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  1. i need help. heres the dillio: my ex and i dated roughly 9 months. in that time, we had sex too much and talked too little. these were the factors in our breakup. he ended it with me over 2 months ago. i was/am devestated although i knew it was coming. there were times id be sitting in the car talking to my friends about how sometimes there was silence when the ex and i were together. we definitely jumped into a serious relationship too soon without getting to know each other. neither of us intended to fall in love but eh, it happened. so after the breakup we both agreed that no contact needed to happen. its been 2 months and the longest we've gone without speaking is maybe 3 days. we CANT stay away from each other. i wont lie. we have had sex maybe 4 times in the 2 months. Usually he will call me to come over and we will just snuggle and fall asleep in each others arms and then get lunch the next day. im NOwhere near over him. in fact i havent begun to heal at all. the constant seeing him is great but then as soon as we are apart again, im a mess and back to where i was the day he ended things. everytime i say "this is the last time we're hanging out" he replies with "you know it wont be". i know he isnt over me because hes told me. ive never gotten out of a relationship before where we kept talking to each other. usually the guy dumps me and then we dont speak for a long time and we're both fine. i feel like both of us are trying to hold on but part of me wants to let go because this is tearing me up inside. i know im gonna have to be the one to start no contact and everytime i go 2 days and then he calls me, i CANT not answer the phone. i start thinking that he will wonder where i am and who im with and why i dont answer and then i pick up because i miss him. but i also think rationally that he shouldnt care where i am and who im with because we arent together and i dont need to answer it. but i f*cking do everytime. i miss him. how do i begin no contact. why is it so damn hard to give up on love?
  2. thats what i wish i said to him. i totally feel like i waS on the backburner during our relationship. that he made me an option when he couldnt find anything better to do and he was a priority in my life.
  3. it was more of a rant but sort of questioning why he wont leave me alone as well.
  4. Don't make someone your priority who only makes you their option.. never again. stop calling me. you dumped me. its too hard for me to see you. we broke up almost 2 months ago and up until yesterday id seen you at least 4 times a week. i cant fall asleep at your house anymore. i cant snuggle with you and you cant kiss me on the forehead because you dont want to be with me remember? obviously we werent working out and although i love you and always wish you the best i cant do this anymore. im getting a new cell phone so you cant call me. i wish we had met 10 years down the line when we're 30. i think we'd be good together if we had our lives in order but you are way too young and i know this. i know this and still i push to be with you. i cant believe the longest we've gone with contact since the breakup is 3 days. it will be longer this time. i know you will miss me but i also hope you are stronger than your urges to call me. i dont want to be miserable anymore.
  5. i didnt get my period until i was almost 17. i developed really late in high school. i wanted to get boobs and to get my period so badly and now that they are here, i wish they would go away. dont worry, everyone develops at different rates and im sure everything is fine but if u are worried about it and ur doctor is a weirdo u could always go to a planned parenthood and get checked out by one of the nice people there !
  6. my ex and i have been broken up for 2 weeks. in that time, we've spoken nearly every day and seen each other at least 7 days. thursday was our "anniversary" and we went out to dinner. it was very nice but he looked miserable and he said that it seems like im better and hes getting worse. i told him last week that i cannot contact him because its too hard for me and we both need space to figure things out. so i finally made it 2 days without calling him and then he contacts me, everything inside me told me not to respond oh but i did. i just cannot not repsond to him. last night he had a party and for some reason after hanging out with my friends, he called me and i went over there. it didnt go well. i know we are both single and can do what we want but he didnt like this guy talking to me and when this cute girl started talking to him, i wanted to run over and shove her on the ground. he ended up yelling (a loud drunk yell) at me saying that i dont believe that he loves me and cares about me and how much he misses me and tho he doesnt cry all the time doesnt mean that this isnt killing him inside and how i dont understand that being broken up isnt what he wants. something was off with our relationship and we cant figure out what so we broke up to try to fix it. anyways, it makes me so mad when he says i dont believe how much he loves me. i know he loves me but its also very hard for an insecure person like myself to understand what exactly is going on. i dont understand why he keeps reaffirming his feelings for me. he broke up with me. why does he still say i love you everytime i see him. sigh. im a mess.
  7. we were only together 8 months. i told him last night im pregnant. he wants me to abort.
  8. ive been single for a week and it seems like hes already over it. how is that possible? how do you fall in love with someone and then be seemingly fine in 7 days? im a wreck and i just found out im pregnant. how fricking dandy.
  9. my boyfriend of 8 months broke up with me on Monday. its only been 3 days but i have spoken to him and seen him both days. Both times were his idea. Today as i drove to his house, i told myself not to go in. I know it was a bad idea. We both cried and held each other and then i told him that we need to cut all contact so we both have time to heal and straighten our heads out. why did we breakup? i guess as soon as we met, we became "us". we got so caught up in each other that all aspects of our lives (school, work, friends) got pushed to the backburner and we both have lost a sense of ourselves. we were so involved in each other that we made time for nothing else. he told me today to think positively. .. that he thinks this breakup will help us out. we tried to take a "break" 2 weeks ago but it lasted 6 hours before he called me. i'm feeling pretty terrible which is normal but i didnt think he would be so upset. i mean, this was his idea. it really pains me to see him cry. part of me thinks this breakup might really be benificial to any relationship we might ever have again but part of me knows that most couples do not get back together after a breakup. is it possible for a couple to survive a breakup and re-establish a happy healthy relationship? or is this wishful thinking on both our parts. thank you for any opinions !
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