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Everything posted by Cid

  1. I agree with q123, It is a natural thing with us humans. Just don't let it bother you too much.
  2. Go get a blood test that is the best way to find out if you have HIV. Do not go talk to her for short time. Let thing cool down and so the police don't get involved.
  3. Good luck, I know it is late but better late then never. Keep us updated. Your frends and ENA.
  4. Good luck I know it is late but better late then never.
  5. I am not apart of a church right now, but 4 years ago I was a minster of the Universal Life Church I preached that god loves us no matter what. But I think that you just need to find your own way. If a church gives you a good feeling you should go to it. Go to all the different Church's in your area and give them all a try. I think you will find one that fits you.
  6. One thing that you might want to do is get on some anti-depression pills. My wife is on them and the helped her alot. You famly doctor can give them to you. That should help you alot with this.
  7. I sugest that you go get some counselling, they can help you more then we can here. But we will try are best. I think it is because of your hard live when you where growing up. You did not have a stable man in your life so it is hard to trust men if all the men in your chiled hood was not there for you. I hope that I am makeing sense here.
  8. Yes tell her you need to be open with her for this to work, and at the same time you need to trust her and her friends try to get to know them. That might help you get over the whole jealous thing.
  9. Yes dont let her go if you love her. But dont jump in too quickly. Let your famly know what you want to do, I know I am asking a big thing but you might be surprised that your famly will take it well. But you will never know until you try.
  10. I went though somthing close to this. It went on for 5 months before she asked me "are we dating?" I did not know what to say the only thing that I could say is "I think so" but to make a long story short we started to date but she was afrade to get into a the bf/gf thing. You just need to set her down and ask her if she wants to start dating or are you friends that is the question. I hope that this helps.
  11. Ok the first thing I must ask is have you hanged out with her in person sense the terment? If not try to. Try to make it seem like a friends thing and see how she is with you.
  12. Robo is right about this one, I am a shy person with people that I like. Hell I still am with my wife some times. But go up and talk to him and see where that takes you. In a few mins you will know if he likes you. Just go for it you have nothing to lose.
  13. Have sex if you want to. If you do and he wants to then do if not then dont. It is that easy. now if you dont think that there is going to be time then tell him that you guys need to make time to do it.
  14. I am two faced. That is just how I am. I make the best yes man. My problem is that I see both sides of the story. So I can say that you are right but I can still say that she is right for why she did what she did. Now that has go me into alot of problems but that is how I am. You should talk to your frend and see what he says, he might just be a yes man.
  15. I have to agree with robowarrior, you have to tell her to make up your mind is it me or him. I know that sounds hard/meen but some times you just need to do that.
  16. There are theraps out there for sex problems. Look in the phone book and call them and ask if they deal with sex problems. Dont turn your back on her just yet. I hope that this helps.
  17. are you on the lease? if not then you can leave easy. If so then you should go hang out with your friends and start to get your life back.
  18. Try to remember other numbers, like bank account numbers and such. Most people can only remember so much.
  19. Tell her what you told us, I had a roomate that did that to me. I did not tell him until a month before are lease was up. So I know some what you are going through.
  20. I am glad that she is alive and even though I got hurt alot if she is reading this she can PM me if she wants.
  21. do what your hart tells you, if he loves you he will not cheat on you. I would not leave but that is me.
  22. I have not but my best friend works on a oil rig, he works 10 days in a row then having 10 off. He loves it his wife is ok with it she lives 100 miles away from his work. My wife is trying to get a job on a cruise line, and if it works out I will too.
  23. I think that blender is right on how to respond to it. Just tell him that he is a friend and it is fun to flurt with him but you do not want a relationship right now.
  24. Just tell your self if you dont go talk to her someone else will and you will lose your chance. So go talk to her quickly before you lose your chance.
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