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Everything posted by tylercdurden2004

  1. These things should always continue. Why stop something that is fun? Its always the little "meaningless" things that mean the most.
  2. BabyPhat, Its not uncommon for men to want to unwind by looking up facts, reading the newspaper etc and for women to unwind by talking about their day. There is a difference in general about how men and women communicate and these differences create huge problems in the relationship. Often people want to ignore these differences and pretend that men and women think and communicate in the same way. They dont. Couples that want to do evertyhing together do so because they can communicate "clearly" with each other. Neither feels restrained. Addictions to what ever it is can be an escape from a situation someone feels they cant control. Maybe your BF is tired of the relationship? All I see is that you have to come to the middle and he has to come to the middle. A couple of books I have read in the last while if you are so inclined to read are: Why Men Dont Listen and Women Cant Read Maps by Barbara and Allan Pease -Its a great book about the biological differences between men and women and written in laymens terms. Thats Not What I Meant!: How Conversational Style Makes or Breaks Relationships by Deborah Tannen You Just Dont Understand: Men and Women in Converstion By Deborah Tannen - Both these books are excellent but different. First one focusses on relationships in general the second more on intimate relationships. They are a bit wordier than the first book. But really really good to help understand what communcations differences can mean.
  3. You are dead on here. Its funny when you bring up this point to people they suddenly play "dumb."
  4. Of course living together birngs out peoples "true" self. By that I mean you get to see what its really like, you do have to live with this person for the rest of your life. Is marriage a stronger committment? Only if both people see it as that. Unfortunately for a lot of people its about what they can get out of it not what they can put into it. As for the percentages I dont think it changes when you get married. Its the other way around, when it changes you get married. Personally I dont want to move in with a girl if its a 10-50% chance it will be life long. It has to be higher than that and hopefully 100% on both sides.
  5. I did! Will be in Texas for a bit then overseas. Any suggestions where to get a six shooter?
  6. Why wouldnt the same thing happen if you were married and lived together?
  7. Be upfront and say "I would like to take you on a date on XXXday at X
  8. It sucks when you get rejected, it doesnt really get easy. I have a feeling the other girl will nail her own coffin in due time and who knows maybe you might get the call then.
  9. If she isnt sure its a date you run a HUGE risk of pissing her off by pulling a last minute swtich. I would suggest you make sure she knows ahead of time.
  10. Affection means different things for men and women usually. Maybe she misses the spontenaity of it? Does it always lead to sex? COuld it be an excuse for something else that is bothering her? Could it be a test to see if you will give in to her every whim?
  11. Use the word "date" and make sure she understands its a "romantic date." I am curious as to why your feelings changed? Have her feelings changed?
  12. Persuasion is a form of pressure. Again like I said it depends on how a person defines "pressure."
  13. Again depends what you define as pressure. Sometimes its to our own benefit to receive some "pressure" its what can help us open up and discover something new. Personally I enjoy when someone gives me pressure in teh for of challenging me. Food can be a prime example. There are somethings I "dont" like to eat however for what ever reason I am "forced" to eat them and then realize I was wrong about it all along. Physical pressure, blackmail etc are all wrong forms of pressure. But without challenging each others ideas and perceptions how do we ever come to an understanding? Is it really beneficial to be set in your ways?
  14. Try asking her for her opinion. That will make her feel invovled and in control and most likely eliminate her seeking out control and invovelment by nit picking or nagging as its better known.
  15. Well you found out the grass isnt greener. I think if he met someone after only one month of a break up it may not be a long lasting relationship. But then again who knows. And that really is the point you dont know whats going to happen with them or him and really you need to focus on yourself.
  16. I dont see this. I think its pretty self evident he does not want a relationship with you. Yes is was ball-less of him not to dump you before cheating and not to let you know its over. Cheating + 2 months NC= OVER.
  17. Fact is everyone manipulates in some way. Often behaviours not traditionally called manipulative are exactly that. Eg. Some people play "victim" in order to gain power.
  18. No. In fact I would say most people dated, after a few dates started sleeping with each other, and then next thing you know shes got him hooked!
  19. To point yes. But we all make generalizations based on experiences. WE ALL make generalizations ALL the time. Constantly. It our way of filling in the gaps of information that occur with our imperfect sensory capabilities. Without generalizations you wouldnt be able to function as you would be over loaded with information. No one has time to "fully" try to understand every person they come into contact with. Of course it goes without saying that not all women are loving, nurturing, mothers and not all guys meat headed, mechanically inclined, bad listeners. To me that goes without saying. But generalizations are about patterns, the odds if you will.
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