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  1. goodfun yeah maybe he is a loser! but somehow i feel like i have lost something. and when he just said "cool" when i broke up with him. that really pissed me off.
  2. i broke up with my bf a few days ago over the phone. i was to nervous to do it in person but when i told him i was moving away all he said was "cool" so i guess he probaly has been wanting to break up with me too. so now i feel like a idiot for spending so much time with someone that never even liked me to begin with. i kinda think that he might have been seeing another woman but i'm not to sure. the last few months mostly on the weekends he hasn't been answering or returning any of my phone calls. when i asked him how his weekend went he would always say the usual. so this made me feel like he must be hiding something. i don't really know why he just stopped caring about me. probably never know......
  3. it wouldn't bother me so much if they were half dessed but there are complete naked. getting a lapdance from a completedly naked women while you are in a relationship is wrong to me. then telling me he would rather look at twenty years old was another.
  4. so now my bf is hanging out at stips clubs and he actually admitted to me that he and a friend of his has been going there alot. i don't mind him hanging out at the regular strip clubs too much. but the strip clubs he has been hanging out at the girls are fully nude and i feel totaly different about that. i asked him why he goes there and he said mostly just to hang out with his friends and it like a fantasy to him. he says he doesn't understand why i would get upset because he would never want anything serious with any of the girls. i feel alot different about it especially because he has been ignoring me. and by the way i never cut him off from sex and sex has never been a problem with us. he says that he likes looking at younger skinny girls which once again offended me and on the same note his says he cares for me alot. then he tells me he can get this girls to do whatever he wants him to do with the right amount of money. so i have been talking with a few friends on this and they all think i'm overeacting. i just wanted to know how some of you other ladies will feel if you were going through something similar?
  5. wow.... i did not like the part where he said he is not catering to your feelings. that is sending quite a strong message.
  6. hi coollady i don't think i know better seriously.
  7. i don't know why i just keep holding on to the fact that he might miraculously change. dumb thinking i know!
  8. hello, i have been posting about my bf alot and his addiction to the computer. It hasn't bother me alot until recently he has been gaming with this certain girl. i can hear them laughing and joking around and it hurts my feelings alot because he completely ignores me and doesn't even try to have any fun with me. I can't tell you how it feels to be ignored and then find him spending hours on the computer talking and gaming with other girls. i'm not a boring person why is he having fun with them instead of with me?
  9. he told me all the strange places that they use to have sex at. and when they first met she wanted sex all the time and then later on in the relationship she cut him off from sex. i asked him why and he said he had cheated on her. so i often wonder if he will do the same to me.
  10. i feel like that alot to sometimes. maybe you just need to vent about things. why do you not trust your bf?
  11. i can't get what he said about the sex with her out of my mind. i can kinda forgive the other stuff but not that.
  12. he might of said that just to make peace for the evening or maybe he's knows he going to be seeing her around alot and doesn't want a big scene everytime she is near. but most people aren't sorry when they break up with someone they break up because they want to.
  13. hi kellbell, yeah it's the same guy. i think he goes on the computer so often to hide from the bullcrap that she is putting him through. i don't usually mind that often when he just venting about her. but the part about the sex bugs the living crap out of me.
  14. omg girl... that is crap. he isn't over her. becareful because you might just be his rebound. either that or he brought you along to make her jealous.
  15. hello, I am so sick of hearing about his ex. sometimes that is why i think he ignores me so much. and the only time he really talks to me it's about her and all the mean thing she does to him. i thinks he think i am going to do the same to him. he gets mad at her and then he takes it out on me because he has no one else to take it out on. he even told me that when they met they had sex all the time and then after the relationship progressed she quit having sex with him. he even went into great deatails about what they did when they were having sex. i didn't want to know any of this stuff and found it very hurtful. he said she use to do some really kinky stuff and i know i will never be doing those kinds of things. so i wonder if he thought sex with her was better? i don'tknow, i just feel hurt.
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