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Everything posted by Steven1607307306

  1. I think you're reading too much into it. We're you a virgin before you guys had sex?
  2. Sometimes crooked women prefer to play with men's emotions. She may be lying about it to see if you'll break-up with her. Now I'm not so sure if your big on sex, or not, but if I were you I'd tell her straight up, "Lie to me again, and we're through. Keep your chin up, if she cares about you she'll stop lieing, as long as you keep her in check.
  3. When he sees himself, he sees trouble. Trapped in dust and rubble, He smoked his life away. Waiting for the dawning day. The anger is quite subtle, Falls in a hole, made by his own shovel. He tumbles through in an angry abyss, He can't see through the condensed mist. He cuts himself, so he can cease to exist. Twirling in a downward spiral. Until he discovers a stone to mark his mile. Breaks through addiction with an iron fist Cuts on his arm disappear from his wrist. He sees the blinding light, But addiction won't depart without a fight. So darkness, yet again, returns. He starts to get sick, his stomache churns The pain embedded within him burns. Turns to shadows stays out of sight, He's cold, lonely on a quiet, dark night. He feels angry, abandoned, betrayed, He doesn't realize he's hidden in the shade. He's blind, he can't see. He finds himself having to flee. He runs from his problems that he already made, He comes accross a puzzle, only he has the key. He gives any will he has left to spare, Finds that recovery is not too rare. Gives his life over to a forgiving, higher power His resentments are pushed off this selfish tower, Discovers that he can live life, hour by hour. Amends his wrongs, and tries to care. So this isn't too bad for him to bare. His eyes are open, he is reborn. His life, his heart, no longer torn.
  4. It's happened to me as well. The only girl I've ever loved, but I lost any shred of love for her after that. She says she still loves me, but I won't take that risk again. It's up that you can control someone's emotions like that.
  5. Two weeks, is not that long to wait. And as if I haven't stated already...everything is fine, but THANK YOU for your suggestion. I don't believe I need some "guide" to help me with relationships. It may work for you or everyone else, but I tend to follow my heart, and go by my gut instinct. Never hurt me before. Thanks anyway.
  6. Where did ou get the two years from? And...I know how to take a girl out, but thanks for the suggestions. But seriously...everything is fine. But now I'm starting to feel bad for David, because he's been IMing me. Trying to put a guilt trip on me. I keep telling him that it was all her choice to be with me, and he's not being an about it. It just seems he craves my sympathy.
  7. We did not just go on one date, what I meant was that was our first date. Anyways, I called her earlier and she said that she said yes so he would stop bugging her. Then she called me back and said she broke up with him, and she is coming over tomorrow where I will ask her out, so everything is fine I guess. I was just a little confused.
  8. That's very selfish to mess up your relationship before the other. Why not just break it off peacefully? Immaturity is the main cause of infidelity.
  9. Clothes are definitely not anyone's identity...even the people who wear uncommon clothes, all look the same. Your identity is in your heart. Simple pleasures are the best things in my life. Like...food.:splat: btw we have like the same exact results? That's pretty odd, but VERY cool.
  10. What's the purpose of infidelity? Is it the thrill that you're getting away with something, even though you may be hurting the one you love, or the one who loves you? It's one of the most selfish acts one can do. What is the purpose?! I just don't understand...if you're bored with the one you are with, don't play with their emotions, just break up. If you really can't help it, then you need to look at your self in the mirror and think about how much you've wronged the one you are with.
  11. Here's my Global test thingy: Stability results were high which suggests you are very relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.. Orderliness results were moderately low which suggests you are, at times, overly flexible, improvised, and fun seeking at the expense of reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment. Extraversion results were very high which suggests you are overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense too often of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity. trait snapshot: messy, disorganized, social, tough, outgoing, rarely worries, self revealing, open, risk taker, likes the unknown, likes large parties, makes friends easily, likes to stand out, likes to make fun of people, reckless, optimistic, positive, strong, does not like to be alone, ambivalent about chaos, abstract, impractical, not good at saving money, fearless, trusting, thrill seeker, not rule conscious, enjoys leadership, strange, loves food, abstract, rarely irritated, anti-authority, attracted to the counter culture
  12. The one and only btw I'm not the biggest of guys, so I guess I can consider myself, "boney" but never really held me back. haha
  13. Suicide is a permanant solution to a temporary problem. Kepp your head up. If you've lost your long term goals...make new ones. If your family/friends abandoned you...make new friends, start your own family. Come on just keep your head up, I promise these feelings go away with time.
  14. I'm thankful for having a huge heart, and open-mindedness. People always tell me how much of a sweetheart I am, but I just have a classy, romantic heart, that I love to share. That, and I am also blessed with good looks.
  15. Okay so this girl and I have been friends for about half a year. About a week ago we actually went on a date and we had been talking about getting together for about 2 weeks. I didn't want to rush things, so I wasn't planning on asking her out until tomorrow. I found out yesterday that this other guy had asked her out and she said yes! This confuses me because all this time she was telling me how much she wanted to be with me and that she really liked the way I treated her. Now all of the sudden she is with some guy I don't even know! A few questions; 1. Did I take to long to ask her out? 2. Why would she tell me how much she wanted to be with me and all of the sudden change her mind? 3. Am I wrong for feeling abandoned?
  16. Being caught off guard would can go either way. For some girls being caught off guard is very lusty and intense, but then again for others it may be a little awkward. Were you thinking about how fast it started while making out? Just try and get your mind off of it and live in the moment.
  17. Thanks all for the advice. I've decided to quit smoking weed for a while, at least until I get my priorities in line. As for my picture, sure I would Love to take care of her, but right now I don't think I have time for her. I broke up with her like a month ago, I've just been too lazy to change m pic. I still talk to her everyday, she is already in a program for drugs right now, and strongly advises I do the same. She hopes that maybe after all this is done, then I will take her again. She swears by her life that she and I were meant to be, but I have second thoughts about her. She was my first true love, however she attracts a lot of attention that I don't like. How do I handle her?
  18. I can't cry. Over the last three months I've been it with everything, I've lost my job, my relationship with my dad, I hurt someone I love very much, and my schooling is going down the toilet? What's all to blame? That fact that I have no motivation. Sure I know I can do it, but why do it if I already know I can? I don't have the energy to do something productive with my life and I feel like all I need to do is cry, but I can't. The only thing I have to look forward during the day is that I have all day to smoke bud. What a * * * *ty way to live...I look forward to my hour of care freeness while I light a joint to some Beatles tunes.I usually sulk about my failure to live as a productive human being once I'm done being high, and I feel it's too much to cope with so I smoke some more. There hasn't been a day without me getting high for 2 months now. And all I want is to cry it all out. Any suggestions on how to deal with these frustrating feelings?
  19. I feel so lost. Nothing seems to be going right. All the plans I had, are now ruined. It kills me to think that everything I ever wanted to be is only a distant fantasy. I dream about changing the world, only I can't. Everything that is happening in my life is just showing me how much of a * * * * up I am. I'm a typical loser, I don't have a car/license, I just lost my job, I am expelled from school, and I am about to run away to California to live with an old friend. I have no future, I'm living in the moment, but not the good one. I can't stay focused, I have false hope and nothing is going the way it's supposed to. I did something tonight that I haven't done in 3 years. I got on my knees and begged god to steer my life in the right direction., only with the back of my mind telling me it's all bull * * * *... Sorry guys just had to vent.
  20. Honestly, I don't care if it is weird to you. That just shows that you are oblivious to the fact that it is a disorder, and you are very ignorant when it comes to the pressing issues of teen self-mutilation. Some people do it, and some don't. I acknowledge the fact that it is wrong, but that doesn't mean you have to post this insulting reply.
  21. I just cut myself, and I don't even know why. I felt like I hadn't done it in so long...I am afraid I am addicted to it. It's just so great right now, and I know it isn't good for me, but I just can't stop. I don't want to go to a therapist, but my dad might make me go again. Any tips on how to quit without seeking professional help? please help!
  22. Don't worry about it! It just comes natural. Doesn't really matter if you don't have past experience. You don't need experience kissing, ect. Just feel comfortable with the situation, and you'll be fine.
  23. Do you HAVE to have sex with a non-virgin? Just because you are a virgin does not mean a non-virgin won't sex with you.
  24. Nah, you aren't selfish. If he wants you to stop by and see him then great, stop by and see him! If you just wait it out, things ar sure to settle down and all this anxious waiting will pay off, when you guys finally get the alone time you have been longing for. Just try not to live in llimbo counting every minute till you see him.
  25. He is probably not ready for a relationship right now, and the fact that you are still having sex, just makes him think that you don't need a relationship to have sex. The fact that you told him that you want to spend time apart and he got mad, was because then you wouldn't be havin sex. Talk to him, and tell him that you aren't going to have sex outside of a relationship, and see how he handles that. If he says fine, we don't need sex, but I want to still talk to you, than I'm wrong. If he gets angry, then leave him alone, he's a dog.
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