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Everything posted by lunatic

  1. Michelle I wanted to tell you that you NEVER deserve to be hit or put down like he did to you. He is an abusive jerk and you need to leave him NOW. Why waste your time on someone who never does anything wrong. Why would you want to walk on egg shells all the time and tip-toe around him so he does not hit or abuse you. You don't deserve to be hit even if he was "playing". I am sorry but, if he does not seem to be able to act normal emotionally then it is time to GO! Get out of this relationship since there is no way to make him happy unless you want to be his personal punching bag. Leave NOW hun you don't deserve to be put down or slapped/punched around. Have some more respect for yourself and realize that this behavior is not normal.
  2. Michelle that's a great attitude to take. I am happy to see your starting to realize that there are many more men out there that will adore you compared to this fool. I think you should find yourself again and concentrate on that for a while. Don't feel bad because you are being selfish because it sounds like you need it right now. Keep your head up high and remember that one day your going to meet someone who will sweep you off your feet. I truly believe that there is someone out there for all of us. Keep us posted on what happens and do post here when your feeling weak. Be strong! Hub
  3. I have only one thing that I would like to add to this thread. I would kick this man to the curb and move on without your stuff. I don't think he is worth all the trouble you will have to go thru to get your stuff. I think you deserve better and I would like to add that strict NC is a must! It sounds like you have some serious soul searching to do here and I think it is time you started. Have you ever thought about seeing a counselor? Sorry your in so much pain Michelle but, you CAN get thru this and make him a distant memory! You CAN do this and your NOT alone! Hub
  4. That is what I was trying to imply with my post.
  5. No one deserves to be treated this way. I would urge you to leave him but, if you are not capable of doing so then let the jerk sweat it while your gone. I would suggest you do not say your sorry from standing up for yourself. You deserve to be treated as an equal not a slave or personal property. You are a person like everyone else and deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. Sorry I just don't have the patience to be treated like that by someone who supposedly loves me.
  6. Shorty if I were in your shoes I would have a talk about this. If it bothers you that much then you need to let her know that she has crossed the line. Let her know how you feel and tell her in a non-confrontational way.
  7. Royltnxile said it best. A bit harsh but, what he is saying is very true. Why the heck wont you KICK her sorry BUTT out of your apartment?? If she is dating someone else then she crossed the line and needs to be cut out of your life like a tumor. Please get your dignity back and stand up to her. Tell her to leave and don't come back because she disrespected you in a MAJOR WAY! I think this relationship was OVER when she asked for space. Don't be the doormat in which she can wipe her crap on anytime she wants. Get a spine and retain what little dignity you have left.
  8. Welcome To Enotalone.com! As a smoker I have to defend him. He knows what it is doing to him but, smoking is more vile than you realize. Not only does he know that this habit is disgusting but, he also knows it is killing him. One thing to remember is that Nicotine is more addictive than crack cocaine. They have rehab centers for people suffering from drug addiction but, no place for a smokers to go. Smoking is a powerful addiction that will take more than your constant nagging to get him to stop. My advice is for you to leave if your that unhappy with his habit. It is not fair for you to use your emotional connection to get him to stop. This is the thing... You cannot MAKE him stop by playing with his emotions or playing mind games. HE HAS TO WANT TO STOP FIRST! You can encourage him but, to play games with his mind or heart is not right. If your not happy tell him then leave. If he loves you that much he will come to you. Then be there and support him while he tries to quit. Don't beat around the bush or play mind games be upfront and honest with him.
  9. WOW Ang3l That was an amazing poem! Please I forgot how talented you really are with poetry.
  10. LOTS and LOTS of lube just make sure the lube is condom friendly. ! I would also tell him to take his time entering so you can adjust to him.
  11. Never change for someone else. Only make changes in your life to improve YOU. Do not make changes so you can fit into some else's life. Wrong move and it will not work out as someone will resent the other at one time or another. If he does not like you for you then it is time to find someone more compatible.
  12. Has anyone ever gotten the email with this super hot woman in a bikini with the following quote underneath: "Somewhere some how someone is tired of dealing with her B/S" It is so true for both sexes that the grass is not greener to be on the other side. the REM song Everyone hurts is the truth. Good looking, ugly, fat, and skinny all can and do get hurt.
  13. Dako don't be so hard on yourself. You have been going thru something you never thought would happen. Well your life has changed forever and it is up to you to make the best out of it. So do what ever you need to so you can get back to whats important in life and that's being happy with you. No one is perfect and no one should be. Just be the best person you can by being you. It is that easy! Go look around and you will find yourself a sugar-momma when your ready. I agree with Electra that life does not end at 50! From every thing I have read and all of your posts I have scanned. Your a really nice person who had a crappy year. I think you will eventually pull out of this funk and get back to being a single guy again. I agree it is lonely and sad place if you let it get to you. So Don't! Everyone has problems that they are dealing with. Some are financial, some are mental, some are emotional, and some are life changing. Don't feel down about your situation because you should be grateful for your health and the fact that your young enough to get out in the dating game again. There are benefits to being married and to being single. You have to find out who you are again so you can start all over with a clean mind and heart. Your good people Dako just don't let the bastards get you down. take care, Hub
  14. This man is a jerk and I cannot for the life of me figure out why you want to be with him. He has made no attempts to reconcile with you except to try and drag you to where he lives. To me that is a severely bad move on your part. Once you leave here you can never come back to life you have now. I agree with NJRon on this one that the advice has been consistent about this jerk. Kick his sorry butt to the curb and move on to someone who will treat you right. There is nothing wrong with being single and finding out who you are and where you want to go again. I think you need to do some soul searching to get yourself back to what matters most YOU. If you don't love yourself then how can you truly love another? Get away from this man as marriage nor moving to his state will change anything in the long run. You move out there and he will be different for a few weeks ok maybe a month. Then things will start to slide back to where they are now. Screw that get a backbone and stand up for yourself since no one will do that for you! Tell him to take a walk and next time he wants to play head games to not call you! Ultimately, in the end you will decide what your going to do. So take our advice and use it as a way to make a more informed choice. Good luck! Hub
  15. DONT DO IT!!! Thats the easiest suggestion I can give you.
  16. Welcome to Enotalone! Your not going to like the advice I am about to give you. Personally, if this were my position I would walk away now. First, he fooled around on you more than once. Secondly, HE LIVES IN ANOTHER STATE! Listen here you deserve better treatment from someone who WANTS to be with you. Not to be with someone who treats you like this. Sorry I would kick this jerk to the curb and move into No Contact (NC) ASAP! Come here and post as often as you need to so you can vent.
  17. haha good point Ron! Really good point! This state is not big enough for the both of us! lol j/k!
  18. Hey there Didyoumissme? I have to say that there are a lot of men where you live that are genuine and good hearted. You need to look harder for a guy who will treat you with respect and love you for you. Too bad your having a hard time meeting someone. The good guys are still around you just to be patient.
  19. Tell me about it Ron! If it makes you feel better to know your not the only guy in NJ that is basically looking for the same thing. Sucks!
  20. I agree with venus on this one. Just offer her a foot massage and as your giving her a message tell her you think her feet are sexy.
  21. Thread to remain locked since it spun out of control with disrespect and flaming. This thread will not accomplish anything except more disrespect and flaming. Since this thread was spiraling out of control I have left it locked till further notice. Hubman
  22. Welcome you to ENA sugarcokey! I wanted to add my two cents in on this matter. I have to admit that I have never been married so I cannot even imagine how hard this is for you. I have had my heart broken before and I will go by that. First off you need to get an attorney and NOW!! You must take measures that will protect you and your family from his negligence. There are laws that require him to help with the bills that the children make. Stop fretting about him and make sure your BUTT is covered in case things get ugly. I know you love him but, after what he has done to you over the last year is in-excusable in my opinion. Secondly, You cannot go No Contact (NC from now on) simply because there are children involved. What you can do is limit your contact with him to only matters that concern the children. I agree with RC on what he advised you to do is what you NEED to do. Your ex husband wants his cake and eat it too. You cannot let him use you as a doormat and step on you whenever he is in town. Screw that you deserve better than that. Go get yourself the legal advice and find out where you stand. I am sorry your going thru this and my heart goes out to you. As everyone stated come here and post as often as you can to vent. Hub
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