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Everything posted by sisterlynch

  1. Something is bothering you, and you can't admit what the real problem is. You can and should seek help. Tell your mom that you are sick and need to see the doctor, something that will not cause a lot of suspicion -- in the doctor's office -- tell them that you need help.
  2. I think that she is jealous and is sabotaging the relationships that you have because she is too insecure to find some guy that likes her the way that you seem to like women that you are dating. When she talks -- instead of arguing, just look at her. Let her have her ideas, soon she will paint herself into a corner, then you can tip toe out the other side. She wants to have her little fantacies about how the world works, so let her. See how much happiness that (little) idea of men will bring her.
  3. Sorry, I can not remember how stones convert to pounds. Is this a basically thin woman wanting to spot lose excess weight in her legs?
  4. 8) I agree with DN, I knew the day would come!! I think he is tired of the feelings that he is having and is moving on...that is the smart thing to do. Having a strong crush that goes no where makes people uncomfortable and depressed after a while. He got tired of the whole thing, and moved on emotionally. High five -- man.
  5. You have one child with him and one from before you met him. You are tired of your husband, is that it? Kind of over him, so to speak? What do you really want in life? Picture yourself, really happy...how would that look? This is probably a tired topic, but is the ADD child being medicated?
  6. I didn't get one until around the age of 30, but I had a partner all through my 20's, so I didnt really need one until later.
  7. I am a teacher and I sometimes see girls as early as 5th grade that look like little adults. You are right in thinking that she is mature and gets this attention a lot. Maybe ask her what she thinks of that sort of attention, maybe she gets it so often that she is used to it. There is not a right or wrong answer, it is just how do you and she wish to handle it.
  8. I am sensing that she was so relaxed by what you were doing that she didn't want to move and lose that state that she was in at the moment. You know how when you are asleep and awake at the same moment, you dont want to move and wake up from that dream like state, it would be as if you had hypnotized her with what you had done sexually to her, does that make sense?? Women aren't like men in that there is a really clear boundary between getting off and not getting off, she was in the zone....
  9. It is human nature to be curious. It is normal to hold on to the neg emotions when someone has betrayed you, but you need to look at what you may be doing to your health and future health.
  10. You didn't really say a good reason why you are leaving this guy who cares for you and is the father of the kids. Be specific. You shouldn't leave just for a break, try and make things work for you on different levels. Do you feel that you need for the marriage to fail in order to be successful?
  11. I think that it is wrong for him to spend more time on her than the other kids that he is coaching. You need to teach her boundaries and how to take herself politely from a situation without over reacting to the stimulous. She needs to learn that there will always be nice guys like that around her, and that he maybe spends too much time with her for your own comfort level. You are afraid that she will have her heart broken by him in the long run. She probably smiles really big when she sees him, right? First step is to smile in a more indirect way when she sees him. I think it is emotionally unhealthy for her to not see guys her own age as her equals. This guy is her coach, not a boy that she should spend extra time with. Try and determine what he is getting from the relationship with her...
  12. Is she younger? Let me play devil's advocate for a second....what is your wife's stress coming from? Lack of love and support? Wanting a better relationship with her husband than she has? Do you have kids? All this makes her feel ambiguous and in denial. Your gf has the best of both world, she has her own husband and your wife's husband licking her up and down, figuratively of course. Maybe she takes some drugs that you don't know about???? No, that would never do!!! Get real with the new chick and see how much stress she is under then!!
  13. Maybe you need to spend time with the girls for a while to appreciate your bf again. People get bored when they are not growing, try and find other activities that make you happy and create good will in your life. Don't expect the poor boy to tell you every little idea that he ever has, or then you will be forced to break up with him, or him with you!! Let him have his own ideas. Maybe he isn't the one for you, maybe he is just a friend.
  14. That video is fetishistic, I would say! Nelly makes his point that he likes the girls that have a little something going on down there. I don't think that means that all women should run out and get a butt implant! Guys know what they like, and it is normally the opposite of what they have at home or with their gf. Don't go changing to try and please Nelly, he may like you better as you are.
  15. You may be bi -- by the description that you are giving, it sounds as though you are fantacizing about the relationship with your gf moving to a new and different level. If she is bi as well, then there really isn't harm in telling her so, I suppose.
  16. Since both of you are married, you both need to go through some steps to get out of the relationship that you are in, and be single before you should hook up. Ethically speaking, I would expect that you would go to your wife and tell her that she isn't making you very happy. You seem to have thought it all out, so go for it. What do you have to lose?
  17. You are only 19, and you are mature looking, and I would say that you are probably attractive too, considering how many guys that you say like you. I would just say to be patient. Maybe the guys are looking for party girls, and you don't look like a party girl. There are nice guys out there, they are probably just shy to talk to you.
  18. When we have had that happen in the past, it is normally when he is feeling really relaxed and is having a great time in general. It doesn't happen that often for us either. Both of us were really physically fit and active during those times, too.
  19. I've already talked to him about his girlfriend and asked what to expect when she graduates and his response was basically this --- "I'm glad you asked that... I obviously care about you a lot and I would never just leave really quickly... It's hard because if we were closer in age... I would be rethinking a lot of things right now... but where we are in our lives are so different." So that just made me content for a little while.... but I'm starting to wonder again... Do you know how to do a cost analysis of the relationship? You make a list of all the things that he is giving you, then the negatives about the relationship, then you figure out if he is costing more that he is giving... Be really picky, if he has blue eyes and you like brown, then count up all the points on both sides and see how it evens out. If you are alright with dating only half of a guy, then go for it. Remember, he won't leave you really quickly, unless she shows up really quickly...
  20. Other than his age and experience, what are you finding so interesting or attractive about this guy? when you are 25, he will be 45, When you are 30, he will be 50....he is going to run into health problems, you will be just hitting your stride in life...Like the other person said he is going to control the relationship. You will rebell and you will never really grow up, until you get up and leave him. Have you seen the movie Closer? It doesn't say how old she is, but the Natalie Portman character in the movie is the "younger" girlfriend, and he chases after the older woman, the one that can control him. Portman finally figures out that he doesn't really love her, but is dependent upon her to love him to build up his self esteme. That is a job, not a relationship.
  21. I think that you should call, just say how is it going and when are you and he going to get together. That will force him to give you some kind of a reason for him backing off.
  22. It is not about how they are accomodating to me. It is why women do not like accomodating men? I am still a bit confused about what you are saying. Define accomodating. Most women accommodate much more in a relationship than men do, that is my opinion. Maybe the women that you are meeting want to date one time only and that is all. Is that possible? Maybe they want to appear like they have much better things to do than to wait by the phone. I don't really know what you are asking either without an example...could you come accross with an example of how women are not being accomodating? Please?
  23. It takes a lot of patience to go the indirect route, like you are attempting to do with her, and there is no real reason for her to change is there? You need to act differently with her when she exercises. Don't expect her to do it on her own. Make things more fun and exciting for her when she does any physical activity. Tell her positive stories about people at the gym, dont say anything that she can say, well he is only going to laugh at me, so why should I try? Make her life more interesting and exciting by loving her more.
  24. I would consider him single. He probably has very few emotional ties with the mom of the child. The child is young enough to be ok with the dad dating and all. Don't let the child hold you back from a nice guy.
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