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Everything posted by doyathink

  1. Jaffa ..you need to find an adult in your area that will take you seriously about the violent abuse that your father puts you through. I know that they didn't listen to you before and sent you back....only to go through even more abuse. Can you write a note to give to the ppl you say visit your home once in a while...and slip it to them without getting caught? Can you call them from school? Of course you can't say anything in front of your parents.... You don't want to die...You want to LIVE. In your short 17 years...you've never known what it's like to -live-.You want to be loved and cared for. Your being treated worse then most animals are. Before you kill your self..consider running away first. Thats better then death. I wish I knew someone in your area to make certain you are removed and NEVER sent back to your father....I cant imagine how if feels to live in terror every single moment of your life. Is there any chance you can stand up to your father when he comes to your room drunk?
  2. Hey twis... Here is something you can look over. This may help you....
  3. I think your more confused then we are. First your calling it a 'relationship' then your calling it a 'business agreement'. If your in a 'lesbian' relationship...then why do you want a ring? Why does it matter 'where he's at' when not with you? Why do you want to see him 3-4 times a week if your in a different relationship, the child isn't even born and this is only a business agreement? IF this is only about 'freedom of choice and carrying on your legacy' why 'that's why I'm worried. Because he married her anyway. And now because of it, our relationship has to start on the very same basis.'...and what his marriage is based on?
  4. In your second post you refer to him as 'her husband'...why? Lets give him a name so we dont have to do that anymore...how about....schmuck! So you think schmuck's wife should just naturally not trust him? You seem like you hate her...and for what? Being married to schmuck? Why are you so against her? She is the only innocent party here...yet your picking her apart!
  5. I have so much to say to you....but it's not appropriate for this forum. I can say this tho...I hope he leaves her for you....ya know...since your so much smarter then her....you deserve him.
  6. His behavior does seem rather odd. Did you tell him all the things that come accross as 'different' with him? What did he have to say? Ask him...why are you all of the sudden washing yourself ...and you never used to?
  7. She's probably looking for the right words to tell them. Careful how you words things with them....as not to lay blame on either of you... As long as your doing the NC..who cares what motive...for now. The important thing is...your doing it. You are showing great strength...you da man..
  8. You know that actions speak louder then words...correct? So....your actions with her were...shall we say...overbearing! Now...all she knows of you..as of late...is that she is probably relieved that she isn't fighting with you..or having to defend herself. I would say she is probably relieved....but I doubt happy or content. By you 'leaving her alone' (NC) this is showing her (action) that you are....truly working on getting your old self back again......because you are fulfilling her wishes. You can tell her till your blue in the face that you will ...or have changed...but without 'action' that is required....you will have no wind in your sail. You see what I'm saying? yes this hurts...and it's hard...but your goal here is making her happy...and being a better man. I dont want to burst your bubble...but NC isn't done in order to get someone back....tho it happens....it's more for you to be able to move on with your life.
  9. I think either would be too hard. Your mind wouldn't be able to separate the difference. Cheating is .......cheating.
  10. To me, this sorta goes along with... The affair was a ..person I picked up that was hot..and a one night stand...verses....someone you work with, starting with an emotional affair and possibly leading up to a physical affair..... So....would you rather your partner had a purely physical affair...or an emotional affair...that maybe leads to a physical one also?
  11. yes...this place is very helpful. DN is one of the mods here who has helped me so much. The mods here are always willing to help if you ever need anything....just pm one of them. I'll keep checking back...i truly hope it all works out for you...keep your chin up. Your a nice man. Cheers...dyt.
  12. omg...I know soo many ppl who are like that too. Let time tell you what will happen with this relationship...
  13. Thats kinda crappy that you two were seeing each other before all of this and now...your mom is leaving your step dad to be with another man...which happens to be your bf dad.... I dont think it's fair...but they are your parents...so...
  14. I would bet at some point his wife WILL find out... Are you putting his name on the childs birth certificate?
  15. No, were not still together...we lasted two years. He is a cop...and I just couldn't handle his profession. Plus....he was the first guy I dated when I had just got my divorce...
  16. What do you mean by 'protect'?
  17. Yes..I have been through this...lol The out come was...when he FINALLY gave me some room....for several days...we got back together. Honah Lee is from that song.....I'm originally from Venus.
  18. What are 'off-lines'? I wonder if I'm just wasting my time typing all of this...you dont seem to want any help....you do just the opposite.... It's totally your call....but I fear your just making matters worse.
  19. She lacks respect for you I would guess. ppl who cheat dont respect their partner. And...I would question her love for you as well. If she truly loved you she wouldn't cheat.
  20. Yeah...I bet it was hard to be there....with so much on your mind. How did things go for you last night when your dad got home?
  21. Hi Twis... [-X You didn't listen to me.... If you would've gave it some time....you may have had different results. This maybe a temp thing...but if you persist to go see her...you wont change what has happened. When she has room to breathe...she may see things differently. Maybe not! Who says it's easy on her? She may be a mess...you just don't know. This----> See what I mean now... I'm not trying to be brutal...I'm trying to help...ok? I never candy coat what I say...so dont take offense... Lets keep talking...that will help. Vent out your frustrations here...not with her. I don't want to give you hope if there isn't any....but I think you'll know how she truly feels after she is given some time....
  22. It would be nice to do that for him....
  23. Did she invite you to a party? You could still buy him a present...that would be very kind. And...you could still take HIM out.
  24. It's really hard to say....and I know this is sooo painful for you. Do you think you can go just a couple of days without even stopping by her house? I know it's going to be hard...but can you try?
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