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  1. Wow... bro, I completely agree with you! I never even thought of it like that.
  2. Bottom line... there is more than one jerk on this planet, and sometimes people are not what they seem. You typically can't believe in something unless you've experienced it in the first place... so when you say that "I used to believe it, but now I don't anymore", I honestly think that you're lying to yourself because your hurt and emotionally scared. Its not love that you shouldn't believe in but it should be those people who lied to you that you shouldn't believe in. I know you guys are probably asking yourself, "how can I believe in love if I keep getting hurt?" The answer is posted above. Look at it like this, just because there are people who commit fraud out there doesn't warrant you to believe that there aren't any honest people in life, does it? ~Rob
  3. LOL! Seriously though, tell your friend to be careful, because if she agrees, she might find herself in some not so good situations. There are some who look at BSDM as a 'way of life' type thing... unless your friend is really into that type of thing, I would suggest that she stay away...
  4. I don't think that any of us will be able to help unless you really elaborate on this problem...
  5. Go with your gut feeling bro, and don't make this decision based on rumors and 'hear-says' that you friends have been telling you. You never had a REAL relationship with her in the first place, you just simply hooked up with her one night and she let you know about her ex, so you've really got nothing to base any of the fears that you may have on. I'd say, if you want it, go for it...
  6. Wow, this is a perfect example of what to do. Good job bro!
  7. The link that agent put out made my stomach turn upside down after reading it.....
  8. I'm assuming that she's going to see her OB?? In that case, find out how your kiddo is doing, but let her know that that's all your interested in hearing about. PERIOD.
  9. A marriage is built on more than friendship and companinioship... I think that those two terms describe friendship pretty well. In a lot of cases in marriages where sex doesn't occur, it feels like two roomates bunking together rather than a marriage. Ya know, it's quite a common misconception that all guys are after sex... however for a lot of guys, it's more than that. Having sex with their partner is the closest form of intimacy, it's a way that they feel wanted and loved... For a lot of guys, it's more than, "just having sex" and it means more than most will know.
  10. I think that you did indeed do the right thing. You stood up for yourself and let her know exactly where you stand, and no matter what her decision is, you did the right thing. Don't compromise your morals for someone who has clearly abused you, and continue to stand on solid ground. Trust me, it's for the better. Shes done this to you several times, and it obvious that she's got a lot of thinking AND changing to do if she wants the marriage to work, but the question is, is do you want to stand by her again while she may or may not change?
  11. I know it's hard, and that's simply because that you want her to see that you've changed now. But what you have to realize is that she doesn't really want to see you at the moment, and if she did, it would be to soon for her to realize that you have changed. You said it yourself, leave her be, continue working on yourself, and eventually she'll see that you have changed... but for now, respect her wishes as best as you can... right now, that's the best way to show her that you do love her.
  12. Sorry but again I disagree... The e-mail asks why she's stringing him along, and why after so long in the relationship she's now all of a sudden, undecided. His email said that he suggested that he wanted to break it off, and that she just wanted to "take a break". If he wanted to break it off in the first place, then why should you consider him to be the needy one. It seems to me that she's the one that wants to hang on to him 'just in case'. And I'm sorry but we all know that the foundation for ANY relationship is communication... hence... if I had a problem, I would be more than happy that my partner pointed it out to me and helped me work through it. Afterall, it's because of those we love that make us become better people. They never agreed on NC, and again, it seems as if she's the one trying to 'hold on' for just a bit longer.
  13. They never established NC in the first place... afterall, he explained that he slept with her before she left...
  14. I disagree. I do not believe that it sounds needy at all. Actually, I think that you're being very assertive in telling her how you feel and that you WILL NOT be her 'marionette' so to speak. You clearly outlined your feelings and opinions on the matter, and told her exactly where you stand. Needy would be telling her that you think of her constantly, and that you need her back. You're right when you said that her excuse of having unsure feelings could be an easy way out, and you're proving to her that you're bettering yourself and trying to understand how to make the relationship a whole... EVEN when it seems as if the instability is her fault. Send the email if you wish, but if she resists, stand firm, and don't go chasing.
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