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Everything posted by renaissancewoman101

  1. But then telling someone of ONE indiscretion that you are DEEPLY and TRULY sorry for, could destroy that relationship right now. She could just dump him because of a mistake he made in the heat of the moment. People make mistakes and some are TRULY sorry for them. Doesnt mean that their mistake defines them and WHO they are.
  2. Yeah, police in a big city usually have too much on their hands to go look for stolen cars and stolen stuff. Most of the time, they just ask you to file a police report down at the police station, so you can get compensation from insurance company. I know how you feel about feeling "violated". When I got my car broken into, I was going thorough a tough time in my life, had just moved out to CA. I felt really "violated" and was always constantly checking to see if my car was locked, etc.
  3. Yes, report it to the insurance company and they should be able to compensate you in a timely fashion. That is why you have auto insurance, to deal with situations like this, or car accidents. I had my car broken into and EVERYTHING stolen out of it, the day after I got to CA. Filed police report and reported it to insurance company and got compensation within a week.
  4. I think you should take the time to grieve the loss of your relationship and then go out there and meet new people. It will help you get over your ex as well as make new friends and find stuff to do. If this leads to dating, that's ok too. Just take it slow and tell the other person that you want to take things slow. They'll understand. Good luck. Breakups are hard.
  5. I've stayed friends with my first ex. We broke up because he felt more drawn to the gay lifestyle. I still love him somewhat. It's not been an easy road because he went on to find a bf who got very jealous of our close friendship and did a lot to try to break that friendship. If you guys still care bout each other, but are not compatible, then yeah, it is possible to have a friendship. Keep in mind that it wont be easy and you will have your heart broken a few times, esp if she goes on to date guys and tells you about it. But if you care about her and she cares about you, and you BOTH want to stay in each other's lives, then it is possible.
  6. You are NOT ugly at all. But, maybe you have low self-esteem and that is what's going to make you unattractive to people. People pick up on low self-esteem and that turns them off. Work on how you view yourself by writing down what you are proud of yourself for accomplishing, what you like about yourself, etc.
  7. I'm doing ok. Still a bit POd at my "buddy". He called this morning to see if I wanted to stop by tonight when I went home. I didnt answer the phone. I'm glad to go home today. Want to decompress from the parents and T for a while, before tackling school and kids tomorrow.
  8. I really feel for you, esp since you are also grieving the loss of your father, along with the loss of the hopes of a relationship with this guy. Maybe some therapy might help. Sometimes talking to a professional helps you deal with both letting go of a unsuccessful relationship as well as grieving the loss of someone close to us.
  9. I ended up spending some money today which I shouldnt have. It helped to relieve my anger a bit, but that's not a good way to handle things. If I had my way now, I'd drive home to SD. My parents are getting on my nerves, but if I left now, my mother would raise hell about driving home so late and in the rain.
  10. Itsallgrand, I didnt really CALL him on his BS. I ended up arguing with him and yelling at him about why he made me drive out half way before telling me he was afraid of his bf getting mad at him.. The only conducive thing I did tell him was to stuff it when it had to do with "waiting around and meeting him tomorrow". I cant deal with it anymore. My parents are wondering why I'm back and I cant be mad at their house. T's disappeared and wont call me back. I just wanna cry and bang my head against the wall.
  11. V, I DONT have spine. If I had spine, I would have told him to shove it this morning when he was convincing me to drive out to Las Vegas. I had a sneaking inkling that he was going to pull some crap on me, but I was in an ok mood today and decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. YEAH RIGHT!!!!! I'm VERY surpised that I didnt just finish the drive out there and strangle him out there in front of his bf and the bf's parents. But, I'm a nice person. TOO NICE sometimes.
  12. If I had driven out there completely, it would have turned into a fiasco. For one thing, I was just supposed to drive out there and call him and he would let me know where to meet. I do know where they were staying but to show up like that would cause a mess and his bf would take it out on him and on me. I was already arguing with him on the phone today and at one point I was stopped at a gas station and wandering around the parking lot yelling at him. I didnt want to create a scene out there. I'm pooped and angry right now. Funny thing is, the last thing T told me was "dont be mad, we'll be home EARLY tomorrow so you can stop by". Tomorrow, I am going home down to SD early in the morning. T can go shove it up his ***.
  13. I think I am a bit annoyed at myself for falling for T's antics again. I've been pretty good about standing up to him and not taking his crap lately, to the point of telling him to not call me when he's having his tantrums. I do care about T a lot but sometimes, he's too much and I forget that he has a tendency to be VERY wishy-washy when it comes to his bf. I'm just tired and worn out from all the driving.
  14. My best friend is starting to REALLY get on my nerves again. Thought that after a few months of NOT talking to him and stuff like that, that we ironed out our differences and that he was going to respect me more and be good to me. Yeah right, my BUTT. What a jerk. He spins me around and around and expects me to jump. Yeah right. Case in point. TODAY. I've been up by my parents for the last few days to take care of some things with my mother. I was going to go back down to SD this afternoon because I want space from my parents again. 7 AM this morning, my friend calls me and tells me that they're on their way to Las Vegas and if I can come out to join them and I can stay with them, etc., etc. I was reluctant to do it, but T convinced me that he needed me and that we could hang out and do things since his bf and the parents usually went to bed early. T didnt tell me that his bf had no idea I was coming out. After much wheedling from T, I give in. I dont mind driving the 4 hour drive and I havent seen T in quite a while and like hanging out with him. So I cut short my visit to my parents and leave around 10 AM this morning and head out to Vegas. Halfway out there, like about 2 hours into the freaking drive, T calls me in a huff telling me NOT to go out there since his bf is pissed I am coming out to meet up with them. I am like what the HELL??? I am already past Barstow the halfway point and you want WHAT?????? We fight and argue for about 20 minutes and he pleads with me NOT to come out to meet up with him out there. Meanwhile I AM DRIVING while arguing and almost get into an accident. Dang dipcrap. Argue, argue, argue. After exhausting myself arguing and having him hang up on me a few times, I GIVE UP. He can go to hell. I turn around and drive the freaking 2 hours BACK to my parents house. My parents think I am nuts. I am NUTS. I GIVE UP WITH THAT JERK!!!!!
  15. I've only had two major relationships in my life. The first relationship, I am still good friends with the ex so I still have pics of him and all that. The second relationship, I kept most of the stuff from my ex (his gifts and his cards and his artwork) just for memory's sake. Although, I lost more than half his gifts because they were stolen along with the rest of my stuff when I first moved out here. I think people keep stuff because it was a stage in their life that maybe, down the road, they may want to look back at it and reflect on it.
  16. I don't particularly care for V day this year because I dont have a SO, but then I am not going to stay home either and beat myself up. I'll probably be online here or else out and about doing things. Wait, I have class that night as well as water aerobics so that should be good.
  17. What kind of a job do you have? Is it something that you are invested in career-wise? or is it just a "getting-by" job while you finish school or something like that? If it is really wreaking havoc in your life and your sanity, then quitting might be the best thing, but is it easy to find a job in your field? As for looking for a job while working, that's the easiest way to find a new job. You float around resumes while you are still employed. If they want to interview you, you take a day off or a few hours off for interview and see where that goes.
  18. I've learned that it's not a good idea to lend money to friends or SOs. My ex still owes me about $1800 since I lent him $2000 during our relationship. He's only paid me back about $200. I've long since given up on getting the rest.
  19. I think a spa idea is cute and she would appreciate it. Flowers are good too. When I was dating my ex, after a few weeks of dating, Christmas came around and I got him a real nice gift of sword replica, something he had been salivating over for quite a while, but could not afford.
  20. The OP is having problems with her bf playing computer games like WoW. So, she tells her ex about it and to garner some understanding, sympathy and solutions. Then, why are some of the posters concentrating on her conversations with her ex and her keeping in touch with her ex, instead of helping her come up with solutions to deal with her current issue of her bf being addicted to WoW? I would think that is the bigger issue here. Her talking to her ex is just her looking for a friend to confide in about things. It's kind of sad that people always seem to frown on guy/girl friendships or ex friendships.
  21. Go on a spa vacation. You deserve to be pampered too. Or go for a drive to a new city to explore, etc
  22. Why does tattooing make the skin dry out even more?
  23. I think your friend should finish out his schooling. That way he has a degree and will be able to have better job opportunities with his degree. If he has only ONE semester left, he should tough it out and take out a loan for that semester, even if it adds to his loan load. School loans can be stretched out to be paid off or if he is unemployed after he graduates, he can file for deferment or forbearance. There are lots of options for paying off school loans.
  24. TM, if she is friends with him, doesnt mean that they can't go hang out and do stuff. Isn't that what friends do?
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