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Everything posted by renaissancewoman101

  1. Thanks. I am just feeling very disassociated right now and dispirited. I feel like I have no friends and feel that people dont like having me around (parents, etc). Do you ever feel that you want to feel included or wanted and when it seems like you're not, you feel hurt and like maybe you're just a nuisance that people want to kick around. My parents make me feel that way. Sometimes people at school make me feel that way.
  2. thanks! why do I feel like I am a bother to people or that I am a nuisance. I just want to be accepted by people.
  3. You should tell her you're sorry and ask her how she is doing. Sometimes when a girl tells you "I dont want to talk to you", they are testing you to see if you really care to know what's bothering them. Girls like to feel important and wanted too.
  4. No, you didnt offend me. I sometimes feel I either drive people nuts or get too sappy or clingy or whatever.
  5. I am feeling unsettled about somethings right now. I feel like I am an annoyance and that I drive people nuts. I just feel that way. I was talking to my friend up in LA tonight and explaining something to him and asking him if he thought people found me annoying and he said that sometimes I bother people.
  6. I have been on here for over a year now. I have made friends, posted advice, etc. This place has kind of taken over for real life friends. Besides school, I dont go out to make friends much anymore. I know I can be a pest and a nuisance at times. I've been told that before. I also strive to be understanding, helpful, caring, etc. I know I am asking for honest comments, but I want you guys to tell me what you think of me. Am I annoying? Do I come off as clingy, scared, what? I feel inadequate about some things and want reassurance that people like me. I think people hate me. I dont know why but I feel that way a lot of times.
  7. Don't do that. You're still young. You have a lot going for yourself. You have a job. That is better than a lot of people. True, your job is not going well, but have you looked at changing jobs, maybe changing careers. That can help. Debt is relative, just tackle it one thing at a time. Dont look at it as one big monster. Tackle it as one little thing at a time and it wont look so insurmountable. And you will meet more girls, that will treat you better. What are you proud of with yourself. There must be something you like about yourself, something you are proud of. Expand on that. Talk to us. We are here for you.
  8. I agree, let it go. You guys may not be compatible and it is hard to put a round peg into a square hole.
  9. I don't love myself. I actually hate myself and what I stand for. I dont seem to have any friends and nobody likes me. Personally, I think I am a piece of crap and dont understand why I can't accomplish anything. Nothing ever works out for me, no matter how hard I try.
  10. If you broke up with him, why are you asking him for a gift that YOU gave him? That sounds kinda tacky.
  11. =D> ^ your post is one of the most sane things I have heard on this thread. There are better things to worry about than how people view you based on skin color.
  12. Color is only skin deep. Who you are is WHAT defines you.
  13. I do understand how you feel. I am Asian and I spent the last 15 years living in the Midwest in a state that is predominantly white. I do remember going home with friends to small towns where I was the ONLY non-white person there, and there were some interesting stereotypes about Asians going around. Sometimes, you just got to deal with it and dont let it bother you. There will always be people who judge you based on skin color or other nonsensical things, but that is NOT what defines you and people do understand that. There is ignorance all over, but you can be better than that and NOT let it bother you. I grew up in LA (very multicultural) and moved out to Wisconsin for 15 years. It was a eye-opening 15 years, but I got used to it and even learned to like it, despite it being so non-culturally integrated.
  14. Yes, take time out for yourself to grieve the loss of your old relationship. Take the time to rediscover yourself, try out new things, reconnect with old friends, etc. Learn about being friends with YOU.
  15. Yes, if I were you, I would stop this relationship and take time to focus on yourself. Allow yourself to grieve the end of your marriage. Take time to learn to know yourself better, go out and do things on your own. Reconnect with old friends. Find new hobbies. Learn to be happy with yourself without having a guy in your life. Make get some counseling to help you move on. But to be able to properly be ready for a new relationship, one must properly grieve and reflect on the end of the OLD relationship. Good luck!
  16. I think you moved onto a new relationship too quickly and never properly grieved the ending of the old relationship, so in your subconscious, you are trying desperately to make this "new" relationship work out so you dont have to deal with the pain and anguish from the ending of the OLD relationship. Even though you were the one who wanted the divorce, it probably was painful for you to leave a situation that you had been in for many years and you probably still love your ex, despite your divorce. That is why a lot of relationship experts advise divorced people to wait at least a year after the divorce is finalized, before engaging in a new relationship, so that you can properly grieve through the ending of your old relationship.
  17. I think you are having a hard time letting go because, subconsciously, you want to avoid dealing with the pain and grief of your divorce/separation from your ex-husband.
  18. Shikashika, I live in CA. It's been cold out here. I am trying to start off the semester being a bit more positive. Not sure how that will turn out. I tend to go through cycles of happiness and depression. I am hoping a positive upbeat attitude will compell the gods to drop a guy in my lap.
  19. You know what, I dunno. I have always been the one who has been dumped. Most time, the guys just kick me in the face and walk away without even offering me an olive branch of friendship. Those were one of the most painful parts of my life. My first ex stayed friends with me, although he went on to find a new SO (he turned out to be gay) and we are somewhat good friends. Besides that, I have made it work out where me and the guy who dumped me, stayed reasonably ok friends. Took a lot of effort and patience and endurance on my part, but it has worked out, mostly because the guy gave me the chance and didnt just walk away.
  20. Tomorrow starts another semester for me. Still only going to school part time. Am pondering about finding a part time job along the way. I will be working with 3rd graders this time for my clinicals. Have got my hair cut and fresh highlights (not cheap to do that), gotten some new clothes, and lost 4 lbs. I am motivated about another semeseter, but still feel my life is lacking something. Not sure what yet. Still determined to meet a guy and find a relationship. I dont seem to do that well in that dept, overall. Last semester saw the demise of a potential relationship with a guy from school and online dating blew up in my face. What else do I need to succeed and find someone this time around. I am on the quest to lose more weight (cutting down meals to only 1 1/2 meals a day), exercising somewhat. I know a positive attitude is a good thing and can go a long way.
  21. Leo, has she asked to talk to you, to keep in contact with you? If it seems that she really NEEDS it or is in a lot of pain because of your breakup, I would talk to her and tell her that you could have a friendship (if you are REALLY interested in one), but there has to be guidelines (like no hanging out alone, etc.) You guys work out the guidelines. That way she can let go slowly, instead of doing this one-two chop that is probably to her, akin to chopping off a vital part of her body. I have been in her shoes before many times, and I do know how much she is suffering. I am never an advocate of promoting suffering on others.
  22. If you still care about her as a friend and she is extending the olive branch to you to be her friend, I would be her friend. It will help her get over you and help you guys to move on. As you can see right now, she is suffering immensely and that isnt good either.
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