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Everything posted by MetalGuitar

  1. KellBell... have you been watching too much MTV? LOL Seriously though, if you're waiting for him to change... well, it may be awhile. Time for a wake up call if you ask me.
  2. First question... how old are you??
  3. That is very much a valid point. Thanks for pointing it out. Ironic huh...?
  4. Now this one is a bit touchy. It's quite possible that she can't remember her molesters' age because usually the victim tends to have selective memory about things associating with the attack(s). Also, don't think that just because she jokes about it that it isn't true. Most sexually abused children grow up thinking that it's their own fault that it happened and that they deserved it. This could explain her behavior. Also, I would suggest that you tell her to see a counselor. Wether it be the counselor in her school (assuming you guys are still in highschool) or outside of her school. Her using this as an excuse does raise my eyebrow and it could be a number of things that would cause her to do this.
  5. Yes, I'd say that she's a bit jealous. I don't know the reasons why you guys broke up but if you aren't together anymore, and you don't want to be with her, I would suggest firmly (but not offensively) informing her that the reality is that you two are no longer together and you have every right in the world to swap phone numbers with whomever you choose without having to face her interogations afterwards.
  6. Absolutely! After the nessecary work is done (albeit it's mostly a long process) to heal any wounds that might have been opened due to the relationship there arises an opportunity to start anew. I suggest doing something different, compulisve, and unexpected. That should get things headed back to a good start.
  7. I know that you have a lot of pride, but don't let that turn into arrogance my friend. You've led a privileged life, but that's no reason to think that you can tackle this problem on your own. You said it yourself... you don't know why you feel this way. First and foremost, include your wife into the picture. Let her know how youre feeling. If you're really in a healthy marriage she'll be receptive and appreciative that you've come to her with your problems. She may not be able to resolve your problems for you, but it'll be a whole lot easier with her backing you up. Second, go seek a professional therapist. They'll be able to pinpoint your problems. It's much easier for an individual (a licsened individual at that) on the outside to point out problems than it will be for you to do it yourself.
  8. Well, stay calm. It's no reason to throw down with your fiancee just yet. Is your guy close to his parents?? Do they talk often and have a good relationship? Have his parents caused strife in your relationship? These could be reasons why he had not brought it up to his parents. Also, plenty of couples do not decide on a date for awhile after the proposal is made. It's not a bad thing.
  9. LOL, sheesh, I'd do anything to get this freakin credit card paid off.
  10. Does anyone have 5 grand so I can pay off my credit cards??....becallamjr??
  11. Emotion Sickness - Silverchair A Gunshot to the head of Trepidation - Trivium
  12. Well that would be a hard subject to give advice on. I guess you have to find your own 'style' of french kissing. Some people do it in different ways. Trust me, just go for it and you'll feel it out (no pun intended) in no time LOL
  13. wow... that's all I've got to say... wow
  14. It's like doing anything else for the first time... you just kind of have to. Trust me, you'll master the art of french kissing sooner or later Best of luck!
  15. How about a bonfire in the snow... that's a beautiful sight. Or think of something that's significant to the both of you and try to setup up something that resembles that. Or try getting a really nice suite for the evening. Try one with a king jacuzzi in the room... grab the roses, lotion, candles, and music.
  16. I think I understand what you're saying. You know, this might be the biggest problem that you have personally faced yourself, and it seems so big because it is the most severe. I know that I thought that about my miniscule problems. But hey bro, we're here for you, so hold your head up and do the honorable thing. Go tell your parents, talk to them, and if they're upset, well that's a good thing because it wouldn't affect them had they not cared for you. I know this seems huge, but you CAN get through this. We all make mistakes, and we all get lazy from time to time, just hop back on the band wagon. It'll only get better my friend. Please stay strong and talk to someone about this. Persevere.
  17. It sounds like you'd bring this up to your guy in a not so civil fashion. If and when you bring this up to him, sit him down and calmly tell him how this makes you feel. Let him know that this really does bother you and that it's important to your feelings that he not continue to contact his former girlfriend.
  18. Have you guys tried taking more interest in what eachother does for hobbies?? I know that it always helps when your significant other participates, or at least shows interest in what you do for fun/relaxation/hobby.
  19. LOL ^^ Or you could set up a big tent and fire and go camping with him... don't forget to add in that special... 'romping' time too...
  20. Well, my advice is to stay calm, and do the ignoring yourself. If I were you, I definetly would pay no attention, nor give a reaction to your partner and the snob that sits near you. Eventually, it'll stop because of the lack of reaction. And definetly do not tell your partner that you're interested in him, it'll only drive this childish game even more... Man, I'm glad I'm not in HighSchool anymore
  21. I kind of get the feeling that she was really controlling in your past relationship with her... Is that one of the reasons why you split up?? Don't lose your cool in front of her... but don't take her s**t either. Be firm in where you stand... If you're looking to start anew with her, well, my advice is to not be aggressive about starting over with her... let it progress slowly and naturally. I think that she may have some problems of her own to take care of and figure out, but do not let her take it out on you. Best of luck
  22. Well if you think that he may have misinterpreted your feelings, then I definetly would sit down and tell him what you're feeling, especially if it'll be awhile until you see him next. Try and be calm, and just let him know that you're interested in him. Ask him for his thoughts as well. Take care.
  23. I would definetly base this on the reaction your boyfriend had to her pulling down her pants. If the situation was comfortable amongst you all that he could jokingly ask your friend, but your friend did it anyways... well, as long as the guy wasn't gawking at her like that was really his intentions, then I'd be more pissed at my friend than the guy...
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