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Everything posted by EmptySoul

  1. haha, White[icE] " the beastly crotch" EmptySoul *lmao*
  2. my bro and sis were in the next room, able to come in at any time lol
  3. hey thanks everyone... hero, the x i was talking about liking again is the one who i posted earlier about. (smoking weed) as long as a guy who does it doesnt talk about 24/7 im okay with it, and he hardly ever mentions drinking or smoking so...
  4. sure, it's possible. like me, for example: i swear, but not really that much. if i'm around a guy i like or somethin, but i'm not totally comfortable or i'm nervous, i'll swear like 2x's as much. EmptySoul
  5. hey everyone... this is becoming quite a problem with me. for example, my current boyfriend...the whole time i wasn't going out with him, and was with someone else i wanted him more than anything. now, i'm with him, and i feel like he comes over too much, i'm bored, and i'm really starting to like and want one of my ex's. this isn't the first time this has happened with me and a guy, or me and this guy. help please. EmptySoul
  6. sometimes the emotions you have for someone just fade after being together for a while... EmptySoul
  7. hopefully this will help: when me and my boyfriend kiss, we first just kiss real slow, no tongue, then he'll start using his tongue a lil bit then i do too, slower until we both get into it. each person probably does things a little bit different, so just go with it. EmptySoul
  8. personally, i don't like a guy to ask for a kiss, i just like him to go for it. but that might be just me. EmptySoul
  9. that is truly sad that you lost someone. your writing is very good. EmptySoul
  10. hahah that was funny, thanks for the laugh. EmptySoul
  11. that's really good! your girls lucky, and i think it's awesome that you write. EmptySoul
  12. the friends thing..yeah, i have 3 that i actually would count as friends, but still...i don't really feel close to them. i think if you examine life to much it starts to seem really pointless, so i try not to think about it too much and just enjoy things. EmptySoul
  13. About telling- I think that is something the two of you need to decide together. NO you should not feel bad about being together- if you love/ really care about each other, what other people say, think etc. should not matter. as long as you are happy. Good luck. *Never give up on something wonderful because of what others think* EmptySoul
  14. hey. i'm 14 too 8) i'm a girl tho.. my parents are together, but they have been divorced once, and have planned on seperating many times. (i wish they would) i know how you feel about the world and everything, but there are people and things that make me want to stay around. (like pizza and the internet lol) EmptySoul
  15. hey everyone. i wrote this sometime last year, when i was really depressed. i still get depressed, but never this bad anymore. the point of me posting this is that hopefully, this will help anyone else who feels like this know that they are not the only one. thanks in advance. I feel like my life has been going on forever, when everyone elses is just beginning. My world and everything in it seem more suffocating every day. Sometimes I just want someone to be there for me and make me feel okay, but the person in view is constantly changing and they never stay. I'm tired of this life, but there's too many things I love in it that I can't seem to make myself leave. I seem to live on others' love for me and when it doesn't come I feel myself slowly sinking into a place that is becoming more and more familiar. I no longer know what I want or need, so I just blindly sit and wait for someone to notice that I'm dying without whatever it is that I'm looking for. I look at everything I've ever done and I see no future. Some part of me refuses to change, no matter what I try to do. I seem to be destined to make the same mistakes over and over, as something in me suffocates the slightest breath of hope. I look in the mirror every day and wonder what it is that makes people love me. Nobody knows me. Who is it they love? I see the true me, and then I'm afraid because I wonder if everyone can see right through my false confidence and compassion. I don't know who I am and I hate who I'm pretending to be. The world just keeps spinning while I sit here all alone. I just wish I had the nerve to leave all that I love behind and go to sleep. Or at least do something to change it all. I wish I could just sleep for a while...... I hope my dreams are good. *I don't like to dream...it hurts too bad when I wake up and have to compare reality to what I thought was real*
  16. man i know some chicks do that, but i really wouldnt appreciate it if someone said that to me. i know it wouldnt make me like them any better. EmptySoul
  17. i know from experience that even if you really love someone, sometimes you just need something else, or want something else, or need a break. also, sometimes when it seems like you were easily cast aside, you really weren't. you do deserve some answers though, but after that i wouldn't pursue it any further. throwing yourself at him probably would not be considered appealing and won't help you any. EmptySoul
  18. i guess if you had met these people on your own it would be different, but because you met them through your bf, he feels threatened or something, like you're moving in and hogging his friends. it all sounds really immature and insecure on his part. EmptySoul
  19. hey! listen: over the summer i started liking this guy who just happened to be good friends with my x, who still liked me. i sat with the guy at a campfire and shared a blanket and hung out with him. my x was mad at the situation but he barely stayed pissed at his friend for a day. go for the guy you like. guys don't remember mistakes and screw ups like us girls do. EmptySoul
  20. hey. here's the thing: confidence helps so much, no matter what you look like! if you can pull of being confident without being a jerk, you'll do great. i go to school with a guy who has really bad acne and isnt amazing looking or anything, but hes always smiling and has plenty of confidence, and is always telling jokes...so many girls fall for him. almost every girl i know has liked him at one time or another. have fun, be confident, and dont be nervous. merry christmas! EmptySoul
  21. i wasn't really think about him driving off deliberatly, but that's good too. it just depends on how the reader looks at it. i don't really think about similar things, just a music video and a tv show really got to me and made me think about what it would be like to lose someone. EmptySoul
  22. when me and my ex broke up and were "just friends" this kinda stuff happened a lot. well guess what....then it went to holding hands. then we kissed. and now we're back together. it sounds like you both need to draw some lines and find out what you both want. EmptySoul
  23. hey. it really just sounds like she needs some time alone. give her some time and space. then try to find out what she wants. EmptySoul
  24. wow that was low of him! but if you really love him and felt like you trusted him before, then keep trusting him now. EmptySoul
  25. Anger's running through his veins as he walks out the door. Her words still make him want to die: "There's nothing left worth fighting for." And yet she's still standing there, shivering in the snow. He just wants to hold her now, but he has to let her go. A tear slides down his face for her as he speeds through the dark. Once again it all ends with his broken heart. He's racing against their memories when his truck slides off the road. She's always going to love him, but now he'll never know. *cherish those you love* EmptySoul
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