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Everything posted by renaissancewoman101

  1. tea with milk is always a comforting drink. How about's adding creamer instead of milk (although not sure how that would taste)
  2. karma will get her back eventually down the road. She may think that she's got it all, but when the guy eventually cheats on her, she'll get what's coming to her.
  3. Does she take any meds for her migraines? I get nasty headaches once in a while, that I have to lay down and nap because it hurts so much. I usually take pain pills for that. When I am like that, if I had a SO, I would probably like to be left alone, or else have the person lay next to me, comforting me, being there for me. I dont know. All the times I've had serious headache problems, I've been alone.
  4. Question for you, how would you know if the girl you were interested in was a virgin or not? For all you know, she could be lying to you.
  5. I wouldn't say just "throw out the baby with the bath water". If you truly want to stay friends with her because of your past and because she means something to you, then stay friends with her. NC is not the for all, be all, end all in life. Sometimes it's easier to have some friendly contact with the ex and slowly wean yourself away. I find just cold, hard NC as being very hurtful and harsh.
  6. From my dating experiences in life, I've come to the conclusion that we usually desire what we CAN'T have, and then when we get it, we dont want it anymore, or it loses its value in our eyes. Sometimes, I think it's human nature to want what we CAN'T have. Humans want to have to work at getting something. But then I never seem to have guys who are interested in me either.
  7. Me, I like the foreplay more than the sex. Get me nice, hot and horny.
  8. If you feel that you "need" to send her a "happy birthday" text, then do so. If you, do LC for a while. If you can think honestly, what do you think her reaction will be if you send her a birthday text?
  9. make a commitment to take time for yourself, to grieve the loss of the relationship and why it may have failed from your part. Each relationship takes two people to make it work and both have some responsibility in why it may have failed.
  10. I wish we could hide our vibes and energy and go out and date without people "sensing" that we are trying to heal from a breakup. Because when we are healing from a breakup is when we seek a relationship the most, and yet we give off vibes of being broken, and everybody runs away from us. And we are left lonely AND broken. Life can be a pain.
  11. Rebounds don't usually work out, from what I've seen before. I've never rebounded before because I dont have that many guys chasing after me. I have noticed this among my friends from my college days, that when a breakup occurs, the breakee is usually very hurt and confused and all that and will try to jump onto another relationship to assuage the pain. It makes the breakee miss the person they had before and makes the pain all that much more poignant, when it finally hits. As for the breaker, I have also noticed that they also try to jump onto another relationship to avoid the guilt and pain of breaking up with someone, or else they think "the grass is greener on the other side". After the "honeymoon" period of the new relationship dissapates, the breaker is usually left with painful feelings of missing the ex, realizing the grass is NOT greener on the other side, and will miss the ex. Then they usually come sniffing back around the ex trying to see what is going on and sometimes even asking for them back.
  12. I really hate it when people constantly go on the warpath and tout that "NC is the way". You are breaking up with her and causing her pain and loss from the breakup. You guys had a good friendship BEFORE you guys started dating. Why toss out the baby with the bath water. If you are a GOOD friend to her and you care about her, when you do dump her, don't leave her out in the cold where she is dazed and in pain from the breakup. Look at this site, there are so many people who come on here dazed and in pain wondering why their SO just dumped them out of the blue and left them for dead. No wonder friendships dont happen after a breakup. That is just cruel to dump someone and leave them for dead, esp someone you were good friends with. Have some compassion for the person. If you're gonna dump them and they are in pain and need you, be there for them somewhat as a friend.
  13. I know NC is a hard thing and I am not a big advocate of it because it hurts both parties and doesnt always lead to reconciliation or even a friendship. In your case, since you really are determined to establish a friendship with her and you know the risks you are taking and that this path can cause you to hurt and be in pain, but you are willing to do it because you still care about her, I would advocate that you do LC (Limited Contact), where you do still have contact with her, but not on that often a level as before. Let her miss you a bit, but also let her know you are still there and care about her and that the offer of friendship is still there. NC may be the best way to bring her back, but LC is better since it leaves less broken hearts and hurt feelings and keeps the possibility open for a friendship. I hate it when breakups also cause the end of friendships. It is as though if the person isnt compatible when dating, then all hopes of friendship have to be thrown out too. Life is not as black and white like that. There are shades of grey in between.
  14. I would say, stay friends with her if you can handle watching her date other people and talk to you about her dates. That's what friends do. They are there for each other. If you care about her and TRULY want a friendship, then it will be hard and it will hurt, but it will pay off in the end. Sometimes things dont work out and staying friends is a good way not to dump the out the baby with the bathwater.
  15. If the ex wants to stay friends with you and you want to stay friends with her, then I would say "go for it". Just realize it will hurt a bit and be very hard, esp if you realize she and this other guy are an "item". If your ex is going to rub it in your face that she has someone else, then I would say "NO"
  16. I wouldn't say break off ALL contact, esp if you guys were friends from the beginning. That would hurt both you and her unnecessarily. I would say break up with her, but help her thorough this time because it is going to be sad and painful for her, esp since you guys were good friends. I would hate to see a good, long-term friendship go up in smoke along with a failed relationship.
  17. I'm a girl and I've been friendzoned by guys that I am interested in. It hurts for a bit, but I shrug it off. If I like and care about the person, I dont mind being a friend vs being a love, because, in many cases, friendship lasts longer than a relationship. But that's my feminine take on things.
  18. If somebody cheated on me, I would be terribly hurt by his action and I would want to know why and depending on the reason, I may or may NOT give him another chance. I am not a cruel person but I have my limits too.
  19. Annie, why would they face "federal charges"? It doesnt seem like they were openly engaging in sex. They're so strict about stuff nowadays!
  20. I don't think I could ever have sex in an airplane bathroom. Dontcha know how cramped the bathroom is??? I can barely even turn around in there, and I am not that big or tall. Maybe trying it out in the seat is better. One of you can go down on the other.
  21. My ex was into women with big boobs (not that I have big boobs or anything like that). One day we watched a porn depicting women with big boobs. I found it terribly boring, but it made for some good sex afterwards.
  22. I agree with hosswhispra, alcohol causes us to do things that we later regret. As for your buddy, I think he's being a cad for holding that against you because of one incident, and pulling away from you because of that.
  23. Balancing a checkbook is tough whether young or old. Personally, I think life goes too fast. When we're young, we cant wait till we grow up and are in awe of adults and the freedoms they have. When we're old, we wish we were young again are are in awe of the freedoms young people have.
  24. Although my avatar of my piggies humping, brings interesting thoughts to my mind. Hmmmm!!!!!!!
  25. Icmotoboy, I agree with you, I think porn stories are cool. I think visual stuff for porn is boring and mediocre. Porn stories, on the other hand, stimulate your mind and your imagination and who knows where that can go.
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