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Everything posted by Yorkrose23

  1. Be honest with yourself. Don't lie and act like it didn't bother you. You should tell her. See what happens. If you are going to get married, sexual history is important and will eventually become a problem if you are not honest now!
  2. Go out-have fun- you are on a break- I see no reason not to date this guy.
  3. The main thing: Be honest with yourself. Who do you honestly see yourself day to day with? Not just in the fantasy, not just sex, etc. Who do you see yourself doing the nitty gritty with? Who will sit with you at the doctor, the hairdresser? Who do you see yourself helping at their lowest? Picture your future-honestly.
  4. It is totally normal to feel jealous about past relationships! To me, it shows that you really love him. So relax! When you start thinking about marrying someone in particular it becomes hard becuase you imagine you and he together forever and never want to think about anyone else. But the fact of the matter is you've both ahd past relationships and if indeed you do get married, chances are you'll learn about them anyway. Him pointing out an old gf, I just think that is harmless, he probably saw it as trivial. If it really bothered you, you should tell him so. But maybe as time passes, you'll discover that it is useless to be jealous of the past. It's past, he clearly loves you, I wouldn't worry.
  5. A lot of women think that when their man looks at porn, it means he doesn't want her or find her sexy. Many times this is not the case. It sounds to me like your bf just misses you, and that his outlet when you are not there is porn. While I can understand why this upsets you, keep in mind that he could just go out with another girl instead of looking at porn. I would talk to him about it. See what he says and ty to work it out. Good luck.
  6. I am going through something very similar right now. I think she just needs some time to herself. Maybe she felt as though you two were losing your individual identities. Time apart is not always a bad thing, sometimes it can make the people realize why they love each other so much and bring them closer than ever. But for now, I would respect her wishes, if you do, she will love you all the more for it. Give her space, but talk to her too. In person, make a day of just being friendly and talking about everything. Get out what is bothering you and tell her how you feel about her. These times are never easy. Try to stay positive. Good luck.
  7. Love's fire boils water, water cools, not love. -William Shakespeare
  8. Losing your virginity is a big deal. Don't do anything you're not ready for. Before you do ask yourself if you'd ever have any regrets about losing it now to this person. It is something that will stay with you forever, make sure it's right for both of you. Good luck!
  9. Unless you're ready to be a father, you need protection, period.
  10. I think you have more choice in who you love than who you are in love with.
  11. There is no one perfect easy answer. I wish I had an easy answer for you. You two need to have a serious talk. You need to talk about why you needed time apart. What you miss about each other and why you want the other person in your life. Now if you have questions for her, all you can do is ask her. No one can tell you but her. If you are not satisfied with your discussion, and you really don't think things can work, then you may need to move on. But stress to her in your conversation to her what moving on entails. Tell her that you refuse to be the contingency relationship.(You are not there to be the back up guy) But she may just really be confused. You two need time alone to talk. If you truly want to be with her, maybe you should try some couples counseling. If not, it may be time to make some serious changes. It sounds to me like you really love each other. You both seem to care a lot about what the other person does and how they feel. See what can be done. Then take the appropriate steps. Good luck!
  12. Concentrate on your own marriage. You cannot help others until you help yourself. If this woman really is your friend, then be a friend. Don't confuse her and yourself at the present time. Focus on your relationship issues. Limit your contact with this woman until you have figured things out with your wife.
  13. If you have been thin your whole life, your size becomes part of your identity. So when you lose that, you feel like you are losing part of what you makes you special. Metabolism does slow down over time, and everyone gains a little weight in college. So I wouldn't worry about that. Concentrate on what you like about yourself: what defines who you are(apart from physical characteristics) Immerse yourself in what makes you happy. As for the weight, I understand. I've been through the same thing, part of the reason I became a nutritionist. When I gained some weight, (from about 110-127) people actually said I looked better, healthier, and a lot of guys said I looked sexier. So don't look at all weight gain as negative, you may look better than you think. Good luck!
  14. Taking a break is not always a bad idea. If you were consistently fighting, then you probably needed to take a step back. Try not to concentrate so much on what "might be going on" Just relax, spend time with yourself, pamper yourself. And if it is meant to be, it will work out.
  15. Why do you see being a perfectionist as a bad thing? I see it as a strength that you are always striving for more. Now as far as your social life goes, that can be tricky. Since I don't know where you are "abroad", all I can say is this. It may be a cultural thing. The way that people make friends there is probably different than what you're accustomed to. Try to relax, try to have a get together with people you work with or ask if someone might suggest a good place to meet people. Just be yourself, be confident, and do your best.
  16. There is nothing wrong with you, you are not cursed. People can go years without having a significant other.(I'm seeing someone right now-I'm his first Gf in six years!) It does not mean that you are "not good enough" in any way. My question for you is why do you want a boyfriend so badly? It sounds to me like you're measuring your own self worth based on your romantic attachments. There is no right way to get a bf. It shouldn't be something you have to work at. Don't try so hard. And don't be so hard on yourself. Figure out what it is about having a relationship that is so important to you. Right now it sounds like you need a friend more than a lover. Meet some new people and have fun. Don't try to force yourself into a relationship. Good luck.
  17. I've found that men want women who are in the "medium size" range. I myself am very thin and I never had men flirt with me. If you're too thin, men tend to say that you are not womanly enough. My sister is a larger woman and she got asked out all the time. In the end, it all comes down to personal preference. You need to meet someone who will not judge you based on looks. It is hard when you are a teenager, but as you get older you will have the chance to meet more people and perhaps be more choosy yourself. Don't waste time and energy on shallow men.
  18. Possible but not probable. Most of the time one has a crush on the other, but if you get past that you can be great friends. My best friend is a guy who used to have a crush on me, then we dated, broke up, and became better friends than ever.
  19. Just tell him politely that while you appreciate his friendship, you are getting irritated by him pulling your hair. As for the hugs, say you are interested in someone and you don't want it to appear that you and he are an item. Or just say that hugging in front of people embarrasses you. See what happens. If he really truly does respect you, he will leave you alone. If not, you may need to ask to be left alone more aggressively the next time. Good luck.
  20. The thing about breaking up with someone you love is that you never lose all your feelings for them. There are people from my past whom I still very much love, but would never be with now. You're young, you still have lots of time. Enjoy being single and if she still really has feelings for you, maybe you'll get back together someday. Good luck.
  21. Though I've never physically "seen" a ghost. I have felt the prescence of certain spirits.( A couple people I knew in life who died prematurely) I think in order to have this kind of experience, the person has to really want to feel that spirit and the spirit needs to have a strong desire to communicate a message to that person.
  22. Remember: the DMV doesn't disappear. You have plenty of time. Just do it when you feel ready. Good luck. If it helps my father was a student driving teacher, so I had a very hard time! Hang in there.
  23. It is very common as a teenage female to go through these times. Talk to people. Share stories; it can sometimes help. Rediscover what things you love in life. Try to find the enjoyment in the small things. And stay positive. Good luck.
  24. Sweetie, I'm in that same situation expect I'm on the flip side of the coin. I did ask my fiance for some space. My reason was because he and I were an "us" for so long that I felt like I was losing myself. And I want the time to rediscover him to make sure we're still together for the right reasons. Now, granted, your guy's reasons may not be the same. But it may not be a bad thing. I would sit down just the two of you and discuss things, ask him why he feels the need for space. Then decide if you are willing to wait. If you do decide to work things out, I still suggest taking more time for yourselves as individuals. Good luck.
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