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Everything posted by altosinger314

  1. Most definitely it's offensive! Sometimes it can just be a playful banter insult kind of thing with friends, but I think the tone is offensive and derogatory in this context.
  2. I hate to be blunt about this... They're never gone. They're always in your body, always in your system. They may symptomatically be gone (i.e., you don't see any warts) but technically, you still have them.
  3. As long as he doesn't have a lot of weird tics or an annoying voice. Fairly polite. Funny. Outgoing. If he has a quirk or two it CAN be endearing, just as long as it's not too extreme.
  4. I'm in a chem class in college and i spend about 1 or 2 hours a day doing problems for it and it's the only way I have an A in the class.
  5. I go to a university where the kids are all rich hippies. Thus they all have the money to get pot. If someone wants to do it, that's none of my business. I'd be a little disappointed in my friends that could really do something with their lives but they get stoned all the time, but I can't do anything about it. So I really care anymore. I think they should legalize pot like Europe. Not necessarily condoning it, but definitely tolerating it more. It's pretty much harmless. And if not legalizing it, at least make it legal for medicine. So many cancer patients are dying and in pain, just make it a little more comfortable for them. Gateway drug? Probably. But it mostly depends on the individual and their friends, situation, etc. Personally? I've done it a couple times, but I don't enjoy it. It hurts my lungs and I space out like I don't know where I am.
  6. spiders are a big one. heights: stairs, ladders, escalators. small, closed spaces. haha i know i sound like a phobe freak.
  7. Question: If you were a TA, what would you do if one of your students approached you and asked you out for coffee, etc.? Would go for it at all? After the semester was over? Or would you play it safe? I want some answers, people! Thanks!
  8. I think that you should look at weight loss not as a goal, but a lifestyle. Once you're in the right "zone," you should keep it around there for the rest of your life. Don't starve yourself with only healthy food and then go crazy with junk food. Eat everything you want, just dont' eat heaping portions of everything. Exercise, but you don't have to do crazy cardio either, walking or jogging or swimming or whatever is fine. You can say that I'm just saying it and it's easier said than done, but that's how I keep the pounds off, and while my weight fluctuates a bit as every woman's weight does, it makes me happy. This is what works for me, and experiment with diff. methods, you'll find the right cycle/tempo, etc. and you'll be happy.
  9. I think that while looks may make a big first impression, the personality is what keeps a person coming back for more.
  10. It just doesn't sound like she's ready for a healthy relationship. She may not even realize it. I know it sounds harsh now, but moving on is the best thing you can do for yourself right now...
  11. Yeah, about that...Myspace has been getting to the level of the pink-light district of the internet...you know, almost soft-core porn. You were right to talk to her about it and now I think she's turning it against you, saying that you're controlling. If I did that, I'm sure my significant other would be against it, too. I'm fine with flirting, but these online things can escalate easily...and online cheating is still cheating.
  12. I'm a shy person, too, and often the shyness is interpreted by other people as coldness, haughtiness, that kind of thing. Since you're more used to him, try to initiate conversations more. Nothing to lose!
  13. It could just be genital herpes...it's possible to get it from oral sex (cold sores on mouth).
  14. Since he refers to himself as single, I'm afraid you should move on. It sounds like he has...maybe he feels that you guys have drifted apart. It sounds like he does care about you a lot, but just not in the way he used to. Maybe you guys might reconnect in the future, but just not now...
  15. I don't think you're overreacting. He let his friend disrespect you, and you should talk to him about it. It's a mild, but gradual accumulation of relationship violence. Don't let it escalate..
  16. awww, i hope everything works out. *hug* you're being a very brave person. Don't hurt yourself, he's done enough.
  17. He could be some sort of psycho- or sociopath. Those people aren't that common, but they're not that uncommon, either. Stay far away from him.
  18. Good for you for ending it. Get a good lawyer. Be mature about this and while I'm not sure if you should tell your kids ( I would) and let them see you behave in this responsible manner and they'll look up to you even more for it. I know it's hard, but remember not to let him get the better of you.
  19. There is no way that this is your fault. He led you on, he deceived you, and maybe you should consider reporting him. He is just making you feel like it's your fault when he knows that he could get in trouble. Call a hotline or be with a friend right now. I hope everything works out...
  20. it's not really slang...it's usu. used as an adj..."elfin" or "fairy-like" are the usual ones. Nothing bad meant by that.
  21. In my freshman year of high school, I was kind of shy, just stayed inside my group. But in the summer before sophomore year started, I went on vacation and my life just changed completely. Strike up conversations, people usually like talking. Don't worry about the pot thing, I'm actually surprised. Everyone on my college campus smokes pot or something else. Not that I'm encouraging it, but in college no one will know or care about what you were like in high school.
  22. It's easy to stereotype people. It could be that he's a metrosexual. It could be that he's just a fey person. He could be a touchy-feely person (Isaac Mizrahi, much?) He could be bi. It's different for everyone.
  23. Awww, robowarrior, you made my day! Yeah, I'm thinking I'll ask him to get a cup of coffee or tea with me when this semester ends.
  24. yeah, it's a teaching assisant. He's a grad student, I'm an undergrad.
  25. It sounds like a defense mechanism. I guess it depends on the type of things you're dealing with. I'm still fairly young and I can feel everyone around me growing up. I can feel it in myself, too. Yeah, I understand what you're saying. I look at my mom and I see how gracefully she's aged, and I think, I want to be comfortable in my own skin, no matter how old or young I am. That's what commands respect. In short...Don't act puerile in the workplace. You want to get the promotion!
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