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Everything posted by doyathink

  1. Why are you still making her the focus of your existence? This is the reason your not on the road to healing...you have to let go first. When we let someone else be the center of our world then in a sense ....we become one with them. She is not your center anymore, so dont continue to put her there.
  2. Oh yeah.....the suspense will kill her. Good for you, it's easier to heal when you can avoid all contact. Well, thats what they say.....
  3. To me, I think your not totally over this guy. If you were....you wouldn't be letting him take up any room in your head.
  4. I would be totally willing to listen too. When your ready to talk. Your really hurting right now aren't you?
  5. HI...have you ever dated? Do you go out? where?
  6. I cant believe he would text you telling you something was wrong but just leave you hangin.....that would suck! I would let it go till he calls you and is ready to explain it. Apparently he is tired and wants to just forget about it atm.
  7. Sorry this happened. For what its worth.....it does feel good to get it out.
  8. LOL! You smashed it huh? That'll teach her wont it...hey, maybe dump the smashed up stuff on her doorstep with a note that reads.....I dont want this stuff, I really cant use it ...see if there is anything you may want...LOL
  9. Northalius, I agree with everything you wrote. If I am everything that my partner seen fit to marry....then I should be all he needs for sexual gratification! I believe it is cheating in and with your mind when you are being visually stimulated with another persons body. I dont think ...well hell, I KNOW my partner doesn't want me lookin at some hot dude with a 9 incher and going...whoo hoo...this young stud ROCKS! Of course he would feel inferior about his member too. I have so many things to say about this...it would be a book...... Rodeo...you already know how I feel about this issue...but I have to tell you something. As many times as my s/o looks at porn or just chicks in general on the net....he could have been using this time to find out that women actually do have a G-spot, and where it's located! Thats right....he has no clue...and didn't know what to do with a clit!! OR anything else for that matter....but he can tell me all the women porn star names...and UFC calendar girl names...and Sports Illustrated swimsuit model names ( and what month they appeared) and so on..... HE HAS NO FREAKIN CLUE!!
  10. LOL...good one hazey. As with anything dealing with sex....some are going to like it and others wont. Some women find it better then vag sex...then there are those who wont even consider it.
  11. Ah, ms...sometimes it just feels good to have a good cry. Maybe your feeling low and need something to connect with. I love the 'Chicken Soup' series of books.... How are your puppies? Post some pic's of them.
  12. yuk I've never had milk in my tea. Do you drink it warm or cold?
  13. er..umm...well, then how about you try hiking boots Charley? lol
  14. Hey, keep us posted and ...chin up....the darkness doesn't last forever.
  15. I have to admit...this isn't a funny situation for you...but when I read your first post I was laughing sooo hard.....the way you worded some of that is priceless. I bet you have a hell of a sense of humor. Anyhoo....No I dont think your crazy for thinking this was done out of spite. I dont know her so it's hard to say (for me) what her intentions were...really. But if you get the vibe that she was doing it for other reasons then simply being nice....then go with your gut!
  16. Oh so she dumped you ...possibily for another man? I wondered if you cheated on her and thats why she was being soo mean to you....like payback so to speak... wow, that was a really hurtful thing she did...and is still doing. I thought that was funny tho how you said 'she, broke my NC' LOL! You broke it by answering the phone...lol
  17. If....you are saving yourself for this person, who just cheated on you and gave it away to someone else....I would probably dump them. Now, if your just saving it for marriage and not for that particular person....I dont know....lose it when and where you want too....it's your body.
  18. If you dont mind me asking....what was the cause of the break up? I just want to ask that before I say anything else.
  19. I KNOW! Seriously....and...my nose IS the same as my thumb... BUT...I dont have an outtie peepee to measure so I had to see on my SO..lol *everyone left...are they measuring?*
  20. Your foot is also the same size as your forearm.
  21. I've not only heard this.....but know it was true in every case where personally tested...weird huh?
  22. It's 100% legal here in the US....if you put it on your personal computer. I installed it because he was cheating on me icemotoboy....I needed solid proof! *I told him I had it on there too* And it's for sale...LEGALLY all over the internet and in stores. I could care less if my kids like it or not. This is my computer.....and as a parent, I have the right to know what they are doing.
  23. Let me clear the air as to what 'spyware' I'm talking about cause I think I lost a few with this...lol This is a program that the owner of the computer can install ...lets say...if you want to know what your kids are looking at while on the computer. It is not actual spyware like you catch from an infected site. This software takes screen shots and logs what key strokes the users go to or type....and is completely removable. I installed this program for other reasons, but thats when my eyes were opened to the fact that he had been lying to me for several years when he would say things like...'I think porn is disgusting' and ' I dont look at porn, it's nasty'...yeah, you get the idea.
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