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Everything posted by renaissancewoman101

  1. ^ I think you have a nice sense of humor. But yeah, the OP should move on now that she got her revenge on him.
  2. Why is everybody so against what she did? She had a beef with him because he treated her like a louse and was still being a jerk to her. Yeah, so what, she condomed his car. It wasn't like she went and ruined his paint job or keyed his car. It helped her to release some of her anger and frustration. Yeah, he'll look sheepish and stupid and embarrassed when HE has to remove those things off his car, but hey, he was the louse, he deserved what he got coming to him. Although, now that you've done this and made him look stupid, it's time to move on and be the bigger person and ignore him at yoga.
  3. I like Victoria's Secret "Halo" and I also use "Tommy Girl". Both are decent scents. One has a more fruity flavor than the other one.
  4. sorry if I offended you Harley.
  5. Are you sure he is NOT gay or anything like that? I've been in a similar situation like yours. My first ex was like that. We dated and had a pseudo-relationship. Nothing really sexual. He did some sexual things for me (only because he felt bad that I was so into him and helped him out so much), but he would never kiss me, be naked with me or anything like that. I was puzzled by him but he spent all his time with me and we slept in the same bed and he would hold me in his arms. We held hands when we went out. We never really discussed the relationship but later he admitted to me that he had gay feelings and didnt know how to deal with them.
  6. ^ that's very true. A relationship is NOTHING like a job. Chemistry is everything when it comes to a relationship and sometimes, as hard as you try, there is NO chemistry and nothing can be done about it. It's sad and I've been in the position before, but what can you do but move on. It isnt as though if you put more effort into it, try harder, etc. that you can make it work. With a job, if you try harder and put more effort in the job, you can do quite well. That's NOT true with a relationship.
  7. I think the "friendzone" happens to both guys and girls. Sometimes guys will have female friends whom they see as friends and nothing else, and vice versa.
  8. I think people say it to be nice, even if they never mean to call that person again. Nowadays, I think people are too nice to tell people the truth about what they think of them and about them. Thus, we are left with the hope/dream that they liked us and will call. When they don't it's like a slap in the face.
  9. I think men dont like it when we are clingy and insecure about things, like the status of the relationship, how they feel about us, etc. I've noticed this from past relationships.
  10. I think men don't like us to depend on them for everything and they don't know how to deal with our insecurities. Our insecurities probably make them nervous and they deal with that by pushing us away when they see us insecure and needy. Not sure.
  11. Do you give him a set amount each month for rent? If so, what did he do, take $100 from the set amount and use it to pay HIS bills, or did he ask you for an extra $100 this month? I would ask him how he divvies up the rent money, like if you guys split half the rent and the rent is $1000/mo, then each of you should be paying $500.
  12. If she broke up with you and hasn't made any attempt to establish contact with you since the breakup, then I wouldn't send her a card, e-card or otherwise. If she doesn't respond or responds negatively, your healing will be set back. I know its hard to move on when someone you love has left you. But move on you must, otherwise you run the risk of stagnating in that stage of grief. Good luck!
  13. sometimes, you just have to suck up the attitude and work at something. Remember, experience counts.
  14. Puff, your parents own a restuarant? Sometimes one has to start from the bottom up, esp if they have no experience.
  15. Scout, is therapy the only way to deal with the repercussions from a childhood with that kind of stuff?
  16. Do you know any friends who work at places you would like to work at? Maybe they can put in a good word for you. My last job, I was a tech writer for a small engineering firm. Worked there for 7 years and loved it. It was a position that they never advertised. I only found out because I had a friend who worked there. He told me to apply and put in a good word for me and I ended up with the job. Sometimes it pays to know people.
  17. Iceman, it sounds like you have low self-esteem. Try working on your self-esteem so that you can feel better about yourself. Do you have anything you are happy with about yourself? If you build up your self-esteem, you will eventually NOT worry about how others see you or think of you.
  18. my pets my health some good friends my family Now, all I need to do else is find a job, finish school, and find a SO.
  19. what happened to the thread? The responses are kind of off kilter.
  20. Hope75, why don't you think what she did was right? She stood up for herself and gave him a taste of his own medicine by telling the other girl about his skankiness. Hey, if you're gonna play, you have to suffer if you hurt others and they fight back. He was being a cad and he had it coming.
  21. It seems Asians have a bigger reaction to alcohol as compared to most cultures. I wonder why? Not drinking is NOT a bad thing. After watching how much my ex drank and how stupid he would act and be when he was toasted, I am glad I dont drink. It's not fun to be drunk and get the hangover thing.
  22. My face turns red when I drink, so I DONT drink. I agree with puppeteer, you probably have an allergy to the yeasts or preservatives in the beer. I know I have allergies to the sulfides in wine.
  23. I agree with HellFrost, I wouldnt say anything at this point, ESPECIALLY since you are now dating Molly. Anything you say, and her ex might think that YOU were the one who orchestrated this to get HER to dump him and HE might come get revenge on YOU. Your actions do appear suspect because YOU are the one who ratted on him and was NOT sure about what he said, and now you end up with his EX. Something sounds fishy.
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