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Everything posted by doyathink

  1. If she is truly 'liking' this time apart then it's over in her mind....she's done. Nothing you can do to convince her otherwise...and, you will upset her so much she will probably end up disliking you immensely! If...she does still have feelings for you...then like I said....back off! Stop going over there for a while...give her a few days. How can she possibly come to terms with her own thoughts if you continue to 'push' her? She doesn't sound ready for you to enter back into her life at the moment. And.....I can't believe you are involving your son like that.. seriously. Your having him 'report' back to you what she is doing? He is a child.....he should not be included in adult drama. It really isn't fair that he carry this burden. Do your own bidding dad...lol [quote name=TWIS7ER ]When I woke up I was disappointed, So around noon I had to leave to go pick up my paycheck and I stopped by and knocked on her door and told her I was going to go get my check and asked her if she needed anything and all she said was No, that she was getting ready to leave and then she turned to continue to get her son dressed-I just said Ok and left. This statement ^^ tells me that....like I said...she is not ready to make any decisions right now. To her, you are still pushing. Or....she is over you! If you don't give her some serious room...your going to lose her for good! Yeah....back off! Thats what you can do right now. She obviously isn't ready to talk about the relationship. Don't ya think your jumping the gun here? If your so in love with this woman.....how can you even consider another woman so quickly? Hell the bed isn't even cold yet...but your ready to get out there and find a rebound 'so you can get over her?' I would suggest you spend this time getting yourself in order. Work on the issues you have. Giving her the space she needs right now is showing her you care about how she feels. She already knows how you feel...
  2. When you become the man YOU want to be again, then you will be the partner she wants you to be again too. She fell in love with you...not the person that you had become. Get him back and I bet you'll get her back as well. Just be aware of how your acting...I'm not saying all of this is you either. She needs to understand that any relationship needs communication. And all of them have there ups and downs...no way around that. But by making her feel comfortable that she wont be put through 100 questions...she will start to trust you again. Some have a terrible time opening up and if they feel animosity in the air it's even harder. Sometimes absense makes the heart grow fonder. Why don't you disappear for a couple of days....see if she calls you
  3. Don't take this the wrong way....I sorta laugh when you tell me some of this because you honestly do sound like a sweet man who just fell out of his little red wagon and skinned his knee... When your around her...be quiet...let her do most of the talking ...and you just keep a pleasant smile. She will start opening up some when she feels safe. Right now, she knows that anything she says you may take the wrong way and then it will start an argument. She doesn't want to argue...and for some...it's better to be alone then in a relationship that is constantly unstable and unhappy. Don't make her feel as tho she has to justify her every action. She's an adult...treat her as one. Start changing those things about yourself. It will make you a better person to be around....she will notice. But don't point out the changes your making...let her notice for herself. It's more believable when we notice changes rather then someone coming to us and pointing out how wonderful they've become...see what I'm saying. ASK her if she would be willing to open up to you more...and let her know she will not be judged for doing so.When she does, accept it...dont go against it. Take this slooow....let her come around to you. Don't push. And for goodness sakes....show some dignity in yourself. Some of Your actions suggest otherwise. You sound like a caring man who is very nervous of failure and in turn, has caused you to act foolishly. I wish you loads of good luck....
  4. I'm glad you chose to come here to vent. Your safe here.
  5. And Puff is in love with you....your fergalicious! (and she's pretty hot)
  6. Your a wonderful friend Ren....you have a heart of gold.
  7. Ok...so try this... Back away a bit. Give her some room to breathe. Sounds like when your upset you have a tendency to suffocate her....and that will just make matters worse...if not permanently end the relationship. DON'T go crawling through her window! If she says she doesn't want you to come over...then don't. But don't EVER help yourself into her house without being invited. Have you considered therapy? You need to get to the root of your anger problems. It sounds like you have anxiety issues when she doesn't respond the way you would like her too....among other things. Basically getting a grip on your emotions would make things better...I think?! What are the things you know you need to change? What are the things you wish she would change?
  8. If you live in the states I can personally get you the help you need to get out.....
  9. Oh Jaffa....I dont know what to say. Your not scum....the ppl who do this to you are scum! Is there any place else you can live other then with your parents? I know you dont want to tell anyone because your scared it will back fire...but you need out of there. What country do you live in?
  10. You will have disagreements in any relationship...young or old. Do to him what you would expect him to do to you....it's that simple.
  11. Well...I read the first post....dude, you need to use (.) It's hard to read all of that when it runs together....I dont have the strength to read the second one...sorry Anyway...how old are you two? I would say this....If me and my partner have already hashed it out over something....It needs not be brought up again. Once is enough. Talk about it in a mature way, come to an agreement...and then drop it once and for all! Tomorrow will present its own set of problems the way it is.... Secondly...do you even think the two of you are compatible? Seriously? To me, it sounds like two teenagers going at it. If the two of you really do care for each other....stop the nonsense. There are enough things in life to create drama. Make the most of your time together and stop trying to control each other. Accept her for who she is and she needs to accept you for you. Your not each others parents...your a couple. Accepting a child with ADHD is not easy. Give her some slack and help her to understand him. You cant make her be close to him...but you can teach her about the disorder so she understands why he is the way he is. Forgive me if I missed the whole point in your second post. I'm just going off your first one.
  12. It appears that solid has left the building ...possibly off to take his bleach bath! Solid....if you come back.....I don't think your trying to convince us that 'brown' skin color is rejected by the white society....I think your trying to convince yourself!
  13. Well...try a different color who is 'pleasantly plump'!
  14. well, my mans doesn't come with such force I guess...lol Ok...put your spare hand over it then....or do it out in your yard....or out your window.....or in the shower.....or just aim up... let it drip off your ceiling, who cares..no one looks up there anyway.
  15. Man, your going through some tough times thats for sure. Do you have any family you can call or go see? Have you thought about moving back to New Hampshire?
  16. These two statements kinda send up a red flag in my books. You didn't know he was leaving till the last moment...and no contact while he is gone??? PLUS, he has a sexual addiction?! Do you think he took a female along with him on his trip? Do you think he's having an affair?
  17. Glad to hear your feeling this way Eddie. I hope you continue to feel good about yourself and about dating others.
  18. Eddie I think what you did is justified. And I wouldn't hold out for her any longer. If she cant tell you right now that she wants to get back together...then move on with your social life. Don't put that on hold for something or someone that may never happen. You have a life to live...start living it. No one can tell you when you've had enough...thats something you have to decide on....however, remember to put yourself first right now.
  19. Probably for the same reason men give women advice on how to have an orgasm. He can take it or leave it if it doesn't work for him....lol
  20. * now I wont be able to eat peanut butter again* Have a tissue in your hand (the one not being used) and when you know your close...slap it over the top. Not rocket science.
  21. Eddie...Hello! We need an update....lol Hows it going?
  22. People your age are so difficult to predict....lol. Some are ready to have a solid relationship while others are just having fun being single. You really wont know if she is interested unless you find the courage to make your move. Go places other then the bar. Do your friends throw parties? If one girls isn't interested...dont lose hope. Go to the next one that fits your flavor. Persistence! Take up quilting class...aerobics....church choir...lol...jk on those but you get the idea. Broaden your scope.
  23. You need to try to muster up some courage to get out there if you want to meet that special someone. Think of a place that you would like to go...somewhere where you will feel comfortable.
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