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  1. thanks alot guys for each and everyone of your comments! i'll just stick to the pull out.....why risk it?...just for a few sec. of pleasure?..hah 8)
  2. take a shot?.....wow. is that all, just a shot from a doctor and me wearing the rubber then its fine?.... that seems to be easier than taking a pill, but still....how many days can i go before the serum or "shot" that she got lasts?....is there like a buffer area date where the shot given will dissipate? any other advice? btw- THANKS nexus!
  3. i guess its safer if the girl is on birth control and me wearing the condom also......double protection...in a way?
  4. i was wondering, as of safety precautions, will it be safe for me to cum in my gf even though i am wearing a condom? the reason why i am asking is because it is of much ease for me to keep going and never have to change positions till the time of climax Lets say my penis is in her and i am wearing a condom and am about to climax, would u guys say its ok for me to cum even though im wearing a condom? a- will it leak? (even though im using a premium condom) b- are the chances of her getting preg very low, low, likely, or?.... c- do you guys/girls do this too or no? thanks guys!/girls
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