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Everything posted by nexus532

  1. WHICH HOLE IS IT, are you sure your old enough to be having sex, you don't even know your own body and your wanting to have sex. Kids these days, i was right i am getting old.
  2. It all depends on what kind of girl she is, is she very actice in her dating life, maybe she was trying to make you feel comfertable. You should persue this girl.
  3. Oh thats nasty.Man do you know where thoes have been. You could get some sort of fungus on your face. OMG i can't even think of licking a girls foot without thoughts of vomiting running through my head.
  4. get really trashed and hit that bro. Works all the time, even though you may wake up to some nasty girl. crazy nights
  5. I love girls that wear braces, as long as they keep them clean. And their hair is curly.
  6. no way, i would have moved on to better things.
  7. Yea, old trash smells bad. Throw that out and go find some freash meat.lol
  8. Well than, what can i say. I guess that you do what you think is best for you. Try to think long term, no more of this short term stuff. When your old and unable to move around at a healthy pace you will look back on your life and wish you had done so many things different. You will die alone and unhappy, thinking that you somewhere within you, there was a happy woman just wanting to come out and share your life with the world. Forgive me for saying these harsh words, but you need to open up you eyes and see all the good things that you are missing.
  9. nexus532


    Did you know if you told him to quit and he didn't its considered rape and can be punished in a court of law.
  10. As for the first repley, im wrighting this to find out other views people have about death. It seems death is always sad event for the loved ones. Mostly because they will realize that they never spent any time with the one that has died, because they had too much to do. Anywhy, I chose not to declare a religion, and i hate to say this but i feel that the church is hiding facts from the general people. Yes, i do believe in God, i just wish that the religious powers would tell the whole truth about our history. If only i could sit down and have a conservation with the pope, the would be sweet. As for me not choseing a religion i think that it doesn't matter if you attend church all the time, but just as long as you have faith and never dought, you will be fine. Yea, but if you lie there looking into a empty space technially that would be considered as an afterlife, a very boring one but one non-the-less. Im not afraid of death, i do believe in an after life , the few seconds of pain befor i die can't measure up to the feeling of being at total peace. I just hope that i make an imprint on this Earth that people will follow.
  11. What do you think happens to us after we die? Its a very hard question to answer. I don't know what to think about this, ill rest on it and give you my feed back later.
  12. Thats right, you will have more than one dream per night during you sleep cycle. Usually the only ones that are remembered are the ones that occur during a section of you sleep cycle called REM sleep, its when you awaken during one of these many rem stages that you will remember the dream that is taking place.
  13. to my knowledge the shot works within a day, it will last a month or more and she will have to go back for a new one. Any time during that month is a good time to have sex. Not sure on the price ill have to ask my girlfriend. Make sure you get all the info for the doctor after the shot if given. In my city the shots are given at a hospital, put you can go ask a planned parenthood about these shots too.oh yea these shots a fairly new so not many people know about them, and there don't seem to be ang side affects.
  14. yes if she has birth control it would be the best choice. My recomendation for birth control is, Have her go to a doctor and get a shot that is given once a month. Im not sure what the specifics about are, but my girlfriend gets them. She doesn't have to take the 1 per day pill anymore. Trust me look into this
  15. Well, i would never have sex with a girl the first night i meet her. That why there are soo many sexual diseases around.
  16. They say that for every two boxes of condoms, a single condom is going to break at the point of male climax, so you be the judge if it is safe.
  17. sounds like you have had a very tough life. There isn't anything that anyone could say to make you feel better about what has happened to you. The people that hurt will get whats commign to them in due time. As for you and your boyfriend, if you really love him, you need to let lose. Remember that he loves you and would never do anything that will damage your emotions.
  18. no, bad idea. If you have any feelings for this teacher wait till your out of school. You don't want to send this teacher to prision do you?
  19. You are a very strong girl. Yes you should forgive these guys. The universe has a funny way of getting people back. But you should never trust any of these guys again. They are not right in the head.
  20. you need to make time to see a doctor. Im in college too and i know that every student can make time. Quit procrastanating.
  21. Don't worry, this phase will most likely pass. You need to try to get involved with some clubs that will make you want to go on to the next day. Something fun.
  22. something funny is going on with this guy. Does he have a cell phone. If he does he won't call you from it because someone else my check his call histor, like another girlfriend. It all sounds alittle sketchey to me. You should try and get to the bottom of this befotre you go any farther.
  23. Well, i just love to see these forms that have teens or pre teens fourteen and under asking about what to do with their sex lives. Though i think that sexual contact is essential to living a healthy life, it shouldn't be done with children that are in middle school or just entering high school, it is not possible for them to fully understand the consequences of their actions. This goes for both male and female. For heavens sake im olny nineteen years of age but with all these children running around commiting sexual acts i feel like im fifty. Mainly my question is why do preteens feel the need to rush into sexual acts.
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