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Everything posted by EmptySoul

  1. hey. i'm 14 and i went out with a 17 year old guy before. he liked me for the same reason. it was fun, but he was more experienced than me... as far as i know, girls like being able to snag an older guy the others are right though, if you have sex once ur 18 there could be trouble... ºEmptySoulº
  2. hey. as a girl myself, i think it is wise that you are wondering about this and not trusting him 100% (yet) i've had many boyfriends that seemed to have good intentions, but i later found out they just wanted sex. now, guys have to earn my trust, and if they stick around for a while without getting sex, then thats a good sign that that's not all they're after. all i can really say is that my guy knows i want to have sex, but that i want to wait. i know he wants to have sex (he IS a guy) ASAP, but he's accepting the fact of my choice, because he cares about me. the best way to figure out if hes after sex and only sex is to tell him hes not getting any and see what he does ºEmptySoulº
  3. hello. if you want to kill yourself, that's your choice, but do you ever think about anything you'd miss?¿ no matter who you are, i'm 100% sure that there is someone you'd be causing pain to by taking your own life. do you really want to do that? i've never attempted suicide, but i've sure as hell thought about it. every time though i got tired of putting up with all the $h!t i layed down, listened to music, then just ran. i let the anger drain out of me before i do anything, because your choices when you're angry are a lot different than what you'd normally do. if there are certain people that you feel like are pushing you over the edge (i know how this feels), or if you just feel like everything is just closing in on you, or whatever it is, wouldn't you want to be strong and hold your head high, and show them that you can do it? rather than giving up and ending it all? private message me if you want... ºEmptySoulº
  4. wow, what you did was really strong! you should be proud of yourself. i don't know if you still like this girl or not, but if you might ever consider getting together with her again, it sure sounds like you're strong enough to make her work for it. (making someone work to get you is a great way to make sure they're serious!) ºEmptySoulº
  5. IMO it seems like she still likes you, or at least misses you. you said you didn't do everything you could to keep things togther. you have to remember though, it takes two people to keep things going smoothly. it's your call about what to do: lay back and see what happens, try to get her back, tell her it's too hard to be friends right now but you want to be eventually, break things off alltogether. its your choice..do what you feel is right. *¿ºEmptySoulº¿*
  6. it really depends on how much you care about this guy... after certain things happen, people can change. i'd make him earn your trust though, just in case...
  7. hey. if you trust this guys bro, i would call him to find out or whatever. or, if you're feeling brave, ask the guy yourself!
  8. as a girl, confidence means a lot 8) . be sure of yourself. you've known this girl, so just talk about things you usually talk about. relax. enjoy yourself. dont pretend to be someone you're not though. (girls HATE that) confidence, confidence, confidence....
  9. hello. im 14 too! lol going into jr. high last year i started dressing more like a girl and less like a tom boy. like you said, if this guy really loves you, he wont want you to change (which it doesnt seem that he does) if you change, you should make sure ur doing it for YOUSELF or you wont be happy. mainly, you could change your clothes. dont lose being outgoing tho, guys like that, as long as you dont intemidate them
  10. hey everyone. i know i love being kissed on the neck. how about guys? do they? also, girls, do you ever kiss your guy on the neck, or, guys, would you think it was a little weird if your girl kissed you on the neck? just wondering
  11. wow. ive been in a situation a lot like yours. i broke up with my boyfriend to go out with someone else. i went out with his friends. he cheated on me. a whole lot of $hit happened. but whenever we were broke up, we acted a lot like what it sounds like you and this girl act like. i tried moving on repeated times and it didnt work. now...me and this guy are together again. we earned each others trust back, which took a while, but our relationship now is better than it ever was before. we both love each other a lot. just from experience, trying to move on didnt work, but if you want to try it, go ahead.just go with what you feel about this girl. and how u feel about each other.
  12. hey people. i was just wondering how many people on this site have had sex. could you please list your age, sex, and whether or not you are a virgin. thanks
  13. hey- i really like your words. i like music like this 8) (ok, love anyway, there was a song by linkin park where one of them started screaming/yelling the words instead of singing. i think music like this sounds awesome...i'll look forward to more of ur lyrics..
  14. about the love thing, it doesnt sound like you would but NEVER say u love her if ur not sure u do or it ur sure u dont. the next time she says she loves you, id take your pick between 1)i love spending time with you 2) i really like you, but i dont love you (yet)...
  15. hey! i just made out for the first time this summer, so i know how you feel, but i got my braces off last year... anyways... my first real kiss wasnt the most tidy thing ever, but i wouldnt call it bad... haha. just dont worry about it, let it flow...
  16. guys, is it less enjoyable to have sex with a condom on, or does it not bother you? girls, does it affect your pleasure any if your guy wears a condom? i've heard that to some guys, it feels like they are wearing a raincoat lol...
  17. i dont know how this girl's relationship is with her bf but ive made the mistake of dumping my guy for someone i just met. the new guy nvr ended up being who i thought they were and i always realized how much i loved my guy in the end. it was just a waste of time with the new guy. thats how it goes for me, but it really depends on the girl and her guy. if she really loves him though, then why would she be looking at someone new?...
  18. you just need to tell your friend how you feel. decide whether you want to have a bf and keep fooling around with this guy, or if you just want him and only him. its up to you. whatever you do, have fun!
  19. i just wanted to tell everyone thanks so much for answering my post. they really helped me. as some of you noticed, i did not include my age in my post, because i hate to be judged by it and also, i feel that i am ready for things others my age may not be... now that you have read it though, i am 14 and my guy is 16. we've been together off and on for about a year and we never doubted loving each other and time we were "off" and even when we were apart we still seemed to belong to each other. i know in a situation like this maybe you have to judge the age a little bit, but i dont nessicarily like it. yes, you all are right. something i do now might seem wrong in a month, BUT me and this guy have loved each other for a year, so... i dont want anyone to think this guy is pushing himself on me- if i told him to stop something, he would. he has respect for me. (which i am so thankful for)i didnt mean that when i said i was shy about my body that i was wishing he hadnt taken off my top. i have disliked my uncomfortableness. haha. also, someone asked how close i am to my parents. not very. i tell them some things, but they dont know that i've been thinking about having sex or even that ive made out for that matter, so talking to them about this is out of the question. (why do you think im on this site!! lol for now, i am decided to control myself and not have sex because when i do, i dont want it to be ruined by a ton of worries. plus, a guy has to have something to look forward to, right? thanks!!
  20. i love to be able to figure out everything in my life all by myself without any help from anyone, but i cant seem to on this so... ive been with the same guy off and on since last summer (all on this summer) and things just seem to be getting better every day. i love him and i know he loves me. he came over the other day and we hung out. he ended up laying on me, just playing around. we kissed some and at one point, cuz he knows im shy about my body , he took off my bikini top. he's 2 years older than me and wants to have sex. (its NOT a problem of him trying to get me to something i dont want to do) the problem is, being with him like that really makes me want to have sex with him. the thing is, pretty much all thats keeping me from doing this is fear of pregnancy, STDs, my parents finding out, and the fact that i'll lose respect from my friends. i've been VERY educated about sex stuff. i KNOW that condoms are not 100% effective, that they do not protect against STD's, that a relationship does not need to have sex in it in order to stay good, that just cuz he wants sex it doesnt mean he loves you...i know all of that. what i want to know are your opinions and comments and the statistics... i guess what i'm wondering, is: what are your chances of getting pregnant/ getting a STD if your guy uses a condom? how old do you think a girl should be before she has sex? (cuz of course no one makes a big deal when GUYS have sex. hell, they get congratulated! also, non-virgins, is the fun of having sex worth the worry of parents finding out, the risk of losing friends, etc.? any other comments etc. will be happily accepted... 8)
  21. i dont get jealous easy, because im pretty confidant, but recently my guy admitted that he thinks my best friend looks good but he doesnt like her. instead of getting jealous about these things, i get competitive. now i feel like every time i look at her, in my head, i compare myself to her and bring myself up. i think she is really pretty even though shes not stick skinny. the problem is, even though we weigh close to the same, i wear like 2 pant sizes smaller than her and my thighs & butt are smaller. so now every time i look at her my head goes "you're smaller than that, you look better in a bikini" i love my best friend to death and i know that my guy doesnt like her he just likes her appearance. i would never say my thoughts out loud when i think that stuff, but i'm afraid eventually it's going to make me hate her no matter how hard i try not to get competitive. help!
  22. i think the best thing to do right now would be to be a FRIEND for this guy. it sounds like he really needs a good one right now, one that will have a good influence on him. telling him how you feel RIGHT NOW would prolly complicate things. (but you SHOULD tell him ) also, since you are worried about why you like him, make a list in your head: why do you like him. when you think about those reasons, do they sound like good reasons, or more like you just want someone to fix? you should be able to go from there....
  23. my guy is more experienced than me and because recently we talked on the phone, he knows now that i have nvr gotten fingered and he can prolly tell ive nvr given a bj or anything besides makeout. he's come closer to fingering me every time we get together, but hasnt actually. is he just teasing me to see how i will react? or his he trying to go slow cuz he knows its something i havent done before? guys, what way do you like best for a girl to encourage you to go further? or, girls, what do you think would be the best way to encourage him?
  24. i dont view girls masturbating as gross or anything, its just something im not interested in. i would much rather have a guy touch me. that's just how i am...
  25. hey. i hope im not too late posting this reply. ok...please listen to me: just because your fiance may be afraid to get married, that doesn't mean he doesn't love you! there are many people that love each other but still get afraid of a certain level of commitment. maybe tell your fiance that you would be ok not being engaged and just being together or even giving him some time to figure out what he's feeling and where he stands with you. if he won't open up to you if you try to tell him this, i would advise having his brother tell him. i know this has to be hard for you, but no matter what happens, if you end your life, i know it would hurt him. is that what you want to do? private message me if you want someone to talk to.
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