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Everything posted by doyathink

  1. I just really don't understand what you ppl are talking about.
  2. From link removed rational belief in God: a belief in God based on reason rather than revelation and involving the view that God has set the universe in motion but does not interfere with how it runs. LOL...I dont know...
  3. These two statements are confusing. I thought the same thing lessy did. Deist believe in God....but more in a way that he just through us out here and doesn't really care what we do....and then you say she doesn't even believe in him???!!
  4. Protex, People who don't believe in God the way you do will never understand how you can put him first in your life....above them. You can't explain it....they will never understand. Putting God above all else is next to impossible for her to imagine. Altho I think putting him above all else, and making her number one...are two different things...but she probably doesn't. This is a serious matter...however, I think concentrating on it at the moment is futile....and until you make a solid choice as to what your going to do....just enjoy her company for now.
  5. Lier's are ppl who lack good character and strength to face life and it's challenges head on. They live in a fantasy in their own head and want others to believe they're someone they're not.
  6. Hey, that so cool. Great to hear it.....
  7. ^^ I'm glad I'm not the only person who has no idea what the second post says....
  8. How would you know if your baby got it? Thats scary.
  9. Could be that it just sank in that you have an incurable disease and .....she may not want to deal with that for the rest of her life. She may be paranoid about catching it...then she would have to live with that for the rest of her life.
  10. I think whats more disgusting is when someone wants to get in my bubble to talk to me. If I can smell your breath....YOUR TOO CLOSE! Also, I don't think ppl realize the importance of flossing. You can brush your teeth...thats great. But floss to get that junk out of your teeth. Brush the tongue too...that holds a lot of nasty stuff...lol
  11. Thank God! Your ok. I hope the sun shines on you for the rest of your days...you deserve peace.
  12. Thats what my family and I would be doing as well...lol
  13. That one hour would be spent having all of my loved ones together with me.
  14. Dead on Locke! I would agree with you on this. I get so tired of some men who think they have to pound so freakin hard....cause...'I'm a man....and she likes that' please!
  15. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I lost my 17 yo last year, accidental none the less, she drown. I had her cremated so I could keep her ashes. I wish you the best. The Rainbow Bridge There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors. Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows, hills and valleys with lush green grass. When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place. There is always food and water and warm spring weather. The old and frail animals are young again. Those who are maimed are made whole again. They play all day with each other. There is only one thing missing. They are not with their special person who loved them on Earth. So each day they run and play until the day comes when one suddenly stops playing and looks up! The nose twitches! The ears are up! The eyes are staring! And this one suddenly runs from the group! You have been seen, and when you and your special friend meet, you take him or her in your arms and embrace. Your face is kissed again and again and again, and you look once more into the eyes of your trusting pet. Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never again to be separated.
  16. Hey twis...glad to see your doing better bro...keep it up.
  17. [quote name=itsallgrand ] Once you've been plunged into situations that seem bloody IMPOSSIBLE to survive, let alone overcome and grow from, ...and you live to tell the tale...well, 'normal' life can seem boring. Ah. well, thats when you call out the big dogs and go for an adrenaline rush! Ride this freakin &^@#*# buckskin mare I have. When you come off in one piece, you kiss the ground thanking God you survived once more ... and didn't sell her for dog food. Really tho...go ski diving or bungy jumping or wrestle gators or something to get that high.
  18. When I meet someone like this....I turn tail and run the other direction..haha.
  19. Don't like drama. Cant stand it. Really, really don't like a crisis either. lol
  20. ^ Sperms! I'm glad to know you women can't feel it either....I thought for a second that maybe I was just not a sensitive women....LOL
  21. UH....I personally have never felt sperm in there...It's not something women can really feel...is it? If so, I'm missing out I guess.
  22. I'm glad that I can humor you... I also find it awesome that I'm the only one who you chose to converse with..lol While so many others have said the same thing I have....and agree with me, it seems that I'm the only one you will addess... You do what you feel you need to do.....and watch just how much you have to continue to deal with the law. I might add, why haven't you answered Ash's question?
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