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Everything posted by punchy504

  1. well it would be legal until someone who cares about you decides that due to your inability to act in your own best interests you need to have a guardian be appointed to you, if they are successful in court, you could ultimately find yourself in a facility until you have worked out all of the issues that are causing you to cut in the first place. wcs of course it really is an unhealthy behavior
  2. 40,000 is not a bad number to start a new position in, and after you have fully mastered the position in say 6 months to a year you can certainly request that your compensation be adjusted to reflect your added experience, provided of course that your performance hase been top notch, not just acceptable
  3. normally I advocate people dealing their own issues but in this case you may want to talk with your mom first and see if she would be willing to have a talk with your dad, his reaction seems entirely inappropriate
  4. and if you are connecting to his voicemail then he can tell you called
  5. what state do you live in Luciana? many states will not honor a prenup at divorce time, my state, wisconsin is one of the states that you can easily get a prenup thrown out for any number of reasons, the biggest one being a violation of the community property state requirements necessary to keep property and assests separate from a marriage... just so you know I also agree with what most others have said, Him asking for a prenup is fair, the way he did it is horrible, what he wants from it is ridiculous. The best prenups are the ones that protect both parties equally, ideally you two should have sat down together and wrote the prenup together, then have a meeting with you two and your two lawyers, for clarification and so the lawyers can tell you ramifications of what you are agreeing to. This should not have had to be a painful process. I think your guy is bordering on emotional abuse in the way he is handling this, if it were me the wedding would be off.
  6. I know your situation is hard and you have relationships built up with her family but you are going to have to distance yourself from them in order to really move on.
  7. you need to address something that bothers you right away. like you and the girl you wrote the email to are in a conversation and she interrupts you, then you, without yelling or being rude, calmly look at her and say "Please don't interrupt me." anything she does that bothers you address in a calm, ladylike but no nonsense "Please don't..." or " I don't appreciate it when you..." or Could you try not to ....."
  8. and fantasia, not to be mean, but your words above are also a rather apt description of the person who wrote the e mail in the original post, wouldn't you say?
  9. and what does this girlfriend expect to do if, god forbid you were in a car accident tomorrow and died? how would she support herself? and I can see your point, a relationship or marriage should be about 2 people working together towards a common goal or lifestyle, taking care of each other. don't know what to tell you except you need to figure out what it is you want in a partner and a lifestyle.
  10. I guess I did DN- haven't been here long enough to realize they were taboo
  11. I noticed a ton of spelling and grammatical errors, but more importantly I think that letter is extremely inappropriate. First of all she is your friend, not a child you are disciplining, secondly to make it sound as if "everyone" thinks all of these things about her is mean and cowardly on your part, third to then say the subject is closed- to attack her like that and to try to not allow her to seek clarification or even defend herself, again cowardly! This woman may be every thing you wrote in that email, but from the looks of what you sent her, you are not much better. If you had wanted to address some issues with her, you would have done it person, allowing for discussion. and your email is much different than not being a door mat, you were being a sledghammer. When you decide not to be a doormat you don't need to hurt others, you just calmly decline to do the things you don't want to do anymore. If I were your friend and got that email from you, I would never speak to you again.
  12. she can't miss you if you are right there, and right now is perfect for her, she gets all the benfits of you company that she did when you guys were dating but none of the responsibilities. just make sure you continue to do your own thing and have priorities other than her.
  13. well, she might be a rather inconsiderate person, or she might have gotten tied up with other things, probably right now your best option might be to just tell her what you expect out of a relationship= ph are you guys actually bf/gf? that could make a difference too.
  14. maybe the friend that ditched you won't want anything to do with the visiting friend either, if the visiting friend wants to hang out with you both then you would be the one on the wrong if you made an issue with the ditching friend, people are not required to be friends, but you know that about him now and can behave appropriately and not get yourself too wrapped up in the ditcher.
  15. never ask question you might not like the answer to....the fact that you had to ask is answer enough. What I have found the best way to keep a cohabitive relationship fresh is maintaining separate identities, make sure you're still involved with volleyball, or your friends or softball, or your book club, whatever. When people move in together they have a tendency to create a buble around them that excludes the entire rest of the world, this is not good. Make sure you're still working towards your individual goals. Maintaining yourself not only keeps your confidence up (which is always attractive) but then you always have stuff to talk about because your individual lives are always moving forward.
  16. nothing to feel guilty about, the right thing is the right thing, no matter how uncomfortable it seems at first, hang in there!
  17. obviously they have some maturity issues, but you should not let it bother you too much, chalk it up to young girls being silly. I wouldn't even bring it up to her, and you should start doing other stuff so your life doesn't revolve around her.
  18. and you should not be having sex at 16 anyway...
  19. the best advice I can give you is to remember when you are feeling neglected (and you will feel neglected) that he is not trying to neglect you, don't blame him for it, always be supportive, and send lots of care packages and pictures
  20. he is too close to the situation to support her, wouldn't be good for him, wouldn't be healthy for her
  21. if she has a boyfriend do not spill your guts, it never works
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