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Everything posted by mahlina

  1. It doesn't really mean anything...it's just that they like dogs...they share a common intrest. this pet is a material object that has no meaning to the relationship. It's not like an actual kid or anything. I wouldn't sweat it if I were you, unless if he gets her a ring. That's what's important. Trust me, just wait a while. Everything is in the heat of the moment right now. Wait til it all simmers down. You should concentrate on yourself right now. Make yourelf valuable by not sticking around. By hanging onto her she's benefiting the best of both world's: an ex/and a new b/f.
  2. You don't have to stop after your Bachler's degree. Minimum wage jobs are usually for people who don't even have a Bachler's degree, but rather something like an Associates (or not even that). So don't worry about it in terms of working for retail or something like that. About the cubical job, I don't know what your major is, but some people, a lot (I think), don't want to comprehend the fact that they've worked 4 long, hard years of work in order to climb up the corporate ladder. They're not looking forward to it. Everything is really corporate nowadays. That's how our society works. At least in the U.S. It's all capitalist. I wish that things could be like the 60s/70s where mom and pop shops existed, but it's not like that anymore. If you're looking for motivation, try taking a personal inventory of what you truly like. For instance, if you love the arts: interior decorating, or designing in general, try to combine it w/your future job. Look for higher paying jobs. Pursue a law degree, or a doctorates degree. Pharmacy jobs are nice and sophistated for women. You might have to go back to a J.C. and do 2 years of general sciences though. And like I said, when you make that much money, you can pursue things that you like on the side. Or try doing something that you really love, like if you like helping people, there's a great demand for nurses right now. Aside from doing all of the grunt work, you will find fulfillment in helping others. It depends on your major. However, the only motivation for me is to go beyond the Bachler's degree. I know, you're probably sick of school right now, but that's the only way that you can dodge the corporate world. Invest now, and all of the rewards payoff later! Or try taking some entrepeneurial classes. Specialize in a certain area of business, and start your own company. It's a gamble, but it's worth trying. Hope this helps...Cheer up! (Your topic reminds me of the Marxian theory and why people feel so isolated and meaningless in a Capitalist society). We can't help it right? It's just a new kind of lifestyle that we must adapt to. I find that helping others offers fulfillment in my daily life. When you connect with others, it gives you a sense of self-worth. So, you just really have to find your nitch beyond the Bachler's degree. Try doing career counseling with your counciler, or go to the bookstore and research on careers that you might enjoy. There's a government website on occupational careers which gives you a general overview on what the job is, how much it pays, what the hours are like...etc, here it is: bls.gov/search/ooh.asp?ct=OOH Also try the myer's briggs test. Universities and colleges use it for career inventory tests. Good luck. I hope that my feedback helps!
  3. Honestly, No! I don't think that her relationship with this guy will last. I've been in a similar situation. After my long-term relationship with this guy, I started dating someone a short while after. I thought that I'd find someone just like him in the new guy. Well, it wasn't that way. In fact, everything went downhill. She might think that she's in love with this guy, but she's probably just lying to herself. It won't last. I tried to make that commitment last, after a while I stopped trying. So, to answer your question, 'Did she transfer all of her love to him'? I don't think so. At least I didn't. I find that it's difficult to give the same love to someone else who is completely different. In fact, the guy treated me really well, but I just couldn't give him the same kind of love. Every new relationship is unique, and has it's own different vibe. I was friends with the ex while going out with the new guy, but we didn't talk as much during that time. Soon after we broke up, my ex and I maintained a friendship. I then realized that a person like him was hard to find, but the feelings just weren't the same. There were lots of issues on trust. Plus, we had a long history of ups and downs. Personally, I don't think that it's fair that her mother goes off saying that Emily loves you more than she thinks she does. I think that mothers know their children, but only to a certain extent. It's as if she's leading you on. It kind of sounds similar to the movie 'Great Expectations', where Miss Havisham (the grandmother/adopted mother) attempts to make Pip fall in love w/Estella by feeding into his dreams of falling in love with Estella and she the same with him someday. Anyway, to get to the point, I don't want to sound bitter, but it's really selfish of her to do that. I mean it's nice to have someone love your daughter so dearly, but it doesn't mean that you should feed into their emotions, just to keep someone around to continue loving her daughter. It's like she's looking out for her daughter's own safety without regarding your emotional pain. If I were you, cut all ties (especially with her mom). Sooner or later, Emily will contact you, then you guys can decide on what to do with your relationship til then.
  4. If it didn't work out, and as much as you're trying right now...life does go on. I guess this is not what you want to hear, but if he's not allowing you back into his life at least for now, and you've given it your all, then what's the point of 'beating on a dead horse' right? I know exactly how you feel. I broke up with my ex. We went out for 4 years. I swore, he was my backbone, he was my everything, he was my support, and then I lost him. After numerous attempts of maintaining a friendship with him, I decided that it was too selfish of me to keep him around. I wanted him to date others, since I did. It broke his heart, and I made several attempts to patch things up. He was my one and only bestfriend, someone that I'd cry to. I shared all of my secrets with him, and now he's gone. Some days, I still feel lost without him. But you know what? Life goes on. I'm still surviving. In my heart, I know that I will find another soulmate just like him. It was hard for me to let him go in the beginning, but slowly as you mature and get older, you'll find that there are other prospects out there, and he's not the only one. Think about it, you still have at least 20 yrs. ahead of you until you'll settle down, and start a family. The pain might feel like an eternity now, but it's a milestone in life. It's a huge learning experience for you to become mature and independent. When you're ready, God will find that person for you. Trust me on this! Sometimes I feel like angels are actually listening. Your prayers will be answered someday, and when it comes, you'll be really surprised and thankful.
  5. Make him say that he's sorry in different languages. Also, make him kneel on his knees when he does it. Have him cross his arm and do a little bowing, or kao taoing action while he's apologizing. Then hug him, say 'i love you', and then kiss him and forgive him. I think that it's kinky and adorable at the same time. You can also try tickling him and make him apologize at the same time. Or, try to do a little pretend-boxing action with him, and then poke him, make fun of him, that's kinky too!
  6. All that I can say is to try to invision that day that you were married, and try to remember your wedding vowels. It's natural that you find others attractive sometimes, but there's a limit to it, and it sounds like you've reached it. If you have a good marriage, then why do you feel closer to Ann than your wife? If it's communication, and disclosing about your personal interests, then do it. Try to communicate with her. Your wife's a treasure. Try to remember the spark that brought interest into the relationship again.
  7. It sounds like you're in a relationship that's emotionally neglectful. He keeps telling you to stop conversating with him, and all you're doing is showing him that you love him by wanting to call/talk to him. Even if he is the type who doesn't talk much, he shouldn't threaten you just b/c you want to conversate. If he's threatening you, then that's not healthy either. He doesn't sound like he's supporting you emotionally at all. The relationship seems a bit unhealhty to me. You can't really patch things up from here, b/c that's who he is. So, it's good that you walked out. Try finding other reasons as to why it's good that you broke up with him. Initially, of course you'll be shocked by the whole breakup, but in the end, you'll feel glad that you put that heavy baggage aside, and moved on to better things in life.
  8. I agree with musicguy. I think that the guy is shy, which makes it tough for the both of you. I've been in your situation before. I really liked this guy. It was stupid b/c when we had the chance to talk, we just sat there smiled, and stared at each other. I couldn't take it, so I walked away and hung out with my friends. Try to break the ice. Don't play games. Just talk to him, if he doesn't respond, then ask your friends what up with him. Don't try too hard too. Allow him to step forward as well. Don't you hate it when this happens? The relationship ends up goin nowhere!
  9. Drop everything that you need to do right now, and get some sleep! Resting is really important, especially if you notice the first signs of a cold. The faster you get yourself to rest, the quicker you'll recover. Also, like Avman says about inhaling steam, I just wanted to add to that. Use a facial steamer. Inhale the steam from the facial steamer. The steam is hot enough to kill the bacteria in your nose. First, inhale through your mouth (a lot of bacteria thrives in your throat and nose, especially your nose b/c it's one of the coldest parts of your body), and then inhale through your nose. Do this periodically for 3-4 minutes each time. Also, drink warm water, warm tea. Anything warm will help kill the bacteria in your throat, and kill those pesky germs! (Oh, and gargle with salt, don't use too much salt b/c you don't want to irritate your throat). When brushing your teeth, clean your tongue, either with a tongue scraper, or with your toothbrush. After recovering from your cold, you might want to throw that toothbrush away. Wear turtlenecks, anything that covers your neck. You don't want to expose the neck region to much, you want to stay as warm as possible. Don't eat anything too greesy. Viruses tend to thrive on oily/sweet stuff. Instead of fighting the virus. sweets/oily products allow it to grow even more. Plus, don't drink things that are too acidic. Acid will make it worse. You want to drink/eat things that are mild (kind of bland), for the time being so that you don't shock your digestive system. Try to spit out phlem as much as possible. Mucus is a really good sign that your white blood cells are fighting the infection. Oh, and that Vix vaporrub suggestion, to add to that, rub Vix on your neck/chest region, and on your back. If you keep your back warm, then you're entire body will heat up. After doing all of this, jump right back into bed. Cover yourself with nice warm blankets. Wear some socks. The more your body heats up, and gets more rest, the faster you'll recover. I hate getting sick, and know how you feel. Good luck on recovering.
  10. Maybe she's just the type of girl who's really reserved. Some girls don't want to get all too physical with their b/fs too soon b/c they're looking for true romance. Sometimes getting too physical will only cloud the relationship. You did mention that she calls you 2/3 three times. In that sense, she's giving her time to you as well. She's trying to get to know you for you, and she wants you to love her for her before anything intimate occurs. She's just being cautious. I think that's an admirable trait. You don't want a girl that's all too touchy anyway. Just give it a little more time. When you guys know each other for a longer time, and if she's not initiating those contacts, then I'd be worried. She'll warm up to you sooner or later. Good luck...!
  11. This quote really made me sense that you're really conflicted right now. For one thing, you're trying to accept the fact that it's okay to see other girls right now since you guys are broken, and at the same time, you don't want to accept it b/c you're still in love with him. Even if something did happen, like him getting all physically intimate with her, I think that the person who told you would tell you about seeing her and him together anyway, but would leave it at that and nothing else. By the looks of it, it sounds all too convenient that he breaks up with you, and then immediately is all over someone else, and doing other habits like drinking when he usually doesn't. Has it occurred to you that he might have had the hots for this chick for a while? No, I really don't think that you're overanalyzing. You're just being wise about it. Plus, you're trying to trust him at the same time. Yet, his actions are causing you denial about the trust, but you don't want to doubt him. Not only that, but he mentioned about getting back with you in the future. I think that when he said this, it was truly unfair for you. He should've been upfront about it, and stop leading you on. I think that he said it to ease your pain. He probably did want to see you cry, cuz then he'll feel guilty. Sorry to hear about the breakup, but if he's telling you that he wants to play the field for a while, then you better get used to it, b/c he might just be continuing this, and if you still care, then you'll probably consistantly feel hurt (unless if you do the same). Don't be his rebound chick. I must warn you though, if he's always with this one girl, then chances are he lied, and basically left you for someone else. However, if he's seen with other girls, then he's not lying. Whatever the case is, I think that it's best to not remain in contact for him for a while. You are telling him that you're willing to make the relationship work, but is he willing to do the same? No, so it's not fair for you. You can do much better. Focus on getting yourself together, and mending your heart for now. Forget about him. You have enotalone for advice. There are some great articles on how to move on from breakups from here. So, best of luck on moving on...
  12. Possibly, it doesn't necessarily mean that it's the best option. Meeting guys at clubs will only often get a woman into more trouble, especially after a breakup. It's like digging a hole, and making everything worse. You don't necessarily meet 'the one' at a club. Most of the time, guys who meet girls at clubs only want to get laid. They're not really after a commitment. Unless if the girl just wants to get laid, then yes, she will meet a guy at a club. This I cannot understand, b/c you're only degrading yourself by doing this. It's a lack of respect for you own body. No, not really. Just b/c he's broken up and feels depressed, it does not mean that the lady will feel turned off. It's only human that you're not going to be happy for a while. She might feel a bit intimidated, b/c you haven't resolved your feelings, so she might think, 'why should I get to know this person if he's thinking about another girl'. Some girls don't care, and they'll still get to know you despite the fact that you're trying to get over the past relationship. I think that guys/girls find the same amount of dates. It doesn't mean that if you're a girl, then it's easier for you to find dates. In some ways, it's harder for girls to find dates, b/c they're somewhat picky. If you're having a hard time finding a date, then I suggest to hang out with a group of singles people more often. Go clubbing. Meet people who are into that kind of stuff. When you mingle with them, you're exposing yourself to wide variety of people, not just a limited amount.
  13. Hahah...that's funny, 'don't ram your tongue in her mouth', I agree with UKgirl. Some guys do that, and it just kills the whole mood. Just do it gently, but slowly, as passion build up, tongue her a little quicker, and then slower. You want a combo of both. And relax your tongue, when it's too tense, it feels weird for the other person kissing you.
  14. Cute things that my b/fs have done for me... The cutest, I thought was when my ex molded a heart pendent for me out of white gold. When he was in dental school, he used real gold for the gold/silver fillings, and actually molded it into one of those Tiffany's hearts, and turned it into a pendent. He also engraved the back of it. It was creative b/c the gold was meant to fill in patients' teeth, but he learned the craft of jewelerysmith while becoming a dentist. I though that was incredibly cute! On top of that, he made a picknick for us on Valentine's Day. He asked me what my favorite sandwhich was, and went to the health food store, Trader Joe's and bought all of these exotic vegetables, and made my sandwhich. He also planned it so that we had it right on the beach, next to the crashing waves. Also, another thing that he did was wrote down 10 daily cammandments of his own commandments of course, framed it, and gave it to me. I thought that it was also romantic when he let me drive his race-car. Oh, and love letters, he would write love letters to me. He'd buy these cute stationary supplies, and write me letters. Another thing that one of my ex's did for me was to make sure that my school registration was complete. He also checked in at the library and paid for my overdue books without telling me. I found out through the librarian. She told me. I thought that was sweet. I guess if you want ideas, here are few, but most of it should come from your personality, and shared moments (w/your g/f, like inside stuff the people won't understand).
  15. Herpes simplex is cauliflower-like in appearance. I took microbio, and we studied about all of these diseases. Often, people mistake focillytus (ingrown hair) for herpes. If you can imagine athlete's worts, or worts on your fingers (like the ones that you get from using gym equipments), but with pinkish/red cauliflower bumps in appearance, then the possibility of it being a wort is higher. Plus, it tends to grow at the tip of the penis and around the entire penis, rather than the base. Sometimes, it does get extreme and grows onto the shaft, especially if the skin is rubbing. Oh, and another thing, with focillytus, the pimples will spread especially if it's at the shaft, it will tend to spread between your legs, or anywhere the the pimples rub against your skin in general (b/c your pores are consistently irritated by the pimple's membrane). Sometimes, when you're skin is irritated, you will get pimples down there, and it has nothing to do with having herpes (or including ingrown hair), it's your diet. In other cases, if your partner has pimples down there, then your skin rubbing on hers, having contact, will cause you to contract pimples as well. If I were you, get a blood test just to know for sure. You also want a urine test, for even more accurate results on other things like chlymidia, syphlus, and gonerhea. There is also remedy for the pimples on your skin, specifically, a clear ointment. You doctor will (should) prescribe it when you see him/her for the exam.
  16. They probably are not ready for something so serious yet. Perhaps it's the age factor. If they don't want to be with you, then it could be that there's one thing that's missing out of all of the most significant thing. For instance, a guy may feel mentally and emotionally connected, (like tomboy/guy relationships), but may not feel physically attracted to you. Or may feel physically/mentally attracted, but not emotional. Whatever it is, you can't force the relationship to happen. It will happen if it's meant to be. Forcing it will be odd, and in the long run, you could be selling youself off too short. Just let it flow....
  17. 1. Exchange baby pictures! Make a baby photo album of the two of you. 2. Sew him an identical pillow case one for you, and one for him. 3. Bake him cookies!: For instance, if he's in school, bake him some 'jumbo cookies' as a snack so that he can stuff it in his backpack! 4. Bake his Birthday Cake it doesn't have to be the best, but bake it from scratch, it's more special that way, even if it's tastes nasty, at least it's the thought that counts. *Oh, and also make the icing from scratch...you'll get your own color results, it's so much more original when you bake everything from scratch! 5. Draw silly cartoon pictures of the two of you Specifically, draw cartoon pictures of the 2 of you as old people sitting in front of a porch. *Sounds corny, but it's just a harmless way of telling him that he's the type that you wanna be with for life. 6. Bake him a special dish, and bring it to his work Try something like a quishe, or lasagne, prepare it with a little salad, and a small drink (lemonade). Make this all from scratch! I don't know guys, what do you think? I've tried this all in the past, but am not sure if it's a turnoff, or too smothering, or too accomdating, but it it's fun doing these things.
  18. I completely agree with Avman, 100%! I've known this couple who married when they were 22, dated for about 2 years, got married, and are still married after 65 years! It's so cute b/c they are examples of when you find that soulmate in life. I guess to answer your question, it's like meeting someone who you've known all of your life. That person just somehow fits like a puzzle. You just connect like that. Whatever you say, they finish. Whatever your imaginations carry, they invision. It's like you're the same person. I've had a similar experience, all except, my ex went to becoming vegetarian, and I didn't dig that! We were together for 4 years! We completely bonded. But, as I approached college, I kind of grew out of love for him (mainly b/c he was not mentally stimulating enough, and did stuff like narcotics in the past, which was a turnoff for me.) But, to answer your question, I felt that way before, and the feelings are either there or they just aren't. Marriage is not just an investment, but more like a recognition that this person will always be there to back you up through thick and thin, your other half, the person that you've journeyed with in several past lives. Looking back, I think that my ex was 'potential' in terms of soulmate material, but our mentalities were not at the same level. What I mean by 'soulmate material' is someone who brings you to a higher level in life. Someone who lifts up your spirit, they give you the fuel to keep your life full of passion and conviction. Someone who brings out that youth inside of you. Someone who supports you emotionally. It's like a bond that you can't describe. The chemistry is either there or isn't. Like Avman said, you guys are both 25, been together for 1.5 yrs., it doesn't sound like lust. In fact, it's really romantic how you guys still desire each other after being together for that long. I think that you are ready for marriage. It's tough to keep that romance alive, (for some people, after being together that long, your partner starts to feel like a sibling. you lose that spark)... The answer is inside of you. It's that feeling that you get. It's in your conversation, and the time spent together. It's invisible. But, the feeling is powerful. Listen to your gut, and truly ask yourself if you are ready. Good Luck!
  19. OMG! Don't get pregnant. Just b/c you're in love with someone, it does not mean that you should immediately have their child! I wouldn't even go to the point of marriage either. Sounds like the two of you are equally in love with each other, so what's the rush right? Don't rush into things. Don't rush into something that you might regret later. One of my g/f's rushed into getting engaged. She wanted to have this guy's baby, and decided to get pregnant, and now she's a momma...her life is not picture perfect. In other words, getting married, and then having a baby will not make anything better. It won't be a picture perfect romance. In fact, it might even make it worst, and might dwindle your romance! Statistics show that couples tend to divorce after their first child is born. I don't know for what reasons, but that's just statistics. I'm not saying that it's the essential reason why couples divorce, but it's a possibility, especially b/c it does not sound like the 2 of you are financially stable yet. Also, it also appears like the two of you are infactuated. There are levels of romance and true love. Infactuation does tend to grow into true love, but love takes time...3 monthes doesn't really sound like it's reached the level of true love. That kind of love takes time to develop, a lot of maturity, and adult decision making. I'm not trying to say that you're not adult enough to make your own wise decisions, but you guys are two young lovebirds! Two young people could make the biggest mistakes. They don't notice it as they're young, but when they get older, then they realize, 'Oh, I shouldn't have done this or that...' I've met a lot of girls whose parents got pregnant at a young age, got married, were lovers from high school, you know, all the little fairytale romance, and their parents did not excel in their careers or in their education. Instead, they either started working for retail, or low-position jobs in the corporate world. In the end, due to the fact that they rushed and weren't married, most of their parents separated, and the cycle continues even among their children. There are highschool lovers who remain married all throughout their lives, but it's kind of rare in today's society! Lifesytles changed now. Income has changed compared to way back then. It takes a 2 parent income in order to bring stability to a family, compared to back then, when the father was the breadwinner, and the mother was the homemaker/housewife. Okay, I'm sorry, but I don't want to see people make the same mistakes that my friend did, b/c her life's not pretty right now. Beyond the glitz and glamour of the whole romance, you'll find that when things settle, it will be different. Rushing into things does not answer anything. So for now, just be patient. Do what you need to do like finish school, and then decide! Best of luck on your relationship! Don't worry! Just have faith, and things will fall into its place.
  20. maybe staying on the computer for such a long time will make you overanalyze things. i feel really bad, b/c once, my ex was talking to me online the whole time, he was on the camera (we did a long dist. thing for a while b/c he had externship somewhere), and then he started posting stuff on IM, and I was talking to my cuz and completely forgot about him. he got mad at me, and then fell asleep on camera. it was so cute, b/c i woke him up by talking on the camera, and then he freeked out, woke up, and kind of got mad at me. he thought that i was ignoring him, i apologized, and then he was kinda okay afterwards. so, yeah, don't overanalyze it too much. I mean that girl that you're trying to talk to was probably busy. It's the day after Thanksgiving you know. People have things to do. So don't sweat it, and it has nothing to do with your self-esteem, it's more like it's b/c you really like this girl a lot.
  21. I completely agree with The Morrigan & Gilgamesh! I don't mean to bash you but... The Morrigan made some good points here 1. There's not reason to include the fact that he's from Britain and he's this and that b/c you're culturally different. (In which what Morrigan says is right! You're not!) 2. Really, he never told his friends/framily about your marriage? Ouch! Gilagamesh's comment (I thought this quote was really funny by the way )...He's completely right! You can't change someone, even after marriage, so why bother marrying them in the first place? I feel like Judge Judy here, but seriously, how long did you guys date before you actually tied the knott? Wouldn't you examine issues like this before you get married? I mean, marriage is a contract, once you sign it, you better know what you're getting yourself into. I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I'm not sure if marriage counseling would help at this point, but you could try. Your values are completely different though. Plus, I just don't get it, why wouldn't he share the good news to his friends/family about your marriage??? Maybe he just wanted a greencard or to be a permanent U.S. citizen. Who knows... Truly, I hope that you will find someway to resolve your problem!
  22. Sorry to break it to you, but I've been in a similar situation like that. Well, it was between my ex (a Latin Hottie ), me, and another girl. I was in a short-term relationship with him. When we broke up, he started seeing this girl immediately, I on the otherhand, didn't know about this. So, as he was supposedly, 'with her' while he was still calling me and still hanging out with me. Well, one thing led to another, we bonded like usual, and he told me he wanted me back, he still cared for me. Well you know...(okay, I'll just let you figure that part out)... We went back to being B/F & G/F for a week, then I had the hunch that he was trying to get with someone else. I broke it off. Finally, his new G/F calls me, I guess she got it from his cellphone (since he was still calling me on numerous occasions) to confront me, to see if I knew anything about it. I was surprised, so I said yes, we were together. Then he denied it to her, and said that we weren't. Basically, he told her what your ex B/F told you. Then, she called and asked me again, and then I got annoyed and told her, yeah we only hung out, and left it at that. Actually, more things happened than that. Well, I got fed up at that point. I figured, 'this is starting to sound a bit too soap oprayish to me! I hate soaps! I dont' watch it, and I certainly do not want to be caught up in this mess!!!' So, I told her what she wanted to hear, and didn't feel like repeating myself again. I wanted her off my back. I figured, I'll just stop being the nice guy, and let her learn. I'm not her mother, and I'm not her friend. She was buggin me. I don't want to be involved! Plus, that girl's voice annoyed me! She had that Valley girl accent, ay yay yay! ](*,) Anyway, my point is, perhaps that girl just doesn't want to be caught up in that whole mess, so, she told you what you wanted to hear. You should listen to what your gut is telling you. It's definetely telling you that something's not right. Don't make the mistake my ex's G/F did. Oh, and by the way, he still calls me. (I've blocked his cell/hm/bestfriend's cell/hm/his work number, and he's found other alternatives like calling me at work, in which I never gave him my number at work). By the looks of it, I suspect that your ex is doing the same. He still could be keeping in touch with her, or at least trying to, but you don't know. You know that old saying, "Actions speak louder than words..."??? Well, think about it, he's telling you that he loves you, but his actions did the wrong thing by cheating on you... I definitely have to agree with Avman says, short and simple, "be glad that you broke it off with him." I just want to share my story w/you, b/c in the end, I felt sorry for my ex's G/F, because she's stuck with a 'Player'! This guy sounds like a Rico Suave, and you certainly don't need that right now. You are 16, you are still young and beautiful, and don't need that in your life right now! Save it for someone special who deserves you. Besides, you have special occasions like prom and winter formal coming up. With this guy around, you could lose a lot of potentials who would make far better dates than him. Get that diva attitude on honey, and cheer up! . He's not worth your time!
  23. Some guys just really suck at doing it with their tongue. But, some guys are really good at it. I think that guys with a longer tongue are better at french kissing than guys with shorter tongues. Try to get him to get used to it. It might feel retarded if you try to teach him yourself, but do it. It's actually funny when you try to teach him. What's most important is to get his tongue to relax. Sometimes, when people think about tongueing too much, they get tense, and then it doesn't feel natural. You can try using strawberries. Put a strawberry between the both of your lips and bite into it at the same time, and then somehow tutor him how to use his tongue. Be creative!
  24. Hahaha! That's funny, don't blow up her nose! You know what? Actually, I really don't like my partner tongues the roof of my mouth or my gums, it's just nasty! One of the best things that I like when my b/fs kiss me is when he nibbles on my ears, and then blows on it. Wooweeh...it just tickles...i love it! Oh, and kiss her back. I guess anywhere that tickles is a good spot to kiss. Depends on where she's ticklish!
  25. mahlina


    She sounds like a HORNY lady! Of course she digs you! She's really coming onto to you. Not only is she getting all touchy with you, but she's complimenting you, and she's touching your pects! If you like her, then go for it. I think that she wants some action!
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