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Everything posted by punchy504

  1. feeling and acting different around different people is normal. But if you feel less confident around that guy you can work on it.
  2. start by apologizing, that's about all you can do, it's up to him if he wants to take you back
  3. well you would have to have so many english credits, math credits etcetera in addition to those you would take classes pertaining to your major and minor
  4. you really don't need to worry about it at this point, a lot of college time is spent meeting general education requirements, so go and get the required stuff out of the way then worry about direction.
  5. don't know why, but I would change my passwords if I were you.
  6. you are not obligated to include her in anything, how she manages to get invited to events is her responsibility... on another note shorty, you really seem to have a lot of people in your life causing you distress maybe you should make some new friends.
  7. my advice is 17 year olds should not be doing that stuff
  8. my advice would be for her to start to actually live her life- if he comes around he comes around, but waiting around won't make it happen any faster, if it is ever going to happen at all anyway
  9. it seems odd that you would expect him to be your support system for your depression, I find that inappropriate and I am sure he feels it as overwhelming too. your issues are yours to work on, not his to fix, maybe you should concentrate more on finding a support group or counselor or participating in activities that make you feel good about yourself
  10. maybe I love you isn't the best way to tell a friend you appreciate them, just a "thanks for being a great friend" is sufficient
  11. is there a question in there or are you talking to someone in particular?
  12. I also would not do that, think about how you feel when you just smell hair dye, can you imagine the fumes from that stuff being less than 1/4 inch from your eyeball???? they say don't get it around your eyes for a reason, it may not even have to touch your actual eye to cause damage
  13. ...I didn't want to deal with the consequences of telling him I was going to do something he may or may not have approved of and end up missing out on my good time because I would have been too busy argueing with him or fretting over making him mad. When people become responsible adults they don't have these types of issues.
  14. I agree with paysley, a special gesture on a special night is not out of line. if she asks what it means, you can just say that you wanted to make sure she felt special. there is nothing wrong with friends making each other feel good.
  15. tell them, nicely, start a convo about things that make each other horny and there you go
  16. you said you didn't want to blame- if that is true I would drop what I have quoted out of the letter
  17. could you give the stuff to one of her friends that you know would make sure she got it?
  18. you guys were broken up- you owe him no explainations for what happened when you weren't with him. I wouldn't lie about it, but it's not something you should feel obligated to offer up either. and if you guys are hoping partner to partner like that it may be a good idea for you both to have some tests done- just to make sure everyone is healthy-
  19. wanna go out friday night? haha, she's got herself a real catch if that letter is any indication. hopefully she'll come around
  20. not to be mean max but this is probably what she was talking about, her dating experience and yours may be workds apart, and while you didn't do anything wrong at all she probably could pick up on you trying hard, and possibly being a little needy/ or likely to be clingy. Not a big deal and these things will change as you date more. Your confidence will grow and you will come accross as much more secure in yourself. Just always keep in mind that a date is just that, a date, a fun evening. Not a guarantee of a relationship or love.
  21. how long have you been together? if he is the non custodial parent of his child you really can't begrudge him wanting all of his vacation time catching up with his son. maybe you guys should talk about what you need in the relationship, maybe you should be dating other people as well, two phone calls a week does not sound like a very fulfilling relationship
  22. what about children? does he want them? do you have them?
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