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Everything posted by nexus532

  1. Well theres nothing to say that would give your ten years back, its something you have to take expierance from. Theres deffentally a time to reflect on things, which will be now. Don't go out looking for love right away. Like they say rebounds always make things worse. Try to re-establish things with old friends, this will allow you to become more attune with things around you. Overall this is a time for you to be strong, having this breakup may have been the best thing that has happened to you(in a different aspect). Now you will be able to travel, go on a vacation over seas, see new things, talk with old friends, cautch up on old memories. Use this chance to expand your life. After all not many people in there young thirties will have as much freedom as you. I hope my thoughts help you. HAVE FUN!!
  2. Well your first step is letting people knoe your gay, not everbody but people you trust, it will lighting thing up usually. If they are your true friends than it will just be a small barrier to being better friends.
  3. Yeah this is the best way to go!!
  4. ok this is how you do it if your tryig to lose weight, eat good food only of course but you can eat just as long as you don't eat till the point where you feel full, its basically eating less. I guess just eat more healthy food.
  5. try doing it in a tolet next time, so you don't have to worry about this.
  6. yeah id say ti to young, ask her if she can see herself having kids with this man, if she doesn't know than perhaps she needs to rethink what she is doing.
  7. don't know about the vitamin d thoery if it really works, lets see working out will make the firmer and have mor lift, other than that i got no ideas.
  8. Good job, but it makes me depressed that i have five more years of college. OH BOY!!
  9. well, something sounds like hes keeping you around as a fall back girl. Now im not saying hes keeping your around just for that reason, but rather hes afraid that without you there may not be any girl in his life to give him what he needs. just keep that in mind, but don;t get obsessed with it.
  10. Basically i think i have never been in love, i have dated around 12 girls in a 4 year period, and i have always been happy when im with them. But when we break up i feel incomplete, its like with everybreak up apart of my personality and affection goes with them, now i have been without a girlfriend for 5 months, which feels like an eturnity. So i was wondering if anyone else feels empty without someone special in their lives to hold? And how do you deal with it. I have a puppy and a cat waiting for me when i go home form college, i hope that can do some healing.
  11. To find out if your in love ask your self, can i be with this person for the rest of my life? When you answer that you will know the answer.
  12. Its simple, you love your parents, or a sibling ect, but you may be in love with someone you can see yoursefl with for the next decades of your life.
  13. Yeah, if you do that, try to be creative, girls love it when they know you have put an effort in what you do.
  14. I think everyone is shy, no matter who you are there is always going to be dought about talking to someone you have a crush on. I guess you have to find the right time and place to overcome your shyness. Its weird how shyness works, back befor i went to college i was never afraid to talkto anyone, but know i think that being shy has got the best of me. But maybe its for my own good, to keep me out of trouble. Good advice though, thanks!
  15. This situation reminds me of a movie called "Family Man",w atch i just watched tonight. I guess your situation might be like the on in the movie, you have to choose between love or work, one you might have movey or the other you could have a wonderful life. I guess the decision is up to you, watch the movie if you haven't seen it, maybe it could help you with your decision. Thats "Family Man" staring Nicolas Cage. Good luck
  16. Well the fact that you have a son my limit your chances of finding another man. As men we don't want some other mans genes in our pool. Its a stupid trait to have but we think it werther we like it or not. But all i can say is keep looking open you options to men you usually wouldn't date as far as looks go, you will soon find that not every average looking man is as average as he seems. Gl
  17. i think it would be eaiser for a man to get a woman back. As men we tend to unconciuosly dwell on stupid things that a woman may do.
  18. form how i interperate dreams, the dream she had is one of somethig she is afraid of, something she doesn't want to happen and probally won't. So tell her this and maybe she'll understand that you love her.
  19. i heard a rumor that celebs use bengay(or however you spell it) to rid themselves of them.All those corcles are is dark inflated nerves and veins, so technically that oitment should work. If you try it wisper me and tell if it works or not.
  20. yeah don't get to worried about it, just don't ever break your braces, the dentists will get very angry.
  21. indeed these decisions are yours, but everyone will have to live with thoes in thier minds everyday. Depending on your faith in "God" you all best get this out and ask for forgiveness. Um also his WIFE has a right to know, its part of her life to. Don't be so selfish about feelings.
  22. it sounds like you are living a hard life, which in turn may be making you a stronger person. Yes you have had a rough past, and there is not much anyone can say or do to change that. What you need to understand is that you ARE here for a reason, you only sixteen there is still so much for you to do. Don't get down on yourself, nothing you have done so far is your fault. You just need to keep moving on, maybe you fsith in "God" is a kind of test, depending on your views on that subject, and it sounds like yuor a religious person, maybe "God" is testing you to see if your strong enough to see if your worthy of his grace. Personally this website has helped me feel happier, knowing that i may be helping people makes me happy. Perhaps you just need to find out what makes you happy.
  23. perhaps its time to let go, do you think your being selfish at all? After all you said you have messed up before. Maybe you need to think about your partners feelings more, maybe shes not happy for some reason with you. Ask her what would make her happy at this point in her life. And than you should respect that opinion and let whatever needs to happen happen.
  24. hum this is a very hard thing to approach. I guess you should become his friend at first, theres nothing wrong morally or contradictory interfering with his beliefs. Than all you can do is take it from there, learn things about each other. Maybe some good things will come form both of your rough pasts.Good luck
  25. darn to late guess ill have to wait for a wrap up post.
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