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  1. Casper Hurley, the one you may, or may not love/know died tragically last night about 1:30 AM. He was coming home from his nightly rounds, and he was the designated driver, he was never a drinker. He had 3 of his drunk friends in the car at the time, and the driver of an on-coming red hummer was also intoxicated, and Casper was driving his little Toyota Prius when all of the sudden the driver went into the opposite lane and hit head on with Casper, all survived...except for Casper. The driver recalled smashing into him, but none of his friends could, this is where I found out about this. Casper had his whole life ahead of him, was finally starting to see the real world, had the surfing world in his hands, always loved by his peers, was never one to start fights, just finished them. He was a great friend/student/worker/buddhist/prankster/surfer/all around guy, but now he his gone from the world forever. The driver of the hummer did not show up to the wake today, probably out drinking again. Casper will be terribly missed by the whole community. From All Friends/Co-Workers/Surfing Buddies GREATLY MISSED
  2. well it does work and fairly well even
  3. why thank you scout too bad the other 45 people that have checked this out couldn't have agreed but yeah just get out there and live it up with people
  4. well my ex and i have been broken up for a little more than 3 months n she's still occasionally on my mind but I broke my nightly routine and did something else. I was at a friend's house and a couple of his lady friends came over and then we went out to the bowling alley and just started talking about everything and anything that came up, I myself didn't know either of the girls at all but by the end of the night they seemed like really cool people (not like i'm going to go out and talk to them more). So if you need a way to get over the ex just go out and do some friendly dating as it was called just because you don't know them doesn't mean you can't get to know them even if this won't help you at all it's just a thought best of luck to everyone
  5. fif has it right lovers come and go but friends never leave so they always come first in my life and as my dad always said woman cause young men a lot of troubles (only the ones he was with)
  6. i can do all those things and i do them extremely well except for the don't think about her part, because the last couple weeks somehow i've been connecting random things to her but else i've been avoiding her n i think i've met a girl from another school that i'll get back to you on cuz i'm slowly progressing
  7. man you gotta live up the life listen to the song last summer by lostprophets and if you miss out on everything in your high school years they won't be back so make out with the best you got like clubbin goin partyin, movies, ANYTHING just be with your friends if you liked the girl your friend is datin you shoulda confronted both of em about it but just love the days you have now man
  8. and what exactly do you mean by this? (i'm a little slow) but today she has been shooting me looks all day except for the time she normally does it oh yeah btw what does go back to the way it used to be cuz we were never truly going out just reaaaallllllllllly close like bf and gf anyway but we did go out for about a whole half a week n i knew a breakup was gonna happen anyway and that's why i never considered her my girlfriend cuz that always happens to me
  9. since stolen is the only one that cares: update: this morning right after i got off of work she signed on msn and she talked about the email i sent her about 4-6 weeks ago n how it said i was sorry for how i was n she said she wanted me as a friend and to be able to go back to the way things used to be....
  10. update: last night we were at a basketbal game and i was leaning back where she was sitting (she wasn't there at the moment) she comes back and rubs my head n i looked back at her and said hi n she asked how was i n i asked how the wrestling tournament went today (she's a cheerleader) n i told her what i did all day (it was a very short conversation but it was one) then she went over and started talking to her parents and that was the end of that
  11. well the next time i'll see her is tonight and i'll see how things go from there
  12. keep up NC and if she comes back and isn't a changed women i'd keep her out of your life because it will just be the same thing again and you'll have to relive it but for now find other things to do
  13. NC=no contact, stolen shadow; so you think she might want to give it another try but i need to make more first contact?
  14. yeah i find it a lot harder on the phone then in person for me i think it's because you can't tell body langauge or facial expressions maybe?
  15. my eye is fine, but i'm still not for sure if she's just going for a straight friendship or build up after that, but isn't that what love is? friendship before anything even if it is with your ex?
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