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Everything posted by sisterlynch

  1. They can kick in quickly. Do you want her to be pregnant?
  2. Why don't you get some counseling for your self esteem? If you felt better about yourself, then all this would be easier to control.
  3. she led you on, not all girls do this, but you being experienced should know that 21 and 41 don't make a marriage unless it is all a fantacy. Not much of a "friend" if she would treat you that way!!
  4. no easy answer here, if you stay, then you need to stand up for yourself, are you capable of doing this? You are letting her have too much control over the relationship, and she doesn't respect you. Have you seen Desperate Housewives? Threre is a similar plot. She has been seeing this guy for 2 weeks, most likely she will see him for another month tops. I think that you should wait it out.
  5. she needs to stay on birth control or else you need to be more aware of her periods. To make this kind of a relationship work, you need to have all kinds of talks and trust. I feel like she is using entrapment on you. Be careful.
  6. I have a feeling that she is pretending not to feel anything for you, I don't think that she would do things physically with someone and have no feelings for the person. If she is aloof then you be aloof, if she is friendly then you be friendly. Don't chase her if she tries to run, ignore her. Either she will call you on your bluff or you will get your answer eventually. It will feel weird--the feeling is called ambivalence. Eventually she will feel comfortable enough with you to come down off her high horse. Let her come to you. Plan things that you will say to her. don't pretend, be authentic. If her behavior is inappropriate, leave immediately. The game plan calls for confidence. Remember that you are the one in charge.
  7. Seriously, why would you put up with this form of behavior from her? It sounds like you would be better off breaking it off completely, then she will chase you. If you chase her then she runs away. What a girl! Is she an adolescent?
  8. If he is taking five days off, then that sounds really manipulative to me. She is right, you guys need to work out your differences or break up completely, emotionally neither of you is working on your issues by breaking up and getting back together. If you are really interested in a relationship, work on a proper relationship with some one who will appreciate you completely. Don't allow him to manipulate you so much. Talk about boundaries with him. Find a guy that is a little more grown up.
  9. If it is taking you this long to get through a break up, then you really need to darken the door of a psyhologist room, go and and have a talk.
  10. It is physical attraction that causes you to notice the person originally, they may say or do something like give you a little extra look to show that they are interested, then the rest is you or he making the social gestures that are necessary to make a relationship work.
  11. Actually it is paxil that is for social anxiety disorder. I don't really sense that you need an antidepressant at your age. You just need to realize that everyone makes mistakes, and people want to capitalize on the errors of others, so you are better to be prepared and try to laugh off any mistakes that you may make, than to worry about them. We all make mistakes, we all like to laugh at others who seem to have something going that we don't!! Be cool about your own errors. Don't let it stand in your way.
  12. Most of us don't value what we have until it looks like we may not have it in the future. Your story is a lesson to us all, thank you!!
  13. Frued said that dreams are the entry way to our subconscious desires. I can't believe that you have desires to kill someone. The newest theories are that dreams are just stories that your brain makes up to explain the anxieties that you are feeling in your body. Do you have an unconscious desire to kill someone? I would leave these dreams to the stars. Or write them up and try and sell them to the movie industry. They sound like the plots to movies, like The Grudge.
  14. I don't think that you can date him. He is supposed to be in charge of the class, not just you. It is kind of like a work-place romance for him, but for you it is a school-girl crush...the two are not equal. It is not appropriate to date a teacher. Let him have his fun, and a life away from school.
  15. You are in the zone. She is still in love with the other guy, but she loves you too. What can you do? It may take her months to totally get over the other dude, honestly. You can't control the two of them, they will cheat if they have the oportunity. They may end up back together again, too. Ahhh!! What can you do??
  16. Count your gf lucky to have a two minute orgasm. If you are going at it for an hour or more, it seems less likely that she will be stimulated to a huge orgasm after so much time and effort. Are you looking for her to ejaculate? Is that what you are wanting? I would suggest one of those g spot stimulators that they sell. Yes a sex toy, I think that she will enjoy it.
  17. I hope that things go well for you in the future, keep positive, you deserve it!!
  18. You should know.... I am only telling her what will work. It does work. The man showed her how to behave, remember the golden rule?? Did she do something that she should be ashamed of, and that is the reason for the man's lack of consideration?? Yes, some people are spoiled by life and end up acting like dogs, yes, it is true, you know it is!! You have some reasoning skills under all that pretty hair -- don't ya??
  19. It isn't just gamesmanship, I really think that it helps women's self esteem to do as men do for better or worse. He obviously knew that she was in the store with him, so if he was just standing there staring at some girls derrier, he knew that he was going to be caught, right? I am not saying, just firt and pretend that there is no tomorrow, but if she tried to flirt, maybe not with some guy that is married or in a relationship, but if she works with the enemy, so to speak, she will build up her confidence a lot better then she will turning to us or her own girlfriends, who may be less than supportive as well. There is not a right answer in this case. My husband is in his late 30's and he is just now learning to control himself in public, so she isn't going to tame him over night, and like with most men -- it isn't a one shot and you are done kind of change, getting the man to be calm under pressure is a life-long adventure. there are plenty of marriages who do nothing and fail. He is clearly showing her that he has a wandering eye, and now she knows. What she does is up to her. If she is afraid to flirt, and what will that lead to, then she is really barking up the wrong tree. We need to live out our fantacies when we are young, then put those fantacies behind us when we are married. Married life is a bond between man and woman, and he shouldn't be staring at some chick in the supermarket, or if he does, he should give her a tip...
  20. If you don't want me to comment on what you are saying, why don't you extend the same pleasure to me?? BTW I said flirt, which is talking and smiling and making friends, but maybe you read more into it???
  21. If you only follow the rules and never have any fun, you really wont find a mate that way either. Falling in love is about chemistry, but the hotter the chemistry, the more likely it is to wear off quickly. Start with a lot of friends that are girls, be you around them, and see if they are attracted to you or not. Inside we are all attractive, it is society that makes us behave in ugly ways!
  22. Do things that you like that are healthy for you, eventually he will get sick of going out, especially if he is always coming home to a hot gf!! The more healthy that you can become in mind and in body, then the more attractive that you will be to everyone. Flirt with other men, and make sure that he knows that you are doing it... Try to cultivate more of a friendship with him than just you being sad and him cheering you up, take a real interest in his hobbies.
  23. You are not alone, because every single or married person in the world goes thru this -- it is normal, more normal than you think. Give it some time, that is all that you can do. Maybe a month or two, by then he will have worked it over in his mind enough.
  24. My older brother did something like that once. I would suggest ignoring him socially for a while, if he calls you for something, you may want to suggest that he get help for his little problem. If everyone ignores the pink elephant in the room, it is gonna stay pink, it will not change its colors unless it gets help.
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