourself busy. If you are busy while he is, then time will go faster, and you won't be thinking about him all the time. Maybe then you'll figure out that you don't ALWAYS have to see him. If you keep yourself busy, it will help you to be independent.
  2. Sigh... please don't lose trust in a guy over this. Sure he lied to you, and it's not your fault for getting mad, but don't lose trust in him. I'm sure he is beating himself up about it. I highly doubt he didn't tell you because he wanted to get with her. Maybe he is like me, and just talks to her because he doesn't want to waste energy hating her. It's really hard on a guy who is just trying to make things work, and his girlfriend pushes him to stop talking to her. As long as it's not a regular thing, I think you should just let him. Maybe they'll settle their differences, and everything will be fine. Telling her not to call him is just you saying that through his mouth. Let him deal with it the way he needs to. The only thing is, he shouldn't have lied to you, but I'm sure if you talk to him, he'll make sure it doesn't happen again.
  3. haha, ok now let's not compare penises to bananas...the cherry was good enough! But seriously guys shouldn't worry THAT much about the size of their penis. Use what you were born with, and don't use pumps because I read that using them actually makes it WORSE in the long run, aka can't get it up. What's the point of having a large penis if you can't even use it! As long as you use what you have, and give it your best, you should be fine. If a girl can orgasm using three inch fingers, then I'm sure you can compensate with a 4-5'' penis. Just learn how to use it. People say that only guys with small penises say that, but I have heard many girls say that a big penis is worthless unless they can use it right. My friend Rachel said, I'd rather have a guy with a 5'' penis who could work it, than a 8'' who didn't know how to use it.
  4. haha, yea it's true though. I guess it's nice to have it but if not, it's not much to miss. Size plays a very small role, and if you have someone who is willing to put forth the effort, and tell you how to please her, then there is NO big deal, at all.
  5. If I could have saved it for the one I loved...I would have. I lost my virginity, and thought that it would be a life changing experience. Well guess what? Unless it is "making love" instead of, aimless sex...it doesn't do anything. The fact of the matter is, it's somthing that IS enjoyable (honestly I've masterbated and felt better than my first time!), but I found it MUCH more enjoyable when it is with the one I love. Now I wonder how it would have been if I would have just waited a few year, how great it would feel. Don't beat yourself up because you haven't had sex yet. It's not the same when you're just doing it so you are not a virgin anymore.
  6. Finally, SOMEONE admits it. There IS a difference. Girls always say, "Guys are so lucky, they ALWAYS oragasm. I simply tell them, there is a distinct difference. I KNOW the difference, and mabye most men don't because a lot don't agree with me.. Or maybe it's somthing in genetics that is in men, I don't know. All I know is that, I can get more out of masterbating, somtimes, than out of sex.
  7. Haha! Nicely said...did you make that up yourself? Okay, well I asked my girlfriend last night, that if I had a small penis and she knew during the first week of our relationship, would she have given me a chance? She said, "I wasn't looking for a big penis, I was looking for a big heart...I just got the best of both worlds! And even if you did, and you weren't good in bed, who's to say I wouldn't show you how to please me?" I replied, "Well, if you sucked in bed, I would show you as well..." So the fact of the matter is... wether your penis is 4 inches or 9, if you are really lookin for quality girl, she will look past it, and if it IS a problem, you'll have fun learning new techniques along the way!
  8. They are everywhere! Well...maybe not everywhere, but you just have to keep looking. I won't jump to conclusions, but maybe you are expecting them to be dumb so they seem dumb to you. But even if that's not the case, you just need to keep searching for someone. I'm sure there are plenty of people who are smart and attracted you, you judt need to look. Good luck with your search!
  9. I used cut. I haven't for a good 3 months, and that may not seem like very long to you, but it is a long time. I can tell you that, the urge to cut is not always somthing you can put into words. Why did I do it? Half the time I was high, half the time I doubted my future. Ask her where she sees her life in the future. Ask her if she is longing for something she can't quite grasp. I know you want what's best for her, and that cutting may be a very scary thing to parents. You have to look at it in a sense that it is an addiction. It is a cheap way to escape from problems for a few minutes. The rush is so addictive, you find yourself doing it more and more. How did I stop? I stopped for a while because my dad kept taking me to psychologists. I started again, becasue they pissed me off. The reason I've stopped again? Because this forum is a much better substitute, to channel your thoughts. Hope this helped!
  10. Haha, I won't do it too many times! . I know that we will get through this, I was just curious to know if I was over reacting. I think I should have just waited till later, but no use sulking over what I should have done. But I'm about to call her right now. I'm sure if we are both understanding, this situation won't happn again...of course we both are understanding of each others feelings.
  11. I consider myself straight, however, I am not afraid to judge guys by their looks. I honestly don't see the big deal about guys saying other guys are attractive if girls can. I'm not gay, but I know if a guy is good looking or not. Maybe that's not what you were looking for but...yeah. Hope that put somthing int perspective.
  12. Thanks for the support, and I am glad everyone here cares. I'll keep everyone up to date on the situation.
  13. Yeah, she called me during the party while she was drunk. She called me back later and said that she was sorry and she stopped drinking anyway, because she might be pregnant. I'll talk to her later tonight when she is easier to deal with. I DO trust her and I feel bad that I acted like that, but I was just kind of angry that she would even call me when she is drunk and telling me about how she is going to talk to these guys giving her looks. I may have over reacting the situation. Ugh...jealousy](*,)
  14. So my girlfriend went to her step-sisters wedding today, and called me earlier. She said, that she was pretty drunk and horny, and all that jazz. Well then she tells me, that these boys were making eye contact with her, so she said she was going to ask them for drinks. I opened her eyes to the fact that she just told me she was drunk and horny, and that she said she wanted to ask these boys for drinks. She got mad at me for thinking that she would ever do anything with them. Am I wrong for having negative thoughts cross my mind, I mean after all she's NOT sober. And her being mad at me doesn't make me feel anymore comfortable about the situation. I know that if we swapped shoes, she would flip out. So tell me, am I wrong for acting this way?
  15. How many times have I felt the EXACT same way? Change your self image... if people tell you you're "hot" or "cute," then believe them and don't think that you aren't. From your attitude, you seem like a pretty confident guy, and women love confidence. As long as you stay confident with yourself, and not feel like the ugliest person in the room, then you will always have somone in your life. It takes time to find that one girl with whom you can be romantic with, so just keep trying. As for not being able to let go...that's just somthing you have to do if you plan on moving forward in relationships. I'm not going to tell you that you DON'T need women in your ife, because I feel the exact same way. When I'm single, I feel like I'm the only one, and I think that I will never find the right one. All I can tell ou there is keep searching. I did, and I fell in love with the girl I was praying for my whole life. Good luck to you!
  16. No, this was not a planned pregnancy, it was the cause of a broken condom. I know that we are not prepared financially at this point in time, but if she is pregnant, then I know we can make it work. We have done the math, and I am pretty confident we can slide by with the aid of family members (I feel so bad saying this). But all in all, I can only hope that she isn't yet, but if she is, we will not let ourselves or this child down. Thanks for the replies!
  17. Relax. Don't worry so much, the more you worry, the harder it is going to be. If you just look past the "experience" and look at your future, then you will be okay. Stop worrying about the sex so much! When it happens, just don't worry about it, it isn't rocket science. And listen to her if she has suggestions, don't take it as an insult, she is telling you personnal preferences, so listen! If a girl breaks up with you over sex, because she is not willing to put forth the effort to share what she likes with you, than she is a waste of your time. Just do your best, at everything you do with her. She will appreciate it. BTW please don't use a girl to get with her friends, that's just BS. Best of luck to you.
  18. Hey Emma, I am sorry to hear that the father is a POS, but I am glad that you have taken the responsibility to take care of your child. It is a shame that the father is a worthless nothing. My girlfriend and I may be going through the same situation (condom broke, not sure if she is pregnant yet though), and I know that I would never leave her. She is 15, and I am 17, and both of us would like to tell you that if she is pregnant, we look up to you in the aspect that you are taking this very seriously, as we will. I am glad that you didn't freak out too much (of course it was a scare though!). I wish you the best of luck with your child, and look forward to seeing you progress! When are you due?
  19. I've met her parents, and she says they really like me, I've met most of her friends, only one doesn't like me. My girlfriend told her that I was the most perfect guy in the world, and her friend tells her it's too good to be true, and that I must be hiding somthing from her. And I'm not, but it's like her best friend so that's the only thing I'm worried about, but she says she isn't going to let her friend change the way she feels about me. I know 4 weeks isn't very long, but we have talked for hours on in, and I do know her. The thing is, I've been in a 6 month relationship, and the feelings I had toward her, never even came close to the feelings I have now. But, I told her I loved her, and I never told anyone else that before. But I will wait a little longer before I jump into somthing huge. Another thing is, she might be pregnant, and she asked me if I would be willing to stay with her and help her with it, if she was pregnant. I told her there was no doubt in my mind I would. And if she was pregnant, I AM sure that I would stay with her, my mom pounded that in my head since as long as I remember, that if I ever got a girl pregnant, unexpectedly, I HAVE to stay with her. Neither of us want an abortion, so was I wrong to tell her that I would be willing to put in all my efforts into this relationship to make it work?
  20. My whole life I believed that it took months, maybe years to fall in love. I always thought that you had to wait a certain amount of time before you know. And then the same people say, you know your in love, because...you just know. In my situation those statements contradict each other. I MET my girlfriend 4 weeks ago, and we have been dating for 3 1/2 of those. Now I know that it seems like no time at all, but honestly, it feels like I've known her forever. My whole life, I dreamed about how my love would be. How the first girl I loved would love me just as much, and we would share the same opinions on most things. So it happened. I didn't date her, knowing I would fall in love, of course it wasn't love at first sight. I went out with her, just thinking it would be a fun relationship, nothing too serious. Well, she told me the same, but obviously we were both wrong. The way I feel while I'm with her is the most beautiful thing in the world to me. When I kiss her, I am rising above, when we make love, it's always the best, and when I hold her in my arms, it's like I never want to let go. Now I know that I am only 17, and I have only known this girl for 4 weeks, but my question is, is it possible to fall in love without looking for it, and if so, why has it come so fast? Also, from what I told you, do YOU think that I am in love, or just in a relationship that will end up hurting both of us? Any replies will help, thnks AGAIN guys!
  21. She isn't late for her period yet, we are just waiting to see what happens now. I'll keep you all updated, and if she is pregnant, I'll be looking forward to spending the rest of my life with her. Thanks everyone!
  22. Well, if she is she would be 2 weeks, and the thing is, if she is pregnant, then I'll be more than happy to raise a child. I AM young, I know that, but things happen and I feel that I should do my best to raise the child. I know that I can as well, and I would do anything for my child, and my girlfriend. I'm not an ignorant * * * * * * * who would just leave and never talk to her again.
  23. Quick question, if my girlfriend is supposed to be taking her pill starting next week, but she isn't sure if she is pregnant already, should she take it, or wait till we know. We do NOT want an abortion, so what should we do about the pill?
  24. Well the secret wasn't about me cheating on her, I just wasn't honest in the beginning about how many people I have had sex with. I didn't think it would matter in the beginning, because I didn't think that our relationship would get this serious. So before it got any more serious, I told her about it. Then again tonight, to make things worse, a girl from like 7th grade said that I was so hot and that she had a crush on me on myspace. I am getting sick of this, and I wish she would just forgive me, because I can't stand the thought of her thinking that I might cheat on her. She said all she can do is hope I won't. I want our trust to be stronger than that...
  25. Okay, so I fell in love with this girl in three weeks. I didn't think I would, because before, I've only told one person that I loved them, and I didn't really believe in love. But after a while, I've noticed that I have never felt this way about another girl. So there was a certain secret that I kept from her, and last night I told her about it. At first she was hurt, because I had broken the trust that we had. I talked to her all night and morning, and begged for her forgiveness. Finnally she said she can, but it seemed like she was just saying that to end the argument. I don't want her to have to worry about me keeping any more secrets, and I don't know how to prove that to her. Any suggestions please, and thank you.
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