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Everything posted by sisterlynch

  1. They normally just talk to you about your health. The other thing that they do is take your blood pressure. It isn't that big of a deal. It is mostly to protect the kids.
  2. I know it is weird and it isn't what you expected to happen, but I would say that it is a lot more common than you would think. Mistakes happen. I wouldn't take it personally. So, you are going to meet the dean? It is just like meeting anyother college professor, you never know. I am sure that once you explain what happened, then it will be over, and you can relax. Get some good sleep, that is all that you can do.
  3. Twenty-something is great, but you need to get there first. Learn to think positively, get lots of rest and exercise, take your vitamins and drink plenty of water.
  4. They may ask you to take a teberculine skin test. It is a small shot that they check after 2 or 3 days to see if you have been exposed to that virus before. They may also finger print you.
  5. A similar thing happened to me when I graduated from school, I was 4 units short. Oh, well. It was only a big deal to my family for some reason. They felt betrayed....I still can't understand why. I guess they are lacking in seretonin, or somesuch!! Could you enroll in a physical education class or a creative writing class? You really only have to pass it right? Since you are getting permission from the dean, see if you can enroll in something pass/no pass, so that you dont have to worry about the grade...
  6. I am not trying to disagree with the other people who posted, when all of us have a right to our own opinion. I would first of all suggest that you get some counseling. I am also wondering if the military is a very good environment for someone that is young and vulnerable. I am not going to say that what you did was wrong, you are not married, he is the one that called you in to the office, etc. If you make a habit of going for guys that are unavailable, then it is only going to hurt you in the long run, so make your choices wisely. Try and figure out what people want, and why they are treating you in a certain way before things go out of hand.
  7. I am sure that this is going to come out wrong, but nerdy guys aren't really hot when they are younger. It isn't until they grow up and make some money that women will notice them! 8)
  8. I am taking psychology classes just for the fun of it, but I also understand how you are feeling. I was an english Major in college and I didn't understand it at the time, but it didn't help me to mature or to grow up at all. It was all sort of old information. I am a lot more happy now.
  9. We all want to date up, or date someone that is wrong for us or too good in some ways, but that isn't going to make someone happy -- finding the right person is tough. Once you have that person, hanging on is tough too. Life isn't easy and there are no simple answers... (what is the point of arguing?)
  10. It seems like girls want a guy that makes others take notice. A really good-looking girl needs a really popular guy that is tall and handsome and has a nice car. Nerdy guys have to date nicer girls, not the hottest sexiest girl in the class. Those girls aren't interested in nerds. Nerdy guys date nicer girls....
  11. Maybe the word that you are looking for is ambiguous...meaning close to the edge, or something that makes you want to run, and stay close at the same time...like being attracted to someone who is the gf of a good friend. Some feelings you need to hide away, while you are around those people. Social skills are a game....
  12. There are many coping mechanisms, and supression of the desire to act is a short term goal, after time, the desire to maintain the love and respect inherant in the relationship becomes less important than getting your message of desire taken care of. You probably are searching for some form of balance and finding something that makes you really motivated--like a hobbie or sports can fill in the missing points that you are after. Is it a person that upsets you? or groups of people?
  13. Just changing positions can help too, can't it? While you are enjoying the sex, the build up is occurring, so stop what you are doing when you are about to come and then do some other activity/ You can practice this while you are masterbating, when you are about to come...slow down and stop the motion. If you stop for a minute, and do some other activity with your partner--like oral gratifiction, then you can go back to what you were doing. Why not come quick and then go for another ride? Read about tantric sex postions. That is supposed to delay gratification too.
  14. Is it possible that he is taking a medication that is causing this? There are a lot of sexual side effects with certain drugs, especially illegal drugs and alcohol. He may have some depression or some other problem that he is working on, that like flower said he is worried about when his is under you. If he could seek medical attention about that problem, I feel that might be the best thing that he can do. Does he have this problem in other positions?
  15. Instead of confronting him, I would let it go for a while. Sometimes when you put a lot of pressure on someone, it has the opposite effect of what you are hoping for. I am assuming that he hasn't cheated on you -- and this is his only vice... Maybe you and he need to do some counseling together so that you can learn to deal with smaller problems rather than waiting for them to grow and dealing with a bigger problem.
  16. Not to put words in his mouth, but there is a lot of oral sex going on in certain areas and age groups that is not part of a formal relationship. The girls will give oral sex on a first meeting, and the guy will not respect the girl for being too forward about the sex drive. He may be feeling this somewhat. That he will not respect her if he sees her doing it to him. Maybe in his furture he will like it better, but for the time being he doesn't want that, and she needs to know. Just tell her, don't be afraid. Saying the difficult things in a relationship is important.
  17. I was reading in a magazine called Psychology Today, that anxiety and depression are a part of the same illness. I thought that this is a part of our society that makes sense we call it depression if it is someone else, and we call it anxiety if it is ourselves feeling it.
  18. I would move in slowly. The only time that I ever tried anything like this, it took maybe a week or two before the stories got really good, but it became like a fantacy game of what we would do if we were ever to meet...I guess it could be called a LDR. We never did meet, but I still have the sweet memories as if we had. Since you already know him, you may want to describe other fantacies...like who you like or what you would like done to you by him or some idealized person. Be really creative, take on a whole different role or personality in the fantacy. Guys love girl on girl fantacies....
  19. If you are going to call, do so at a time when she will be alone, and have the whole day to recover. You may want to do it on a Sat or a Sunday, then she will not have to get up and go to work the next morning. Call her by name, say your name, or make one up, it really doesn't matter, just say a name to her so that she can start to put it all together... Hi, are you Mrs. Jane Smith? My name is Courtney, and you don't know me, but I need to tell you some thing that may surprise you or hurt you....is now a good time or not? I just wanted to tell you, the time that your husband was supposed to be at a training session in Los Vegas, he was with me in Oklahoma...this will cause her to maybe yell at you or maybe hang up the phone. She will confront him, and he will know that it is you even if you give a false name.
  20. Our hearts and feelings can't look at a clock and say it has been a month or a year, why am I still feeling this way? The good times will come and you will be happy again, just believe in your heart that it will get better with time.
  21. I think that he is just telling you that he likes you, I don't see any hidden message there, except that maybe he isn't the lovey dovey head over heals kind of guy...which is ok. I think that he is saying that he is enjoying being with you. If he says it too often -- then you may want to ask him to cool it a bit. Just say tell me what you really mean, I don't want a lot of false promises, you are making me uncomfortable when you are talking about like all the time.
  22. Try and create a little fantacy in your head. This will come with practice. Pretending to be really good at something that you are doing really helps to build up your confidence to carry you along while you are still learning to do it for real, eventually, you will not be acting, it will be your inner impulses that take over, trust your insticts. Look relaxed.
  23. For a seventeen year old person, she cant go to a strip club, so if her bf does this, then it could in fact seem like a very big betrayal if she isn't right with him just looking. Cheating is necessary to equal out the boy's motivations, if he has never really felt that sense of betrayal, then he doesn't have anything to loose, and can walk out the door when he pleases. If she treats him to his own business, then he will know how it feels, if he doesn't already. Men are visual learners, right? Women are emotional learners? Can we agree with that? She has the right to do what she wants. He can't really do or say anything...really, could he? Besides there are back rooms where he could conceivably have done the same thing with a total stranger as she does with her friend.
  24. You are free to do what you want just like your (ex) boyfriend is...if he is able to go out and choose his friends over you then so are you....go for it. Do what you want.
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