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Everything posted by EmptySoul

  1. hello everyone. my friend and i were talking about how open we each are to fooling around with someone of the same sex. both of us think that it is not that big of a deal and are totally open to it, but are positive we will never become lesbians, and will always lean a little more towards guys. neither of us have yet experimented with this, and are wondering if we do, will we like it? anyone who's felt like this, when you started experimenting with this, did you like it/continue to do those things? also, we wonder what the guys we're around/with will think? a lot of guys like lesbians, etc. so they say... so girls who have felt like this respond plz, as well as guys with your opinions on this. EmptySoul
  2. hello everyone. "jane" and i became friends this year, and since then, every guy i've liked, screwed around with, or been with sexually, she has done one of the 3 with. with a couple of them that was just how it went, but then it kept happening. most recently, an old of ex of mine, we still love each other, well we finally had sex for the first time. then, a few weeks later, jane and this guy have sex too. that was the last straw. i kept my anger in check, because jane kept telling me nothing happened but i had a strong feeling she was lying... (sadly, my gut feelings are usually right) a few days later she finally admits they had sex and adds "you're right, _____ does have a big ****" and starts talking about them having sex. i was mad and just confused about how i felt, because it seems every guy i like ends up having sex with her, i felt like crying but i didn't. i haven't talked to her since, because i don't like the situation anymore and it seems when we're friends all guys see us a two-fer. Do you think this was wrong of me? EmptySoul
  3. michaeltinker, thank you so much. your words have greatly encouraged me. EmptySoul
  4. wow. as someone who writes poetry, i love to see something different, and that definitly was. just great. EmptySoul
  5. thank you for reading. EmptySoul
  6. my friend thinks it is gross if a guy isn't circumsized... EmptySoul
  7. hello. maybe this would be better as lyrics or maybe it just sucks, but i really don't care, i just need to relieve some stress... love mixed with hate god, it's making me sick so many lies in those eyes of yours you think i don't hear the words that they say? and you're just as guilty as them LOVING YOU SHOULD BE A SIN i feel like my heart is in your hands and you're squeezing it until blood falls to the ground i'm a walking corpse empty of everything except a hate directed everywhere don't you see what you've done?? i will forget you forget that i loved you i will crawl into the darkness and slowly die burning from the inside from this fire that is my raging sadness, anger, and disappointment. thank you. EmptySoul
  8. thanks bubbles, i relate to your poem and i liked it. EmptySoul
  9. neva, thank you. more things have been going on (that i might post about later) and i have been so stressed. reading your post about this little light of mine made me smile and laugh. thank you. EmptySoul
  10. just a lil tip; i like it when a guy starts out kinda slow, and then goes faster and faster. try it, and just see what reaction you get... EmptySoul
  11. If you want girls at parties to screw around with you, without being in a relationship or expecting anything from you, you just need to look for someone who's laid-back and has a lot of fun and is open to things like that. just talk to her, kinda give her a hint about how u feel and see how it goes... EmptySoul
  12. hello everyone. really, i don't know where to start. umm... after countless times of being let down, confused, and hurt by guys i finally have got to the point of not voicing my feelings, staying single, and trying my best not to feel anything at all. i make a guy come after me, i won't go out of my way for him, i won't call unless they ask, won't talk about how i feel about them unless they express how they feel first, and even then i might not. sometimes i'm fine with the whole live-by-the-moment, the single sex without any expectations, the not letting myself like anyone, but sometimes it all seems really screwed up. i get tired of never even thinking of caring about someone, even someone im having sex with, but i dont think about it, it just means i'll get hurt if i acknoledge it. i haven't had a boyfriend for a long time... i feel like i'm trying to fit into a life that isn't really me, but i go for it because well, you get to feel "loved" sometimes without getting your heart broke, it's wild and fun. it seems crazy to have so many rules for myself and to be so protective of myself, but now i don't know how to be any different, and i don't know what i want anymore. ~depression hides my lonliness with it's presense~ thank you all, EmptySoul
  13. hi everyone, thanks for the replies. neva, you didnt read too much into it, really that was the only reason i posted it was to get out the feelings. i knew it wasn't a good one (none of my good ones ever rhyme) but sometimes even when i have so many feelings built up i cant find the right words... EmptySoul
  14. Butterfly trapped in a jar, can't unfold my wings Suffocating slowly, one of so many things Wondering what happened to that life I had before I close my eyes and darkness comes, pain I feel no more.... i dont think this is one of my better poems, but oh well... EmptySoul
  15. hey, i wouldnt worry about your size. there's a really hot guy i know, and even though he's not exactly the biggest, i had more fun with him than anyone, so.... just be confident, get talented. EmptySoul
  16. hi everyone. all the way through 2 summers i was with a guy off and on, and even when we weren't "together" we still wouldn't do certain things because of our feelings for each other. he was the 1st guy i really cared about, and i havent let myself fall for someone like that since. this school year all these things were going on still, but a few weeks after getting back from christmas break, i was sure we were finally going to stop liking each other, going out of our ways for each other, etc. but recently, we've started talking again, and all the old attraction i thought i had finally turned myself off to is still there, and i know i still love him. we've been talking about doing something some night... as long as we don't try to be together, i know it will all be okay, and as long as we make sure we both don't expect more than we're going to get, but i'm turning 15 in august and him 17 in september, it just seems so strange to care about/be involved with someone for such a long period of time at this age. everyone always jokes about us getting married when we're older because we can never get over each other, even though both of us have tried many times... (don't worry- im not imagining that, marriage is not very appealing to me at this moment.) EmptySoul
  17. hi. maybe she wants more, maybe it was just a spur of the moment thing. usually it's best not to assume anything, unless you're sure. i would just talk to her and ask her what she wants, friends? friends with benefits? to be together? just make sure both of you know what's going on so no one gets hurt. EmptySoul
  18. Um..posting on here, talking to someone about stuff, writing, wrestling with Casey EmptySoul
  19. (all of my freestyles are just me relieving stress by writing down the first things that come into my head, instead of slowly and carefully working out a poem ) It's night every time And I'm losing my mind And letting it all go But baby it won't show I'll give you what you want My life, body, words and soul Wait, that last, it's gone All's left is a GAPING HOLE You won't see, but it's not your fault I hide it all All behind the sex and lies The numbness and pain Here we go again, it's night again Whisper, whisper in the dark Skin to skin, heart to heart Losing my mind, letting it all go All's left now is a DIRTY H__ I see who I am Spit in the mirror The life I choose My hell. My fault It's okay. Maybe I'll love you Redeem Me...
  20. Thanks Official Notice. Man, i am so tired of getting griped at on this site for bad language, but there are young people on here so i guess i have to try to be better about it, and i dont want to get my account suspended... EmptySoul
  21. wow, i know it's painful but your writing was really good because you put a lot of emotion into it. EmptySoul
  22. I guess i'm just venting and don't particularly expect anyone to reply to this post about my screwed up life... my boyfriend and i broke up because we never saw much of each other and he wanted to be single, i was fine with that. i get stir crazy (haha dont i sound old) being with one guy for a long time, anyway, but then i hear about him comparing me sexually to my closest friend, making me sound really bad, like she was so much better than me. i though maybe it was true. so my friend asked him about it on the phone and he lied. she asked him about it repeatedly and he still said "no! i didnt say that" but i figured out recently that he did. ugh, now i feel so much less confident about myself sexually...i also now know that he likes/wants to have sex with this friend of mine, and did while we were going out. to top it off, my friend's now ex (my ex's friend) liked ME while he was going out with HER! so me and my friend both had boyfriends that we really cared about and liked, and they both liked their gf's friend. ahh! i almost regret doing anything with my ex, because even though he's really hot, it would've been so much easier if they'd came out and told us these things...i guess i dont have anything else to say. if anyone replies, thanks. EmptySoul
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