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Everything posted by kungfumaster

  1. Hey congrats ravensfolly!! You deserve it. Good luck in your future endevours!! Kung fu
  2. sounds like checking the cell-phone all the time means that he is probably checking if his ex called - you know how it is - i think he's just using you just to have a lady beside him as he goes through his post break-up doubts/blues/whatever - being that you said he walks so fast and ahead o of you all the time. oh well - like you said i guess - everyone needs someone when they are going through break ups. it will probably help you both to heal a little. good luck!
  3. hey nexus dude, no worries man - when i was your age, i didn't even go out with ANY girls!! my first date was at the tender age of 22 - hah! it was then i fell in love, and i've had two serious relationships after that (1.five+ years). i think the key is that we have to be COMFORTABLE an CONTENT to be by ourselves - i don't mean completely alone - i just mean we don't need a "significant other" to "complete" our lives. we all need other people, i.e., friends, family, etc... i think it when you or i reach that point of loving ourselves enough to be content to be by ourselves that we will no longer have this feeling. actually, i almost had this feeling before i met my second ex. you see - its when we least expect it that we meet someone, i.e., when we are almost ready to be completely happy within our own skin. anyways, hope you feel better - keep your cat and dog in mind - pets are always a godsend. take care. kung fu
  4. Hey temperamental, You've done good for yourself - I know you can't see it now, but its for the best. It will take sometime for you to heal from the death of your relationship - that's okay. You will heal. Take your time - but you have taken the first steps, and you are on your way. You were brave enough to leave - good for you. Like the sun that shines through your window every morning, so shall the realization of a better life that will come from this after you have taken some time to grieve, be angry, be sad,... everything, basically, to heal. Good luck on your healing journey. Take care. Kung fu
  5. i got it! *sunshine comes through the windows* you "love" someone when you realize you can live without them, but would prefer not to. you are "in love" when you realize you can't live without them! hah! *ducking some tomatoes thrown at high velocity*
  6. hey greenie, i just read one of your post from a while back "this life" and realized you've been havin' a pretty rough time - so i'm glad you're feelin' better though. hey - take it easy with this one eh - just have fun - maybe not anything too serious because i think you both are sort of still getting over your ex's - so can you hear that basketball going off the rim (please forgive me for my pun). take care. kung fu
  7. swedeace - I wish all women were like you being a bit shy myself hiyah! on all you have said, i.e., i sooooooooooooooooo agree with everything you said and more!
  8. i think if you and your partner think this way, you will undoubtedly break up. how old are you guys?? did he plan to do this travelling before you two met or did he decide during?? if its the latter, why didn't he ask you to come with him?? something smells fishy here. unless you guys aren't too serious about the relationship.
  9. hey there love4me, i'll tell you know you're playing it correctly - you had the strength to keep no contact and gave him his space - you're a really strong - i couldn't do that with my ex (that's why she's my ex - hah good for you. i know it totally sucks. what's going through his mind are probably some doubts i think about your future together - he's probably questioning wether you guys can really go all the way. but you are playing it right - you're playing it cool. don't show any emotion to him, and pretend like nothing happened too. i think that's the best way to do it, although i know its easier said than done. if things settle down, and get back to normal, i.e., you can ask him what happened. right now, don't pressure him or anything. just keep doing what you're doing. but also, in the meantime, don't wait for him either - live YOUR LIFE, go out, have fun. good luck and take care. kung fu
  10. He's acting that way because he's got a girl! He feels too guilty to approach you - technically then, he's almost over that oh so thin and blurry line between flirting and cheating. Lay low - go for a single guy!! Even if they break up, there might be that rebound factor - unless you just want to have fun for a while... hiyah!
  11. It is over-reacting. The fact that you said that he's been unemployed for 4 months, IMO, has alot to do with it. He's probably really frustrated at himself, feeling incompetent, and feeling like nothing is in his control - even little things like this blow him up. Its up to you what you want to do. Has he shown any signs of violence before when he got angry??
  12. Sorry for confusing you Laura. I think we just wanted to tell you that we don't think you "love" this person in the "adult", "mature" sense of the word - whatever that means. I mean, of course, what you have now COULD be the BEGINNINGS of love, but not love yet. Aeeeeyyy - hope I didn't confuse you more. In anycase, you will find out in your own sweet time sweetie.
  13. Woooah - so weird - I just posted on something like this - hey thanks CarterJones for catching that! And to add to what CarterJones just said, I think if people just work a bit harder and be more open, they might find that they can get deeper feeling of love than just "love" and "in love" combined! My 3+3 cents.
  14. Yah - I think you are just infatuated now. Love is something more. WARNING: What follows is off topic from original poster. As to what Day Walker brought up, I am always intrigued at the difference between "in love" and "love". I agree with this, no doubt. I'm not sure if anyone else feels this way, but I always get mad when people use this as a reason to break up, i.e., "I love you, but I'm not in love with you". Basically, what this person wants is the "honeymoon period" all over again, and I hate that. The honeymoon period is over - and if he/she is willing to work a bit harder I think, he/she will experience something even more better than the honeymoon period - I haven't experienced this myself, but that's my guess. Anyways, that's just my 3 cents.
  15. I'm glad you threw in the differences at the college level PAdreamer. In the case of college, I think after the class is completed, students and teachers can mingle like normal people if they feel inclined to do so. Actually, I do that with my older 3rd to 4rth year engineers. After class, I tend to be more "pal" like to the guys, and actually, I just act stupid around the cute girls - hah!
  16. Controlling and selfish certainly describes this guy. It's a bad sign. Be careful sweetie. Just worry about your friend right now as the previous posters have already mentioned. Deal with your bf later.
  17. I disagree. He's trying to lessen his feelings of guilt for dumping you by being so nice. If this bothers you, just try to avoid or ignore him. Or if you want a more proactive approach, you can ask him nicely to leave you alone. Take care. Kung fu
  18. Although I totally agree with Chai and Beec's advise, I think I'm the only one who's going to go a little bit against the grain here. Sometimes, I think we need to give "our healing" a kick-start, and we can't make it go fast enough on our own by trying to be safe and doing no contact. What I mean is, from my own experience, the two times I have recontacted my ex's after a year - it hurt immediately after that, yes, but afterwards, I found that my healing took on a more, let's just say, fast track. It basically forced me to heal faster. So, I think if you're willing to endure or risk that short term pain if he doesn't respond, gives you a rude response, or tells you he's with somebody now, or whatever, then I think you should do it, because in my experience, that will help you heal faster. Take care and good luck with your decision. Kung fu
  19. Thanks Ray-Kay! You take care of yourself too P.S: Hah - I never told you but I love your avatar!
  20. Hi HajiMaji, I posted a similar topic in the "exboyfriend/girlfriend relationships" section. I am going back to the city where my ex lives and I was wondering if I should contact her. lady00 had some good advise. On the other hand, there is a part of me that thinks its always good no matter what to try to "recontact" the ex in someway. I remember the last time I recontacted an ex after a year - I found out she had a new bf and was doing great - and you know what - although that set me back in my healing process a bit, afterwards, RIGHT afterwards, I remember healing really quickly, i.e., I finally let her go because I knew she had moved on, and so I moved on too (I know that sounds bad, but at that time, that's what it took I guess). This is how the healing process works - its like a climbing up a slide - you slip 1 meter, and then you climb up another 2 meters. You slip again, and then you climb up even further. Then finally, you reach the top and see what you have gone through and it feels great! Take care and good luck. Kung fu
  21. Hi guys!! Thanks for all your support and advise - you guys are great!! I got my blood test back today and everything is normal - in fact, it is pretty good. My cholestorol too was good the doctor said - so everything is okay. Yeay! I'm relieved. My doctor said it was probably just a virus that has been floating around our small town, and that its affected alot of people this past month. I think it was just that I was just really depressed and taking time to grieve for my failed relationship. Also, I was also burnt out after this really hard year at school. So these two combined, plus the fact that I wasn't eating healthily that past week led me to believe I was developing diabetes - but I'm so glad everything turned out okay. Yah - on the weekend, I had lost of rest and relaxation, and was already feeling better. Today, I am feeling great! Thanks again everyone and take care. Kung fu
  22. Hey marolua, Don't worry - I'm in the same position as you - its been about 1 year and 4 months. Although for me, I think I spent the last 8 months as a work-a-holic, trying to push away any feelings, thoughts - ANYTHING about my ex - but I think that doesn't work. Now that school is over and summer is here, I have more time to myself and there's not as much work, so I have more time to grieve - so I think its natural for me to think about my ex because now I have time to grieve. Is this what is happening to you?? Did you somehow try to "push" away the natural grieving process that needs to happen after your relationshiop ended in this past 2 years? If so, then that's okay. TAke time to grieve now- different people take different amounts of time to heal. I know for myself, I'm more of an introvert so that it takes longer for me to heal. I think it takes extroverts faster. Anyways, I already know in these past 2 weeks, I've been really depressed about the failure of our relationship - frustrated at how she didn't give me a chance whey I always gave her a chance - mad that she just ignored me at the end and was to cowardice to tell me - happy that I don't have to deal with her up and down commitment - you name it, I felt it. I was grieving - I was finally grieving. It was quite intense - I actually got physically sick - I thought I was developing type 2 diabetes actually - but it was actually that I was depressed and had no energy because grieving does take some time and some energy - but you know what? I feel good know after that - I mean, not escstatic, but content. I am looking forward to my summer, and looking forward to my brother's wedding - looking forward to a vacation. Now that school is over, I can so heal in the way that I want, instead of always pushing it to the back-burner because of work. So marolua - take your time to heal - its okay. It is better to heal completely, then to get into another relationship with baggage from not healing completely. Take care. Kung fu
  23. ooooohhh, please forgive me for my subjective words Mr. Caldus... I guess I am not sophisticated enough to use this forum.
  24. hear hear! good for you zimetra. i agree with you even though my ldr didn't work out. but my best friend and his girlfriend have been in an ldr for FIVE YEARS! - mainly because of their choice of careers - they are still going strong, and see each other at least once every month, and then they spend the whole summer together. now that's love and commitment i tells yah! good luck to you zimetra and all of you in an ldr!
  25. hah! to add insult to injury - i just found out this recent person i've been pursuing has been recently divorced! hah! is there a sign on my back that says "recent divorcees only please"?? i've met two this year alone!! they are clearly not ready for a real relationship. life is funny. you just have to laugh or else it gets the better of you.
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