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  1. What do you mean I try to control him?? I don't tell him what he can and cannot do. I know I can't tell him how to live, but I just don't want to lose him.
  2. Hello. I am 16, and I have been dating my Bf for 11 months. He has NEVER done anything while we were dating to break the trust we have, but for some reason, I have a very hard time trusting him. I am constantly worrying. I sometimes even cry constantly because of it. I am just too insecure with myself, and when something happens that was probably beyond his control, I get mad at him and start fights. Like last night he tried to call me from his friend's cell phone because he isn't allowed to use the phone at his house because he is being punished for bad grades. The call got disconnected, and when I called back his friend answered and told me I had the wrong cell phone number. I dunno wat could have happened, but I spent all last night crying because I just assumed he didn't want to talk to me, but I dunno why that would be the case. We are doing very good in our relationship, aside from the fact that I blame him for everything, and I get mad at everything, and I assume that when something like that happens that its because he doesn't want to talk to me. I just need some help to feel less insecure, and more confident in my boyfriend and in myself. ANY help would be appreciated.
  3. Ok, well last night I was with my boyfriend, and we had an amazing night. Lets just say that we took things a little further. Well, he is on restriction, and he isn't allowed to call me. So today, he was coming back from a basketball game, and he called me from his friends cell. My mom was online and the call alert came up so she tried to answer it. The phone rang and it was him. He said is ____ there? My mom said hold on, but when I got on the phone no one was there. I got the cell's number and I called it back and someone answered but when I asked for my boyfriend he said that I had the wrong number and hung up. I recognized the voice as his friend's, and I re-checked the number just in case. I had the right number. Why would he call, but then when I call back two seconds later suddenly he's not there???? Also, he called and 10:30 pm, which is really late for him to call. He has never called me past nine. Now I am pissed and worried at the same time. I don't want to get mad at him, but I know I will anyway. Does he not even think of how it will make me feel when I call back and his friend actually has the nerve to tell me I have the wrong number?? What if he told his friend to say that cuz he didn't want to talk to me?? What should I think and how should I handle this?
  4. Thnx so much for responding, but he does spend time with his friends, and when he does it is without me. He is on the basketball team, and so are a lot of his friends, so they have little pep meetings to get them pumped, and I never go to those because I am not on basketball. As for his other friends outside of basketball, I think that is why they don't like me. He spends a lot of time with basketball, and the little time he has off of basketball, he spends time with me. He eats lunch with his friends tho, because I don't have the same lunch, but outside of school he doesn't see them much because of me and basketball. Hopefully when the season ends he will be more able to split his time between me and his friends. Thanx =)
  5. My boyfriend and I have been together almost a year now, and we are pretty serious. The problem is is that none of his friends like me. They don't even know me enough to make that decision, but they all give my boyfriend crap about having a serious girlfriend, and saying that he's whipped, but really he's not! Whenever I come around they all kind of drift away and get as far away from me as possible. I want to be considered part of their group, and I want to be included with them in some of their plans, but I can't ever be included because they hate me. This is a big problem to me because I think in order to be closer to my boyfriend, I have to spend time with him AND his friends. I don't know what to do! Please help! Thanx Distressed
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