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Everything posted by BellaDonna

  1. When I came off the pill, after taking it for over 10 years, I felt much better and had more energy. However, when I stopped taking it I began a supplement regimen including B Complex vitamins, magnesium, and St. John's Wort. If you plan on getting pregnant in the near future, I would not suggest taking St. John's Wort. It's not researched enough. Most doctors say you should not attempt to conceive unless you've stopped taking St. John's Wort for 3 months. So that's what I did before attemtping to get pregnant. BellaDonna
  2. How do you approach these women? That's what I think you should focus on, rather than their ethnicity and body types. Your answer probably lies there. BellaDonna
  3. I think your friend needs to be sure she knows he is interested in her and wants to take things further, but he should not pressure her. He should take a step back and give her some space....leave the ball her her court. If she does not come around then he should move on. BellaDonna
  4. -Probably not a good idea. It could get marconi1981 arrested. Is this couple worth all of that trouble? #-o
  5. I think you need to just come out and ask her her the tough questions. (In person so you can study her response) Don't bother dancing around the topic, just be very direct. I don't know her, but all of the various things you mentioned do not seem good at all... BellaDonna
  6. If it were my sister, I'd tell her what I heard but that she should be careful with what she does with the info because it is from a 3rd party. Essentially, I'd tell her, but also advise her to take it with a grain of salt. Personally, I'd want my sister to tell me if she ever heard anything like that said about my guy, whether it was true or not- I'd at least want to KNOW if such a story was going around. BellaDonna
  7. I think the longer you hold on to anger and resentment about this, the longer it will take for your brother to move on. Just be there for your brother and try to get his mind off this. I don't think you should further add to the problem and the drama. As others have said, Karma will catch up with them. Don't try to break them up- they deserve one another. BellaDonna
  8. Hi there. I am glad that you found the article useful. There are many members here who have benefitted from it. The first time I read his work I thought he was right on. I am glad that you are going to turn to your family for support. You don't have to take this behavior anymore. I think things will feel better for you already, knowing that you are devising a plan to get out. BellaDonna
  9. I think if your friend has an advisor at college, she should definitely show the personal statement to her advisor for more input. BellaDonna
  10. After reading your post in the Trust and Relationships Forum I can see why this friendship with the ex bothers you so much. Know that I've seen that, I honestly think you should dump her. Why settle and be treated this way? BellaDonna
  11. Hi there. I gave your post it's own thread so that you will get more responses. IMO, if your girlfriend's ex is pursuing her romantically, it is disrespectful for her to keep this up. Has she made it LOUD and CLEAR to him that she is not interested in him romantically and that she has a boyfriend? See, I think she SHOULD pick up when you are there and tell him that she can't talk because she is hanging out with her BOYFRIEND. I think you do need to talk to her about how you feel. Has she ever seen her ex with you present, or does their friendship only allow them to see one another alone? It seems that if you are a part of her life, she'd want to introduce you to her friends, including him. BellaDonna
  12. I've never used it but I think this website will answer all your questions about it in a concise form: link removed BellaDonna
  13. I tend to talk to myself in times of stress. Most of the time it's profanities....if I can't get a package opened I'm usually telling myself: "Come on! @#&* @*$% " Or I'll say sarcastic things to myself. I think talking to yourself is pretty normal but if you find that it gets you in trouble, you might want to write in a journal instead, that way you can get all your thoughts out , but your roommate won't be able to hear it. When I'm home alone I talk to my cat a lot more than I talk to myself. I guess that could be considered "abnormal"..... BellaDonna
  14. Oh no...this thread is back after 6 months lol....
  15. Try having a cup of decaf herbal tea which contains chamomile and valerian. They are ususally found in the tea aisle of most grocery stores, or in pharmacies. The Brand Celestial Seasonings makes one called "SleepyTime Extra". link removed There are many other brands that make them too.
  16. That's also a possibility and does happen to some people. Bottom line: You will not know what's going on wiht your hearing until you gets your ears examined and hearing tested.
  17. If it is indeed a hearing problem, you should get your ears tested. They make the most tiny hearing aids ever now that you can't even see unless you really look right IN someone's ear. link removed I think it's far more embarrassing not to know what is going on around you and to always have to ask "what", "huh", or to answer in ways that are not appropriate for the conversation because you have to guess- than it is to wear a small, virtually undetectable hearing aid. BellaDonna
  18. That's a whole other story. My husband now calls me "Pam". I guess I must be carrying low too. Muffin cakes, I envy your 3 pounds.
  19. I guess I'll be in real trouble once I'm further along. Already my relatives are patting my tummy ](*,) and have begun to speak to it as a separate entity from the rest of me. How many of you SHOWED at 2 months? At first I thought there were twins in there but to my relief when I had my ultrasound there was only one baby and all looked well. It's weird- my lower tummy is the only thing jetting out like a kangaroo pouch and its feel hard- it's not even fat so it's tough for me to hide at work and it doesn't look like simple holiday weight gain. I just look so knocked up and there's not excuses I can make!lol
  20. I really liked your post, easyguy. I think so much of our lives can be wasted if we worry about things that we CAN'T control. I am guilty of that a lot. ^ I think it's best to have an optimistic outlook and focus on the things that you CAN control. It's the only way to feel peace.
  21. Hi Foxlocke. I am sorry to hear about your mom, and to learn that your brothers are still acting like this. I think when you graduate and move, a lot of your stress will be alleviated and you can surround yourself with positive people who will celebrate who you are and love you for who you are. I know you will feel guilty leaving your mom- but you can be sure to keep in touch and make her a central part of your life. How nice it would be if you moved and had HER over for a visit to your new place- away from it all. I bet she would enjoy herself so much and get a chance to relax, without being under your brothers' negative influence. I know you are a motivated person and you will do great on your own. Your mom will be proud of you. Yes, but not all of them. You need your mom- but don't worry yourself about the others. If they don't like it- too bad. You are not required to keep degrading and hurtful people in your life simply because they are "family". Congrats on your graduation, and your relationship.... I'm glad to hear that things are going well in that regard. BellaDonna
  22. That's great news! You're more than halfway there...congrats!
  23. I think it all depends on how the TV is being used. I love watching TV with my husband. It's relaxing and fun to park on the couch together and be brainless for a little while and be shocked, amused, and/or laugh at distasteful humor. It's not something we do all that often but I would say that it is quality time. We don't fight over the remote so I suppose that helps.... I have seen instances where TV and computers have ruined relationships. In most of those cases, it's ONE partner deciding to make the TV top priority while the other does not agree. I things get really problematic when a partner expects the world to stop turning when they are on the computer or watching TV: meaning that they will not leave the house, they don't want to be spoken to by their partner, or they neglect daily responsibilities. It then becomes oppressive.
  24. Interesting study. I used to love tea with milk in it, especially as a kid. I got hooked on tea without milk after having it in Chinese restaurants and realizing how much more flavorful it was on it's own. Now I just use 1 splenda so it's not bitter.
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