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Everything posted by doyathink

  1. Not everyone feels the same on this issue. We all have different comfort levels and some of those feeling change as we go along in life. It also sometimes makes a difference with who your partner is. One partner can do some of this, but the way they handle it makes it more tolerable...or acceptable. I think the main issue here is....respect your partners feelings. Would you want them doing something that your not comfortable with? Maybe your the type of person who thinks getting a lap dance from another person is a deal breaker but your partner doesn't...would you tolerate them doing that?
  2. I seen a show on some....they sell for a crazy price, but hey...they're STD free and never gripe about when your coming to bed.
  3. wear a panty liner so you dont have to keep changing your panties...and see a doctor. It may be yeast....but it may be more.
  4. Crap, I would just settle for my man to have a heart right now....who cares if he's 4'2...180 lbs....lookin like chewed up bubble gum.
  5. It's better to be single my friend then to be married to a cheater. Your family surely wont frown on you for not tolerating the lack of integrity your wife has.
  6. I dated two, and married one of them. I found both of them to be very immature. Neither had a clue as to what the real world was. Seriously. This is just my experience. I wouldn't date another one who still lived at home. Unless of course..he had already been out and was only back due to certain circumstances which made it impossible for him to financially make it...but only short term till he was able to get on his feet again.
  7. *Clean up on isle 4....lol...bring a mop and bucket* Maybe you should get to know her....then, you can make a better judgment whether your 'infatuation' has a base to it or not. You may find yourself really liking her the more you get to know her....or....you will find your 'infatuation' heading for higher ground. In other words..maybe your infatuated with her because she is a mystery. You know nothing about her likes and dislikes and such.
  8. How are you feeling today? Is there anywhere you can go for a while when things come crashing in on you like it did last night? Even if you can go outside and jog around the block...it may help relieve some tension.
  9. But a 'fetish' is not an addiction....and can be stopped without too much effort.
  10. What's going on? can you tell us what is making this place your hell?
  11. I was waiting to see if you'd come back... Is there no where you can find escape? Do you live at home with all of them?
  12. As others have already pointed out....we are all 'emotional cheaters' then...because most of the ppl here talk about their s/o and problems they are having with them. You may also ask her that if you were seeing a therapist then would that also constitute emotional cheating? Break it down to her like this. Emotional cheating is an emotional AFFAIR! An affair that has everything in the mix for a relationship...without having sex! Who shares secrets.... reviews weekend plans with.... go out for drinks with ....these type of things.....see what I'm saying here? A definition of emotional infidelity is a friendship between members of the opposite sex that have 3 traits to be infidelity: emotional intimacy that is greater than in the marriage, sexual tension, and secrecy. Do you have that with your sister?...yeah, didn't think so. Friendship becomes a problem when it becomes a replacement for a marriage or takes place outside a marriage. If you put the majority of your emotions in the hands of someone other than your spouse, you're still shortchanging your spouse. Does she say or do things she wouldn't want you to hear?
  13. I just read this to my s/o....he agreed he was one who thinks like this....he did state however that, some women are like this too. Aren't I one of the lucky ones to have a man like this....
  14. Put bluntly...most ppl would rather their spouse walk out the door then to have them stay while sleeping with another person. If you were that concerned about her feelings...I would think you wouldn't be cheating. Wouldn't it be easier on her if you just left...rather then cheat on her?
  15. Hey, tell your wife whats going on. You never know...this may be a huge relief for her to know she can also move on....She may be thinking the same thing, like...I would really like to have a new lover...but I dont want to hurt my husband.
  16. Ditto...thats what I was thinking. I find them attractive.
  17. I really dont know what to say other then...do what feels right to you. Thats all that really matters. If you dont feel the need...then dont do it.
  18. My opinion is...you are just her fall back guy...If something goes wrong with this other man, she still has you to fall back on. She is using you for different levels of support...financial....security...those sort of things. She knows when she is done going out and having fun, she can come back to her haven...her comfort zone. Where you are the rock that is holding the fort down while she is out. People who cheat will almost always make their partner feel as tho they are just looking for something that isn't there. That they are imagining the whole thing. Dont fall into that trap. Trust your gut, what is it telling you? A whole hell of a lot of affairs start in the work place. I've been in the same place you are...where 'she' was just a friend who he had lunch with...took all his breaks with...who did everything with her....yet, there was nothing going on. He went so far as to lie to me that his company didnt have a christmas party so that he wouldn't have to take me and have me possibly over hear of their 'friendship'.
  19. I thought that was rather great timing also....lol She isn't going to tell you about her indiscretions, you will have to find them out for yourself.....of just assume she is telling you the truth. But...as the others have already stated, if you plan on staying in this marriage...counseling may be in order.
  20. Do you believe her? People dont hide there 'friends' from their partners....unless there is a reason. I've had this happen to me too...so I dont know. And...if they are just friends, why didn't she invite you to go along with their 'shopping'?
  21. Why you ask did she respond this time? Because, she wants you to know it's over...and it's over without a possible friendship. She's spent! Now, whether she changes her mind down the road...who knows, but for her...it's over and done. She wants to put closure to the whole thing....so you wont write her anymore. Now,....don't assume she left you for someone else. So many ppl do this so they can find a way to cope with the fact the the relationship is over..Maybe she never did love you in a sense that a person should when in a relationship. Maybe she was using you for some reason or another. Maybe she confused infatuation for love...who knows.... I've walked out of relationships without batting an eye and never looked back. Partly because my emotions for that person were spent, in my heart there was nothing left....the relationship had run it's course...and partly because I knew that the relationship never had the potential to get better. Your trying to read between the lines here...dont do that. All this will do is set you up for more doubt...more torment....and more let downs to come. Take what she said at face value. Move on dude. As far as the 'friendship' thing...this is what I think.... She knows your track record for being pushy. I wonder if she says she doesn't even want the friendship because she knows that the day will come that you will be harping to get back together. Have you read superdave's thread that I sent you yet?
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