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Everything posted by sisterlynch

  1. Is there any kind of lotion that he can use? He isn't big on that kind of thing, using lotions and all, is it better just to give it time....I guess it is .
  2. I didn't realize how rude I was, it is so good that people say what they mean on line....
  3. Your parents and your stepmom are all there for you, of course, you can't see that, because you are too caught up in the blaming process to look at things in a more rational light. Do any of the parents involved see how you are suffering, or are you hiding your feelings from them?
  4. What are the ages of the people involved in this? If the guy is over 22, then he should really know better. If he is below 22, or has other emotional issues that she knew about, and is willing to deal with, then they can probably repair the pain that she will feel from this. Over the years, she will never be able to trust him, since he took clear advantage of her vulnerable time.
  5. I guess this is a question for the guys. My husband is in sales and is in his mid 30's. Lately he has been complaining that the skin on his penis gets sore from having sex. He told me that he needs more time in-between episodes to allow the skin to feel better. At first there was like a red bump on the side, now that is gone. He is still not initiating sex. Last night, I got into a bit of a rage, because he was seeming like another night that he wasnt going to be interested. He then said that my rage was turning him off. I went to try and calm down, then came back and he was reading the newspaper...he said very casually, that he was interested. Then we had sex, but it was like I was begging for it. It wasnt terribly passionate. Any advice or comments?
  6. What does that question mean? Because I am sitting alone, then I am single? Explain that...
  7. There is really no excuse for what he has committed against you and the child. He is a liar and a theif in my way of thinking. In the next few months get him to counseling and get some real answers from him, if he has a drinking problem then deal with that. Crying is not an excuse nor is drinking. He knew what he was doing. I guess he wanted to get caught.
  8. I know exactly how you feel. Like you hear them talking in the other room, and everything seems fine, then they act like they don't care. It makes me want to run, and never stop runnning. The best deal is to concentrate on what you personally do well. Try to support her, but not to compete with her. When people compliment her, take it like they are also complimenting you and your efforts in supporting her and her choices. If she is really that smooth and effortless, then she deserves what she gets. That is how our country works. Suck it up and get over it as quick as you can. Is that too rude? Chuck those things that you don't like up to "experience" and dwell on the things that you do like...maybe that is more like it.
  9. Roxanne hit the nail on the head. Women go thru different emotional states on a continual basis. We are used to that. Men either don't go thru the same stages or are less aware of their feelings on certain things. I think that she is telling you that she is interested in sex...If you are in love/lust with her, then get going!! If you are on the fence, Humpty-Dumpty, you may have a great fall!!
  10. My son was on that for a while, and his work improved, but he would get into fights, one time he ran into the street after a ball...be careful, ok!! Concerta is another drug that is similar to adderall, but is more of an antidepressant. That one might be good for you too.
  11. I know exactly how you feel, and yes, I feel that way all the time. You need to keep it in perspective. There are rules in place for a reason. If he dated all his students, then he would seem fake to the coworkers, so he is better off looking for love in other places. However, there is nothing wrong with a crush!!! Just keep your feelings modulated. It is his working environment, so it is a cousin of sexual harassment.... Be good, ok??
  12. I wish you the best of luck.
  13. You may feel some stress on it after some time. Like anger and mood swings, so just be careful. How is the guy getting the drugs?
  14. I am not sure what you are saying to him, to be coy, and act like you want it when you are not sure? Are you saying that he doesn't really want to sleep with his gf in your opinion?
  15. I think that if you are 16, you can receive this type of medication from the doctor on your own. It is sad that your parents have put you into this position. Have they noticed any difference since you have been taking the drug?
  16. There are no real rules in dating, just do what you feel good about. Make every move premeditated. Don't follow the traditional ways of doing things if that doesn't make you feel comfortable.\\ We all have that feeling of wanting to be good,and present the best face to the family, but sex is really something that you experience on your own and you should feel positively about.
  17. There are plenty of marriages that last for years on what you are saying. Not ever person has the perfect marriage. We all work on it every day. If we don't, then the love and friendship go away. Isn't your counselor helping you with any of this?
  18. When you are having sex, and you are starting to come, can't you stop and do some other sexual activities before you start to have sex again. Can't you come fast, then have sex again in a little while? Masturbation can come before the sex, so that you are more relaxed when you are starting to enjoy yourself again. Self talk: what are you telling yourself when you are masturbating or orgasming? Are you saying like--I am bad, I am evil, I don't deserve this? That is guilt. Try and not hurry to sex so much, that way you can enjoy the company. Is the girl kind of controlling?
  19. Be as nice as you possibly can be to him. Make all efforts to be the best in school, and at home. Be kind and considerate. Know that the end will come whether you are ready or not, so it is better to be good and kind, so the last memories of him will be the most positive.
  20. I am saying that maybe you are being too outgoing. Men can tell when someone likes them. He is trying to distance himself from you so that he will not get into trouble. I have a feeling that you don't really know him that well, but you are attracted to him, is that so? He is smart to put his professional life first, isn't he? Don't we respect him more that he is being professional, and ignoring you coming on to him?
  21. Shadows light makes a lot of good points, have you been able to get over the first marriage? Maybe some of those problems are kind of still present in this marriage.
  22. Sexual stimulation is a great way to get rid of pent up energy. Don't discourage people from doing with their bodies what they wish. It is more healthy to take responsibility for your feelings of desire, than to allow nature to take its course in life. She may not have a partner, or she may be separated from him, or she may have more sex drive than he can really handle right now. There are plenty of good reasons to self-stimulate.
  23. I think that it is pretty rare that the guy is less interested in sex than the girl. I think that because you are less aggressive with her, that is giving her plenty of time to prepare emotionally and physically for what will happen. Some of her words sound mean to you, maybe she realized that she was being mean and trying to test your feelings for her. She is feeling ambiguous about the relationship. I think that she would like to have sex, but feels bad about being the aggressive one. I think that at 18 or 19, you two are still a couple of years away from being ready to have a life together, and she is tired of waiting and wants more in the relationship. Maybe she feels empty to be with you so much, but not have sex. Even tho she states other wise, reading into her emotions is important for you to do at times. She is clearly stating that she wants to have sex. If you are not open to having sex with her, then let her play the field for a while.
  24. To me it sounds like you weren't eating and drinking right that day, and your body got over heated from the sun, maybe you had a little flu that you didn't know about. Something caused you to feel like you were sick and passing out, some outside thing. I had something similar happen when I was working in a science lab, and I think that maybe a chemical had been left out that made me feel sick, like I was about to pass out. I think that I did sort of black out and just stood there by the sink for a few minutes. Some grad students were in there, and they saw me just standing there. It felt like I was on laughing gas....
  25. There is a really intense movie called Super Size me. It was interesting to me that the guy started to report feeling depressed after about a week on his fast-food diet. He also ran into health problems right away.
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